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ESPN NFC East Blog: Rex Grossman to start for Redskins (Right Call?)

E-Dog Night

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http://espn.go.com/blog/nfceast/post/_/id/30170/rex-grossman-to-start-for-redskins (click for full article),

....There are a number of things this could possibly mean:

1. That it was a legitimate, old-fashioned competition all along, just as the coaches were telling everyone it was, and Grossman simply won it.

2. That the Redskins' coaches believe, based on the impressive way their defense, their running game and their offensive line performed in the preseason, that they have a better chance to contend this year than they originally believed and Grossman is the surer bet to play the kind of simple, mistake-free, good-decision quarterback they'll need.


I just don't agree with this as the initial decision, though. If you believe they're close, why wouldn't you rather have a fired-up Beck starting and a resigned Grossman, who's used to being a backup, backing him up and helping him out? As opposed, that is, to Grossman starting and a deflated, disappointed Beck backing him up. Seems to me you run the greater risk of losing Beck by making him the backup than you do of losing Grossman if you did the same to him.

I think Graziano is usually pretty on point and fair, though I do think Grossman is the right choice. He makes a number of good point I think. Discuss.

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'Seems to me you run the greater risk of losing Beck by making him the backup than you do of losing Grossman if you did the same to him."

That's the flaw on the writer's part, he obviously values Beck more than Grossman(as probably 30-40% of the fan base do) , hence his fear of disgruntling Beck but not a fear of disgruntling Grossman when Both Qbs would have Im sure been equally disapointed at being the backup. If you value Grossman over Beck (as the coaching staff apparently does) then the reverse of his argument is true. Simple as that.

In fact, I think since statistically Grossman was better you would have run greater risk pissing off him and the rest of the team/fans if Beck had been giving the job.

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Six of one, half dozen of the other. I would have slightly preferred Beck for the added roll-out plays and running yards, yet Grossman is such a wild card that each week will be exciting to watch. I just don't know, and I don't know that I care. I'm fine with either choice as long as they keep cutting old dead weight and signing young talent to sensible deals.

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That logic is moronic. Where does he get this idea that Grossman has resigned himself as a backup? Grossman outplayed Beck. Why would he be fine with Beck being named the starter?

Further, Beck knows he was inconsistent as Hell. He should know that he's lucky to be a #2 in this league. If he is upset or shocked by any of this, then he is deluded.

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I think Rex is the right choice. I din't like what I've seen from Beck in the preseason. I felt very comfortable with Grossman as the starter, while he marched the skins down field than Beck.

Beck never showed me that he could throw the deep ball with precision down field. The team also scored a actual Td from the Qb position with Grossman. I think you have to roll with experience on this one too.

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Beck never showed me that he could throw the deep ball with precision down field. The team also scored a actual Td from the Qb position with Grossman. I think you have to roll with experience on this one too.

Exactly you see it all the time, having a stronger arm does not = better deep throws. Players like Orton and Jason Campbell can chuck the ball downfield as far as anyone but most of the balls arn't catchable because they are thrown on a rope. Grossman throws a very catchable 60 yard deep ball and thats a better deep threat than any un-catchable 70 yd throw.

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That logic is moronic. Where does he get this idea that Grossman has resigned himself as a backup? Grossman outplayed Beck. Why would he be fine with Beck being named the starter?

Further, Beck knows he was inconsistent as Hell. He should know that he's lucky to be a #2 in this league. If he is upset or shocked by any of this, then he is deluded.

I think the point was that Grossman has been a backup for the past few seasons so it's a role he's comfortable with, and naming Beck the starter would have (ostensibly) done wonders for his confidence. Now you've got a John Beck who is doubting himself, and if the coaching staff has any long-term aspirations for Beck, why not give him the game-day experience he needs to improve? Or so the argument goes. Not sure if I agree with it, but it's a legit argument.

And I don't think Beck is too upset. Probably a little disappointing for him, but he seems to have an excellent attitude, and there's a halfway decent chance for him to get on the field this season. I'm sure he's considered that, and I also suspect he knew in his gut that he hadn't earned the starting position.

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At the end of last season, pre-lockout, Shanahan was comfortable with both QBs. He still is. If he wasn't, they would have brought another QB with a legit shot to compete.

Of course he talked up Beck when he was the only QB on the roster. First, he wanted people not to worry that the only QB we had has been in the league five years and only started five games. Second, it motivates Grossman to step up his game AND helps negotiate with a then unsigned Grossman. Shanahan was just doing lip service like all NFL folks do. The media ran with it.

This offseason they had a legit competition for starting job. Grossman won. Simple as that.

The media (ESP the Washington post) is grasping at straws looking for anything in this organization that looks corrupt or suspect. It's the story line the have been running with for x number of years and the only one they know. Eventually, maybe not this year, when we become competitive again the story line will shift. It's up to the organization to change the script.


Edit: I am pro Grossman based on the play in this preseason. Id happily be pro-beck if he had outplayed Grossman. He didn't.

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That logic is moronic. Where does he get this idea that Grossman has resigned himself as a backup? Grossman outplayed Beck. Why would he be fine with Beck being named the starter?

Further, Beck knows he was inconsistent as Hell. He should know that he's lucky to be a #2 in this league. If he is upset or shocked by any of this, then he is deluded.

I agree with you. All of his points are baseless and doesn't know squat. Grossman knows the offense better than Beck and also outplayed him. The argument is because Beck has greater mobility but inconsistent as hell. Plus he has only started 5 games in his career and has a losing record to boot. So a 30 year old career back up in Beck is better than a 30 year old QB with a winning record as a starter. I don't think so. Beck is unproven and is not the answer otherwise people on here wouldn't be posting things like "Tank the season for Luck" or other dumb ideas with no real rhyme or reason. That is why they aren't the Coach, GM, Scout or Owner of the Redskins because if they were it would be just as bad as having Vinny Cerrato in charge.

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Guest Spearfeather

Grossman is the right call.

He's going to make some throws that make you say, " What was he thinking? " But, he's also going to thread the needle on a crucial third down catch that keeps that game-winning drive alive.

Also, as others have stated, I just don't have that much confidence in Beck's deep passes.

Strap yourselves in, fellow Redskins fans,.......it's gonna be a wild one.

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I think the point was that Grossman has been a backup for the past few seasons so it's a role he's comfortable with, and naming Beck the starter would have (ostensibly) done wonders for his confidence. Now you've got a John Beck who is doubting himself, and if the coaching staff has any long-term aspirations for Beck, why not give him the game-day experience he needs to improve? Or so the argument goes. Not sure if I agree with it, but it's a legit argument.

And I don't think Beck is too upset. Probably a little disappointing for him, but he seems to have an excellent attitude, and there's a halfway decent chance for him to get on the field this season. I'm sure he's considered that, and I also suspect he knew in his gut that he hadn't earned the starting position.

If he walks his talk, he's using this to get better with the knowledge that he's second in line for the job with a quick finger coach. Make your grand appearance mid season.

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Rex has been the starting QB on a Superbowl team, Beck has had 4 career starts. How exactly has Grossman "resigned himself to being a backup" Come on Maaaaaaaaaaaan.

If you listen to Rex from December 2010 to the present, there is nothing in his interviews or demeanor that says "I am fine with being a backup"

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If you listen to Rex from December 2010 to the present, there is nothing in his interviews or demeanor that says "I am fine with being a backup"

Very true. Though I'm willing to cut Graziano a little slack, since he just got the NFC East gig in May of this year, and he probably hasn't heard every interview with Rex Grossman over the past 18 months.

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I guess the guy forgot that Beck has been a backup all of 4 seasons besides a handful of games his rookie year, all of which he lost.

These guys get paid pretty good, I'm sure either of them should be OK with watching games from the sideline until they get their shot.

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Selecting Grossman was the right choice to be the starter. Given his overall NFL experience, his three years in this offense, and his outstanding performance this preseason, he should be the starter. I was hoping Grossman would win the QB competition. But we all know that Rex Grossman is a hot and cold QB. He'll throw for a lot of yards, and he will also pass the ball into the end zone with precision. But I look for Rex to turn the ball over also. It's just who he is.

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I am glade Rex was named the starter...... When he went to the superbowl with the bears, he didnt play the best and it was more of a team effort. People mocked his decision making skills, just as they do today. What I see out of todays Rex, is a QB who still makes a bad decision here or there, but has vastly improved from his younger years with the bears. He is comfortable in this offence, and will continue to improve through out the year, (Seems like alot of Rex haters seem to think his preformance level has plattoed) and he will by far have the best year of his carrer.

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ESPN NFC East Blog: Rex Grossman to start for Redskins (Right Call?)

Who knows? I don't get all the machinations to simply go with Grossman, it just seems odd.

Maybe they're giving Beck the kid gloves treatment almost in the same manner as a rookie.

Start the vet in hopes his experience can get the team through a tough 1st game against the Giants pass rush.

Rather then throwing a relatively green journeyman QB to the wolves they'll break him in some time later?

Either way I'm sure we'll see Beck some point this season.

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I don't think Beck was THAT bad in the Bucs game, but that game should have destroyed any "confidence" that he would be the starter week 1.

Beck kept it close, but I think too many people would be thinking "WTF" if he was named the starter over Grossman, now.

Give a couple games, and if Grossman reverts to "Bad Rex" or gets hurt, Beck will still get his chance on Sundays.

And I'm really hoping Shanny discovers some young guy as our franchise QB, before his contract with the Skins is up.

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Who knows? I don't get all the machinations to simply go with Grossman, it just seems odd.

Maybe they're giving Beck the kid gloves treatment almost in the same manner as a rookie.

Start the vet in hopes his experience can get the team through a tough 1st game against the Giants pass rush.

Rather then throwing a relatively green journeyman QB to the wolves they'll break him in some time later?

Either way I'm sure we'll see Beck some point this season.

Very interesting point. Something I never considered. Either way, I trust Shanny and his decisions. This is what a real football team looks like.

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