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Revenge of the extra "G"?

red dot in a sea of blue

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Just had a thought that at this point is only mildly concerning considering how much is unknown right now, but I've been reading the posts about us possibly trading down to the #2 pick to pick up RGIII (or less likely Luck) when it occurred to me that our good friend Gregg "extra g" Williams is the new DC for the rams.

Now I know in business cooler heads will often prevail, but what happens if we package together a boat load of picks and/or players that is similar enough to what another team is offering that Greggie can finally get his revenge on Danny Boy by convincing Fisher to go with the other team?

I'm not saying that GW has been grinding a stone all these years as he seems to have gotten the better end of the deal by not getting the HC job (Multiple Playoffs, SB win etc.) but we all know there has to be some bad blood between him had Snyder for the way he was treated and ultimately discarded for what turned out to be another one of our bright shiny "great idea, Danny" stars in Jim Zorn.

What better way for him to say "FU" to the man that treated him like garbage than to give the franchise QB the redskins so desperately need to another team?

Obviously I hope I'm wrong and it never comes to this, but I can't honestly say I'd blame him if he tried (again, under the highly unlikely scenario that we were offering a similar enough packages as someone else and it just came down to which team you feel like doing business with similar to the cutler trade a couple of years ago...)

Food for "offseason insanity" thought, can't wait till this is all over and the madness can end!


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If I'm a Head Coach, the only reason I'm consulting my Defensive Coordinator on the draft is to say "hey, I'm going defense with the next pick, who do you want?"

I'm not talking to him about trading picks or offensive strategy.

This however, might lend itself to us packaging Landry in a deal (I sure hope not, but we drafted Landry in Double G's last year).

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Hey! Thanks for the constructive participation in this thread! Did you get the idea to say something dismissive and clog up the forum form every single other thread ever? No one else really does that, so it's good to see such a fresh perspective!

We have a saying on this board that not all thoughts should be threads IMHO yours is one of them. Feel free to block me so you don't have to read my posts. My response was as constructive as your op.

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We have a saying on this board that not all thoughts should be threads IMHO yours is one of them. Feel free to block me so you don't have to read my posts. My response was as constructive as your op.

I forgot you're one of those "mini-mods" that thinks because you spend every waking second on here that you feel you have ownership of every thread that starts. I'm sure it's only a matter of time until you tell on me to the mods or start eluding to my impending "NNT" status... As to my post it's a stretch, and probably would never come into play, but at least it's an original thought, dismissing every thread not started by LL or TK is part of the herd mentality that drives people crazy on this site...

---------- Post added February-14th-2012 at 09:51 AM ----------

I can't see Fisher allowing his first huge decision for the Rams be dictated by some supposed old grudge held by Gregggg, that's really reaching.

I agree fully... But what if it was similar enough in value with what another team was offering that it was really just a gut call? I seriously doubt it would ever come to it, but I remember a lot of speculation on this board that Fisher would never coach here because of how Danny treated GW, I couldn't dismiss the fact that if it were an even offer from another team or us that that wouldn't play in the back of their minds...

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Fisher is making whatever deal is in the best interested of his franchise, not some personal vendetta of his defensive coordinator's. In addition to that, as has been stated, Fisher and Shanahan are good friends. In addition to that Gregg has said multiple times that there are no hard feelings between him and the Redskins. He's had very high things to say about Snyder.

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Jeff Fisher will do what is best for his football team period. If he believes that trading with Cleveland will net him a better result than trading with us ( speculatively speaking) then he will make that trade. The firing of GW will have absolutely no impact on this trade.

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My question is this......with all the talk of trading up to #2 for RG3, why not make that trade now, before Free Agency? Is there a certain date we have to wait for before we can trade up?

1. League year hasn't started yet, can't make trades

2. Rams would be foolish to do that. The closer it gets to the draft, the more the price goes up.

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Now I know in business cooler heads will often prevail, but what happens if we package together a boat load of picks and/or players that is similar enough to what another team is offering that Greggie can finally get his revenge on Danny Boy by convincing Fisher to go with the other team?

"Greggie"? lol :doh:...

Anyway, it would be absolutely asinine for anyone to place some misplaced "revenge" against Snyder over their own careers and the well-being of the franchise.

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If two teams (the most likely other team being CLE) offered similar packages I'd think it would go to the team the Lambs don't play often, so they'd deal with the Breveland Clowns.

Except that those probably wouldn't be "similar packages". The Browns can trump anyone in the draft just because of their drafting position. If I were the Rams, I'd pick Cleveland over Washington, Miami, Seattle, etc just because they're at #4 instead of #6+. Now, if it were between the Skins and Miami or Seattle, same thing comes into play. Would you rather trade for the #6 in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and a 1st next season or would you rather have the #8-9 or #11-12 of the same picks?

I think Fisher is smart enough not to burn bridges (especially since he and Shanahan ARE friends), base a decision that important off of a buddy's grudge (which got his buddy a SB BTW, I think Gregg got his revenge already IMO, since he can just show Snyder his ring when the Rams and Skins play this year), and to sacrifice valuable draft position for pretty much nothing.

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Hey red dot, why don't you chill out and cease presenting yourself in a less than flattering light. While your OP is certainly lame enough by any reasonable standard (deal with the criticism), some of your replies to others include even more questionable (being nice) comments. Your thread remains open, and how various readers opine on it is what happens on any board. Duh. :) Some others are treating it pretty straightforward, which I would consider a courtesy if I were you, given that OP. :)

Not that it should need to be said, but some thicker-than-tissue skin helps on message boards, especially for some folks.

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So if we outbid the Dolphins and the Browns to move up to #2, which is what it's going to take..... a better package, the Rams are going to go with an inferior trade package from Cleveland or Miami because Gregg Williams has an axe to grind?? That is your concern? Are you sure you thought that through?

...........man, April can't come fast enough.

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