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Mike and Mike: Rex Ryan vs. Norv Turner


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Listening to Greeny and Golic this morning, and they bring up Rex Ryan (surprise, surprise) putting his (wife's possibly) foot in his mouth.

Background: before the Chargers hired Norv, Rex was up for the coaching job in San Diego. Clearly, he wasn't hired, and went on to coach the Jets.

Fast forward to yesterday. Rex is on a conference call presser with the San Diego media before their game this Sunday. The question is asked of him: How do you think you would have done if you were the coach? Cue the music.

http://espn.go.com/espnradio/play?s=espn (sound bite starts at 8:33:30)

"Well I think I woulda had a couple rings. I mean, I'm telling ya, those teams were loaded. There's no question about it, but things happen for a reason. *Awkward pause* Um, you know, obviously Norv Turner has done a great job there, that's a great franchise, and he was probably the right guy there."

He then calls Norv Turner (who doesn't know about the quote yet) to apologize.

Now it's Norv's turn: "I was wondering if he has those rings yet, with the ones he's guaranteed."


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In his defense, that was a very tongue in cheek comment from Rex Ryan and was meant to be a joke. But at some point that guy has got to shut up and just go to work. I'm not a Norv Turner fan, but that was a rather quick-witted retort. +1 to Norv.

The comment itself has no merit whatsoever. The Chargers haven't won a SB because they haven't had the talent or the coach to get the job done and I doubt adding Rex's big mouth to the equation would have helped.

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FYI, they just played the soundbite again.

---------- Post added October-20th-2011 at 09:39 AM ----------

In his defense, that was a very tongue in cheek comment from Rex Ryan and was meant to be a joke. But at some point that guy has got to shut up and just go to work. I'm not a Norv Turner fan, but that was a rather quick-witted retort. +1 to Norv.

The comment itself has no merit whatsoever. The Chargers haven't won a SB because they haven't had the talent or the coach to get the job done and I doubt adding Rex's big mouth to the equation would have helped.

Really? They had the number one offense and defense last year. They've always had a top ten offense. Haven't had the talent? What are you talking about?

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FYI, they just played the soundbite again.

---------- Post added October-20th-2011 at 09:39 AM ----------

Really? They had the number one offense and defense last year. They've always had a top ten offense. Haven't had the talent? What are you talking about?

Number 1 offense and defense last year? Well, good for them. It got them a what, 9-7 record? Ok, I stand corrected. They have the talent. :rolleyes:

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The Colts and the Pats haven't won the Super Bowl over the last few years, I guess they haven't had the talent either.

Sorry, I wasn't intending to jab at you. I think we are talking past each other a bit. Let me tone it down and explain my comment:

My definition of talent in the NFL is not necessarily big, strong, fast guys who know how to play their respective positions. You can look at every team in the NFL and see those guys, so from a strict individual standpoint of "talent" at the positions, it's prevalent throughout the league. The players wouldn't be there if they didn't have talent. Now, some teams have players at key positions who are more talented than others and the Chargers do have that, but so do many other teams in the NFL. Another important part of the talent equation in the NFL, at least to me, is the group talent. In other words, as individuals these guys may be good but are they talented as a group and do they compliment each other. A portion of that absolutely has to do with coaching, but I would argue that a lot of it has to do with a squad's overall intellect and a player's intellect has as much to do with his overall talent as his raw skills (at some positions more than others). When you take a squad that is great physically and intellectually, and coach them fundamentally then, I believe, you have a talented group. That is what I believe the Chargers (and some other teams throughout the league) are missing and that's what prevents them from being elite.

I'm not calling the Chargers a bunch of dummies nor am I arguing the fact that they do have talent. However, in the NFL you are what your record says you are. Last year, regardless of the stats and how many points they were able to amass, they were 9-7. To me, that indicates that they either do not have the overall talent (when you consider the group/unit(s)) to get over the threshold, or their coaches aren't at the level they need to be in order to make those units gel. Sometimes the individual talent level actually prohibits the group from succeeding. The Raiders during the early to mid-nineties had a loaded roster but could only muster middle-of-the-pack results. Great individual talent, but the group talent (or cohesion, if that's what you want to call it) just wasn't there.

Did I clarify my point or make it more nebulous?

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Did I clarify my point or make it more nebulous?

No, you make sense now. You're (sort of) comparing the Chargers to the Vinny Redskins, if I'm reading you right.

I agree with the crux of your argument, but I do disagree with you on some. It takes a special team to lead the league in offense and defense but not make the playoffs. Their downfall was their special teams play, which was absolutely atrocious. That falls mainly on the coaching. Yes, the players get the blame, too, but problems with special teams play can be attributed by far to the coaches. I don't think you are accurate in placing the blame on the players - group talent as you put it - in that situation. Norv, just like Marty Schottenheimer, had great teams but failed in many coaching aspects. Philip Rivers has some great receivers and has jelled with them. They go from LT to Ryan Matthews, who is looking like a more than competent replacement. They have (when healthy) one of the best tight ends in the league. Their defense is pretty good. They have little turnover in the personnel department.

Yes, you do have a point regarding group talent, I just think the Chargers have that group talent.

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No, you make sense now. You're (sort of) comparing the Chargers to the Vinny Redskins, if I'm reading you right.

I agree with the crux of your argument, but I do disagree with you on some. It takes a special team to lead the league in offense and defense but not make the playoffs. Their downfall was their special teams play, which was absolutely atrocious. That falls mainly on the coaching. Yes, the players get the blame, too, but problems with special teams play can be attributed by far to the coaches. I don't think you are accurate in placing the blame on the players - group talent as you put it - in that situation. Norv, just like Marty Schottenheimer, had great teams but failed in many coaching aspects. Philip Rivers has some great receivers and has jelled with them. They go from LT to Ryan Matthews, who is looking like a more than competent replacement. They have (when healthy) one of the best tight ends in the league. Their defense is pretty good. They have little turnover in the personnel department.

Yes, you do have a point regarding group talent, I just think the Chargers have that group talent.

Rgr, good discussion. You're right when you say that the coaches are mostly responsible for good and bad play on special teams (though the coaches don't actually execute the bad punts and holding penalties, but that is another discussion for another thread). Time will tell how good those guys are overall. I can assure you, if I'm wrong about those guys, I'll be the first one to admit it. :cheers:

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The comment itself has no merit whatsoever. The Chargers haven't won a SB because they haven't had the talent or the coach to get the job done and I doubt adding Rex's big mouth to the equation would have helped.

If Rex wasn't the coach of the Jets, there is NO WAY IN HELL they would have beat the Chargers in San Diego in the divisional round of the playoffs two season ago.

No way.

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If Rex wasn't the coach of the Jets, there is NO WAY IN HELL they would have beat the Chargers in San Diego in the divisional round of the playoffs two season ago.

No way.

Rex is a good coach and a great defensive-minded guy, but his incessant talking and bravado will only carry the Jets so far. Rex had those guys fired up a couple of years ago so he probably did have a lot of influence on his team's ability to win on the road. He talked the talk and they backed it up. However, after 2 years of almost-but-not-quite performances, his Superbowl guarantees and mouth diarrhea is getting old. He's a great motivator, but if a guy runs around all of the time with his mouth engaged, eventually it becomes white noise.

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Rex is a good coach and a great defensive-minded guy, but his incessant talking and bravado will only carry the Jets so far. Rex had those guys fired up a couple of years ago so he probably did have a lot of influence on his team's ability to win on the road. He talked the talk and they backed it up. However, after 2 years of almost-but-not-quite performances, his Superbowl guarantees and mouth diarrhea is getting old. He's a great motivator, but if a guy runs around all of the time with his mouth engaged, eventually it becomes white noise.

Rex Ryan the coach is quickly becoming Rex Ryan the media spectacle, and he's enjoying every minute of it. To the detriment of his team.

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If Rex wasn't the coach of the Jets, there is NO WAY IN HELL they would have beat the Chargers in San Diego in the divisional round of the playoffs two season ago.

No way.

i don't know how they make back to back championship games and sanchez turns into a stud in the postseason.

i think the magic is wearing off though.

meanwhile norvulent inspires stale postseason play out of his superior team. i mean they fired schott, i wonder how many more years norv has.

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I live here in San Diego and yep, Norv sucks and is the only real reason that I won't waste my time going to any Chargers games. I just can't pay money to watch a repeat of the 1999 Redskins every year, and that would still be a high mark for his teams, lol.

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I love my Jets .. and I'm sorry I haven't been around since the start of the season gang .. but my god does Rex need to SHUT THE **** UP. I am so tired of his schtick. How about worrying how many Super Bowl rings or lack thereof that he has here? Not only did he wake up a sleeping giant (San Diego is coming off a bye and basically playing at 10:00am game) but he also allowed Norv Turner to build more camradarie in the locker room AND he took a shot at the hand picked talent he and Mike Tannenbaum have gotten us in the last three years. To say my team is a mess is an understatement. If they win Sunday, all is okay heading into the Bye at 4-3, but if they lose it just further proves that this team is no good and in shambles. We're lucky to be 3-3. We beat Dallas on a fluke fumble inside the two yard line and Miami should have been up 21-0 at the beginning of that game on Monday night. We haven't beaten anyone and against the three best teams we played we were smacked in the mouth. I'm beyond pissed. Rex has lost this team until further notice.

Oh yeah, and I'm still coming with a group of friends for the Jets-Skins game on December 4th and I can't wait to hopefully meet plenty of you in the parking lot. We'll be there waiting in line an hour or two before the gates open as we do here.

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Antonio Gates, Phillip Rivers, and Vincent Jackson aren't talented. Mike Tolbert and Ryan Mathews stink. Mike Scifres is not good Ok. :ols:

And they used to have Sproles and LT.

not to mention they have probably the best guard in the league in kris dielman.

that team is loaded with talent and plays in a weak division. they should be superbowl contenders every year.

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