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Expect Lots of Referee Interference on Sunday


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Sorry but this is bunk. I didn't see one sided officiating. The roughing the passer call is on par with what I've seen called all season. The timeout is on Mike who should know better than to assume he was heard instead of doing what coaches do every sunday and call it until they agree. The skins lost this game because Rex Grossman was incredibly bad and Mike took way too damn long to pull him out of the game.

The redskins had a chance to win because the Eagles are lying sacks of **** and claimed Vick had "dirt in his helmet" when he was very obviously concussed. They played him anyway, again, just like they did the week after his phantom "hand injury".

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This was one of the most 'worst' games of referee'ing I can recall. It was made worse by FOX's poor coverage of the critical penalties that stymied the Skins early on. But, with the lopsided interpretations of holding, personal fouls, and pass interference, maybe FOX didn't want to highlight the poor job these guys were doing.

Ref perfornances like this make me wish for the day that they put referee names on their backs -- so they can't hide behind numbers.

Regardless, I'm going to remember #127's crew for a long time. This was awful.

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Since Vick whined about the officials he’s actually been getting MORE calls than other quarterbacks. There’s a great lesson. If you don’t get your way kids just whine and b**** about it until you do. Oh and it’s fine to slaughter several innocent canines as long as you can come back and win a few football games. What a great role model you are Vick!

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Typical Skins fans. Oh it is never the players fault that they lose it is ALWAYS someone else's fault. In this case the refs. I mean if the refs weren't' cheating then the Skins would have dominated the game and those 4 INTS never happened. :jerk:

I actually agree and disagree. 'Skins fans typically have the "everybody is out to get me" mentality. Which is unfortunate, because really nobody is.

However, this game, not because of intent, there were some absolutely horrible calls. Almost all against the 'Skins

That said, the 'Skins shot themselves in the foot repeatedly. The calls are not what lost them this game. But that doesn't mean that they weren't bad calls.

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early in the game, torrain (or possibly helu) got tackled before the ball even got to him while on a rb screen. dont think you can do that.

but all the penalties don't matter. heck, this thread was made because we knew their would be a lot of ridiculous penalties.

you've got to play above the competition and the fallibility of the refs in order to win football games. if you don't, you deserve to lose..i learned this in peewee.

Yea I watched the game with guy's who aren't Skins fans but don't like the Cheese-steaks and they were all flipping on that one especially after the refs called the personal foul on us when we hit Vick at the goal line and he threw the ball away, I was waiting to see if we got a safety on that play [1st Eagles drive] for intentional grounding in the end zone, only to get a roughing call, what a joke! Whoever started this thread knew what he was talking about Ref's spotted them 7 points right from the get go.

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I haven't seen a replay, but from the stands the roughing the passer call at the goal line after the ball was snapped over Vick's head seemed borderline at best. And here's where whistle-happy officials can **** up a game instead of letting the teams dictate the game... if it's a border-line call, why reward Philadelphia for gross errors? They screw up the snap, and Vick intentionally grounds the ball in a desperation heave, yet they are rewarded and momentum shifts on a borderline at best ticky tack foul.

Awful officiating on that play. Officials must have a feel for game management, and they sucked at it yesterday.

That said, can we stop with the moronic "NFL is fixing games" bull****? It is the height of idiocy and sour grapes to post that crap, and makes us look like the ultimate crybaby fans to make that claim.

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