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Hey all you tailgate people!

Last January I was pushing 205 Lbs and my size 38 jeans were starting to get a little snug. I knew something had to change. My wife and I started doing P90X Jan. 3rd of this year, and made it through 2 rounds. We have since moved on to a program called Insanity. In that time, I have lost 20 pounds, gained some impressive muscle definition, and now fit comfortably into a size 36 jean. I love the workout programs Beachbody offers so much, that last month I decided to become a coach, so I could share my enthusiasm for fitness and nutrition with others.

If you or someone you know would like to join me in a more healthy live style, please check out my websites and tell me what you think. I would love to hear from you!

Also, coaching opportunities are available, and it's a nice way to earn some extra cash!

My web address' are:




And no, I'm not a troll, I've been on the boards a long time, I just don't post all that much.

Thanks for your time! :)

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Order Shakeology, the healthiest meal of the day, on home direct and receive the Shakeology workouts for free!

The muscle confusion continues with P90X2, due out by Christmas! Order now to make sure you receive yours in time.

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I'd like to hear what other people think about Shakeology. I have been doing Insanity (almost done!) and I have wanted to try Shakeology and maybe do another round of at least month 1. It is so damn expensive, though, even though I know it evens out to like $4 a day. I'd love to hear any ESers' experiences with Shakeology. I'd also like to hear about their experiences with the Results and Recovery Formula for P90x.

Not really trying to hear it from the OP since he is trying to sell it.

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I'd like to hear what other people think about Shakeology. I have been doing Insanity (almost done!) and I have wanted to try Shakeology and maybe do another round of at least month 1. It is so damn expensive, though, even though I know it evens out to like $4 a day. I'd love to hear any ESers' experiences with Shakeology. I'd also like to hear about their experiences with the Results and Recovery Formula for P90x.

Not really trying to hear it from the OP since he is trying to sell it.

4 x 30= $120. a month. Too much IMO.

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Hi Missu28,

I know you don't wanna hear from me, and yes I'm trying to generate some interest in my business, but I use both of those products also. I promise, if you ask me a question, I will give you a straight forward honest answer. I've never been much of a salesmen.

I've got two weeks left in my first round of Insanity. Both my wife and I really enjoy the workouts. After insanity, wer're gonna do an Insanity P90X hybrid.

If there is anyone out there with some experience with Beachbody products, please post here, would love to hear from you.



---------- Post added October-15th-2011 at 05:48 PM ----------

I know....that is why I hesitate from buying it...but if I go out and buy lunch or stuff for lunch for 30 days, I'd be paying more than that

That's how my wife uses it. Instead of going somewhere and spending 6 or 7 bucks on lunch somewhere, she has the shake instead. In the long term, she is actually saving money, and losing weight.

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I know....that is why I hesitate from buying it...but if I go out and buy lunch or stuff for lunch for 30 days, I'd be paying more than that

That's the thing, I'm not much of a cook so I get take out a lot, which is unhealthy and relatively expensive. This is healthy and not as expensive. I'm intrigued.

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Ok, now indulge me for a bit while I but on my salesmen's hat. If you go to the Shakeology web site I posted and look at the list of ingredients, you'll see a ton of good things for your body(vitamins, nutrients, probiotics, protein) and nothing bad. Cholesterol or fat. And only 150 calories a shake. It also comes with what they call the "bottom of the bag" guarantee. Use the whole bag, and if you don't like it for any reason, call and get your money back!

There's a bunch more info at the Shakeology web site in the first post.

Have a great day and let's hope the Skins can take it to the Eagles tomorrow!

(salesman's hat off)

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I've done p90x during a break from a conventional bodybuilding split. My significant other is on rd.2 of p90x. The workouts are great if you just wanna get toned and lose inches especially good for women.

I lost alot of strenght doing p90x because of not being able to do the big 3 heavy.

But all those p90x supplements are overpriced crap designed for suckers. Its always calories in/ calories out its not hard to find to follow a proper diet whether its low carb or a 40-40-20. It basically comes down to discipline.

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I'm 5'11".

At 185, I'm actually down 45 pounds from my heaviest. The 20 pounds and the muscle deff. Has come since I started P90X in January.

Oddly enough, when I do a BMI calculation, I'm still considered overweight!

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I've done p90x during a break from a conventional bodybuilding split. My significant other is on rd.2 of p90x. The workouts are great if you just wanna get toned and lose inches especially good for women.

I lost alot of strenght doing p90x because of not being able to do the big 3 heavy.

But all those p90x supplements are overpriced crap designed for suckers. Its always calories in/ calories out its not hard to find to follow a proper diet whether its low carb or a 40-40-20. It basically comes down to discipline.

Yup. If you're looking to drop weight, these systems work quite well. If you're looking to gain lean mass, or muscle, they don't. You will NOT put on body mass if you're consuming fewer calories than your total daily energy expenditure. If you do put on mass while in a caloric deficit, it's what some refer to as "newbie gains" for the most part.

I wouldn't necessarily call the shakes something that are designed for suckers. I'd call them more of a "gateway to proper nutrition/eating habits". Some people don't have time or just don't know, so if they don't want to educate themselves (not everyone has the time to do so, as unfortunate as that sounds) they work quite well. I would agree with you that they aren't necessary, even while on these programs. They are a fad... A fad that, for the record, will probably work. But, again, it's the trendy thing, and not the only way to get the same results.

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I'd like to buy the P90 system (never used it before) for myself. I understand there is a meal "system" that is included in the purchase. I have no doubt about my ability to commit to the physical requirements, but with 3 other members in the family - I'm skeptical about the meal plan - I have a 13 yr old and a 10 yr old. I'm a former "gym rat", but no longer have the time or desire to spend 2/hrs a day in the gym. Coaching soccer keeps me in somewhat decent shape, and I'm not big on junk food - but I could stand to lose some lbs. Anyone having used the system with similar circumstances?

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I'd like to buy the P90 system (never used it before) for myself. I understand there is a meal "system" that is included in the purchase. I have no doubt about my ability to commit to the physical requirements, but with 3 other members in the family - I'm skeptical about the meal plan - I have a 13 yr old and a 10 yr old. I'm a former "gym rat", but no longer have the time or desire to spend 2/hrs a day in the gym. Coaching soccer keeps me in somewhat decent shape, and I'm not big on junk food - but I could stand to lose some lbs. Anyone having used the system with similar circumstances?

I have a 13 year old, 8 year old and a 18 month old. I normally will have something like chicken for example with veggies,sweet potato/or brown rice. And I will have something extra for them like mac and cheese,mashed potatos etc that I don't touch.

If i'm not really dieting then I will eat stuff like taco's,spaghetti etc with whole grain/wheat shells etc the kids don't even know.

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It amazes me that people are paying other people to teach them how to move around. And I don't know how much they're charging for that shake, but there ain't much difference between that and having a glass of milk, a multivitamin, and a bit of soluble and insoluble fiber (which is what helps promote the satiety and is one of their main marketing points). They use the cheap versions of the multivitamins like for example cyanocobalamin instead of methylcobalamin for vitamin B12, then they throw things in there which are indeed healthy and of benefit, but at miniscule doses, like MSM for example, which is in there at only 150mg when recommended doses are 2000-6000mg.

I'm not knocking anyone's hustle, but I've personally gone from an obese 250lbs at 5'7" to 148lbs to a now muscular 188lbs. No fancy gimmicks or programs, in fact most of that weight loss was while incarcerated with nothing but stairs to run up and down and trash bags filled with water to use with weights. All I'm saying is educate yourself, empower yourself, and save yourself some damn money.

Want to know how to lose weight for free? Read the articles by Lyle Mcdonald and you'll have every bit of knowledge at your disposal to get where you want to be. http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/

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Power 90, or P90X? I have never been a "gym rat", but I enjoyed the variety of the workouts in P90X. Yes, it comes with a meal plan, that is a good guide for healthy nutrition. When I started P90X back in January, I was looking to lose some weight and get in better shape. While I don't look like an infomercial, my weight did come down, and the amount of resistance and reps went up. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to contact me, either here or on my web site.

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I'm not knocking anyone's hustle, but I've personally gone from an obese 250lbs at 5'7" to 148lbs to a now muscular 188lbs. No fancy gimmicks or programs, in fact most of that weight loss was while incarcerated

Well, the core synergistics workout in P90X has a move in it called a Prison cell pushup, maybe you can comment on that!

Ever hear of a personal trainer? It's kinda like that, but you only pay once.

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It amazes me that people are paying other people to teach them how to move around. And I don't know how much they're charging for that shake, but there ain't much difference between that and having a glass of milk, a multivitamin, and a bit of soluble and insoluble fiber (which is what helps promote the satiety and is one of their main marketing points). They use the cheap versions of the multivitamins like for example cyanocobalamin instead of methylcobalamin for vitamin B12, then they throw things in there which are indeed healthy and of benefit, but at miniscule doses, like MSM for example, which is in there at only 150mg when recommended doses are 2000-6000mg.

I'm not knocking anyone's hustle, but I've personally gone from an obese 250lbs at 5'7" to 148lbs to a now muscular 188lbs. No fancy gimmicks or programs, in fact most of that weight loss was while incarcerated with nothing but stairs to run up and down and trash bags filled with water to use with weights. All I'm saying is educate yourself, empower yourself, and save yourself some damn money.

Want to know how to lose weight for free? Read the articles by Lyle Mcdonald and you'll have every bit of knowledge at your disposal to get where you want to be. http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/

So you're saying you lost a ton of weight while you were in jail, with nothing to do but exercise and nothing to eat but what they gave you?

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Recently, we’ve received some questions about what constitutes a good source of protein and what is suspect.

In fact we’ve seen some leading opinion makers start to criticize whey protein isolate - apparently to justify their own line of protein products. The arguments regarding whey protein isolate vs. whey protein concentrate which I have read are usually one-dimensional and fail to paint a complete picture of the benefits found in both types of whey protein.

On behalf of Beachbody’s formulation and scientific experts, I’ve asked our team to dispel the myths about whey and clear up some of the confusion. Below, we describe why we feel whey protein isolate is appropriate if not more favorable than other dairy-sources of protein, and by far more desirable than soy – even for my vegan wife and Shakeology co-formulator, Isabelle.

Myth #1: Protein isolates are proteins stripped away from their nutritional co-factors.

Whey protein isolate is the most pure and concentrated form of whey protein available. It contains 90% or more protein and very little (if any) fat and lactose. While it is possible that some nutritional co-factors found in whey protein concentrate are not found in isolates, consider that the synthesis of whey protein isolate with the over 70 organic compounds and super foods in our Shakeology product provide a comprehensive and bio-available spectrum of nutrients for the human body. Whey protein isolate is also an exceptional choice for individuals with lactose intolerance or who experience bloating and other problems associated with whey protein concentrate. Whey concentrate is the better choice for supplements which have a more targeted focus (such as muscle recovery) versus total nutrition. A high quality whey protein concentrate is used in Beachbody’s P90X Results and Recovery and Whey Protein Powder products.

Myth #2- Whey protein isolates are exposed to acid processing.

Isolates can be processed a number of ways. Processing whey protein to remove the lactose, fats, and cholesterol while not losing its biological activity takes special care by the manufacturer. We have gone to great lengths to make sure that the whey protein isolate in Shakeology is purified using a technique called ion-exchange where protein is separated through its specific electrical charge. No acid is used in this process. The Shakeology whey isolate is extracted using a cold-processing method, avoiding high heat, leaving it 90% protein and virtually fat and lactose-free. Great care is taken not to ‘denature’ the protein in Shakeology. That’s why we call it “nature in a bag.” We mean it.

Myth #3: Your body cannot assimilate proteins in isolated form.

There is no credible science to support this assertion. Whey protein is a very high quality complete protein with rich amounts of all the essential amino acids. Whey protein isolate is the purest form of whey protein, which is why it is absorbed efficiently into the body.

Isabelle is a great example of someone who cannot ingest Whey Concentrate on a regular basis because she is allergic to dairy (protein & all). She suffered from intense bloating, gas and nausea.

The enzymes and vitamins present in the fat and environment of whey concentrate do not seem to enhance her ability to process it, and that’s even with extra enzymes taken with the meal for good measure. Still no luck.

She has used whey protein isolate in her diet on a regular basis, through Shakeology for years now, and she has not only had no adverse reaction, but the whey isolate has satisfied her protein requirements in an otherwise complete vegan lifestyle.

Myth #4: Due to over-processing, isolates are deficient in key amino acids.

Not true. Protein is made up of essential and non-essential amino acids, which are the “building blocks” for healthy bodies. The body is able to make non-essential amino acids from other amino acids in the body. However, the body is not able to make essential amino acids and the only way to get them is by eating high quality protein foods. Protein sources that contain all of the essential amino acids are called “complete proteins”.

Good news: The whey used in Shakeology is a complete protein containing all essential amino acids exclusively in the more natural L-form (not D-form). Additionally, all of the 3 branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) including Leucine are present in Shakeology at high levels.

Finally, we all need to understand that the human body is exceptionally complex and always changing. What your body needed today it may not need in ten years. What it reacted to ten years ago it may crave today. And every one is different.

We don’t expect Shakeology to be the answer for everyone, and we are always working on ways we can complement the line of healthy options (and flavors, yes… it’s true.)

Every ingredient in Shakeology has been selected carefully to create a nutritional “symphony” of ingredients working together for maximum biological value. We would never include “putrid proteins” or chemical additives in a product we stand behind as “the healthiest meal of the day.”

All Beachbody nutrition products are 3rd party tested to ensure they are free of rancidity, toxins, hormones and all of the other things most people fear from dairy products. When sorting through the endless amounts of nutritional advice found in the Internet, consider the source, and above all else, look to your own body’s response for a clue to the truth. Be wary of individuals or companies offering alarmist nutritional advice while at the same time hocking their own products. (And when someone says their shake is as good as Shakeology, ask them to prove it with an unconditional money back guarantee.)

Oh snap! No he didn’t! (Yes, we did.)

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Boots, I respect that you're trying to share the love here, but this is pretty much a straight-up advertising thread. You're even cutting and pasting promo material. I'd be surprised if this thread fit within the forum guidelines.

Glad im not the only one who noticed.

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