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ESPN NFC East Blog: Rex Grossman to start for Redskins (Right Call?)

E-Dog Night

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I'm fine with Grossman.

This is a rebuilding year. Way too many holes to fill to make QB a priority this offseason. I thought it was hilarious last offseason when people were calling for us to "trade the house!" for some mythical savior QB, when in fact we didn't even have a condo.

Unlike McNabb and Campbell, I think Grossman will at least be entertaining.

It's a welcome relief to go into this season expecting something different. This is the first time since the mid 1990s that I can remember the team clearly entering a true rebuilding season with low expectations. I'm looking forward to it.

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I don't buy the feelings stuff either. They're both men, they knew only 1 of them would win this.

I think Beck's shaky game against Tampa cost him the starting gig. Beck is good for tempo, but in that game he showed he isn't consistent. Grossman has his lumps, but he is at least consistent. In other words, Grossman is the same QB against each opponent. Beck showed against Tampa (and while it is "only preseason" it's what was used to judge the competition, hence it is valid for this discussion) that he is not consistent. I'd be fine with either starting, but after Beck struggled in Tampa I had the feeling that Grossman gained the edge due to that.

We should be competitive this year, especially since Grossman stretches the field. But I don't think anyone needs to invest too much emotion in these QBs (like trashing one just to make one's opinion on the other seem stronger) because either QB is simply a placeholder for whoever we draft in the near future.

I also don't think we'll see Beck in unless Grossman gets injured. Neither one is the QB of the future, so it wouldn't make sense, IMO, to start Grossman now with the plan of replacing him with Beck down the road.

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http://espn.go.com/blog/nfceast/post/_/id/30170/rex-grossman-to-start-for-redskins (click for full article),

I think Graziano is usually pretty on point and fair, though I do think Grossman is the right choice. He makes a number of good point I think. Discuss.

"I must totally, passionately, wholeheartedly agree with the second assessment of this article. If we remain healthy and continue to impress and progress, then why shouldn't we have a shot at the playoffs. Grossman gives us that shot, better than Beck, to win now. Also don't forget the locker room. Who do those guys on offense want out there. Especially at wide receiver? If you ask the O-Line they'll probably say Beck. Why? He's more mobile. Gives them more room for error. Ask the WR's? They'll say Rex. Ask the Offense as a whole. They'll say Rex. Ask the team as a whole. It's all Rex. They won with him last year, 3-1 I think. He's been to a Superbowl. Yea, he didn't win it. But Trent Dilfer did. We are not that Raven team. But we are a team. The sixth seed can win a Superbowl. It has been done.

It is and was a close competition, yet still one won by Rex Grossman. It's a long grinding season, I have faith in the coaches and in this team. I think people need to respect Coach Shanahan more however. He's earned it prior coming to our team. He's earned it since he first donned the burgundy and gold. He's doing a great job. Coaching is not something you can grade like he's doing a 100% job. No one does that in sports. Period. His mistakes in "HINDSIGHT!" have been what? Going with a 3-4 defense and our team ending up #30th last year? Fans aren't crying about that anymore are they...? Our defense has the potential to be Elite, in time. Hightower was a great pick up. He has drafted well this year after getting to know the team last year. We are building to be a team to be a perineal contender. Not the "In the hunt barley, till a month out or worse team that we have been for too long."

"These are your 2011 Red-Emption-Skins!" "Hail!"

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While Grossman's career is nothing to write home about he was always the better option and Beck never had a shot at being named starter. I think Shanahan gave him the reps to see what he had though. Beck, in his career, has started 5 preseason games, 3 of those were in week 4 of the preseason. Coaches thought so much of Beck he was named starter in 5 preseason games.

It is my belief Beck will not be around next year because he would be a terrible back up. For the record if Grossman gets injured and misses signficant time we are going to be relying on our defense to win games for us because Beck sure won't. Screwed is what we would be.

Shanahan should have named Rex the starter from the time the lockout ended.

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Who knows? I don't get all the machinations to simply go with Grossman, it just seems odd.

Maybe they're giving Beck the kid gloves treatment almost in the same manner as a rookie.

Start the vet in hopes his experience can get the team through a tough 1st game against the Giants pass rush.

Rather then throwing a relatively green journeyman QB to the wolves they'll break him in some time later?

Either way I'm sure we'll see Beck some point this season.

I agree with this. I am not a big Rex guy, far from it. I'd go with Beck and I do think we end up seeing him eventually this year . But I don't go with the idea that Beck would be more fragile psychologically sitting on the bench so he should start for that reason that seems ridiculous.

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Now we're supposed to be worried that Beck's feelings are hurt? Really? He's a grown ass man. If his feelings are hurt about losing a competition in a profession that is NOTHING BUT competition, he either needs to suck it up and be a man or find another job.

For the record, I doubt his feelings are hurt. I'm just saying.

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Now we're supposed to be worried that Beck's feelings are hurt? Really? He's a grown ass man. If his feelings are hurt about losing a competition in a profession that is NOTHING BUT competition, he either needs to suck it up and be a man or find another job.

For the record, I doubt his feelings are hurt. I'm just saying.

Agreed. Listening to Beck in interviews, he doesn't come across as an entitlement baby. Someone who just thinks he is owed, and will throw a tantrum.

Besides, he hasn't done much in his career to justify such a reaction.

Beck will be fine. He knows he is an injury or a prolonged stretch of poor play away from starting.

Hopefully, it doesn't happen, and Grossman has a great year.

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I started the pre-season thinking there was no way that Beck would beat Grossman for the starters job and this was all a clever ploy by Shanahan to put pressure on Grossman to get him to perform.

But the more i read and heard from the media, the more they seemed so sure that Beck was Shanahan's guy and he just need to be mediocre to secure the job. Could it really be? Did we have the second coming of Joe Montana on our squad and no-one knew it?

well no, I suspect the answer is probably a combination of all those elements. Shanahan wanted to put pressure on Rex, he knows the sort of QB he is, and just wanted to see what he had in Beck. Simple as that.

What I saw in pre-season was that Beck was a decent game manager. He's mobile, can throw a decent ten yard slant, he checks down a lot and really needs a strong ground game to be effective, but Grossman is a QB who can attack a defense. Yes, he'll make some dumb throws, not as many as he did in Chicago, but he's a gun-slinger, it's just the type of QB he is. For all his flaws, we just look more potent as an offense with Grossman. I fully expect that at some point in the season the Sex Cannon will implode and we'll be given a chance to see what Beck can do. For now I'm happy with it, it's the right decision, let's hope the Sex cannon makes the most of it. Now....unleash the Dragon!!!!

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Now that Rex has won the starting QB job I admit that I was pulling for him because I am a Gator alumni and when he won the national championship I was wishing he would be a Redskin. His strength is his ability to make plays; but it is also his biggest drawback when it results in a turnover. Go get em Rex, I am rooting for you to lead my Redskins to victory.

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I agree with this. I am not a big Rex guy, far from it. I'd go with Beck and I do think we end up seeing him eventually this year . But I don't go with the idea that Beck would be more fragile psychologically sitting on the bench so he should start for that reason that seems ridiculous.
My curiosity about Beck lingers and maybe it will pass should Rex play well.

But, imo a staff doesn't go throw the whole open competition scenario if they really didn't see something there and I specualte that their curiosity about Beck persists as well.

They probably want a final answer on Beck.

I don't have any inside info but based on Mike's comments in the post game I don't think the final preseason game was Beck's undoing.

That would be like judging Rex on his play with the 2nd/3rd unit against the Colts.

Beck lacks Rex's 2 main advantages: scheme familiarity and playing experience but was able to keep neck and neck with Rex leading into the final preseason game.

Beck could close the scheme advantage as the No.2 QB where he'll finally get to run Kyle's offense in practice as opposed to the scout team.

The only way Beck can close the experience gap is to play.

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To both QBs, after years of rehabing their careers to get back to the starting position, loosing it on the last preseason game would be a tough blow. Beck was the more risky pick with more upside considering his mobility and short starting record. Rex seemed like the more conservative pick, you know what you have with him and its solid. Surround him with a talented team, and he could be very efficient. The nice thing is, either way if one goes down we are still ok, if both go down...watch out.

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What I saw in pre-season was that Beck was a decent game manager. He's mobile, can throw a decent ten yard slant, he checks down a lot and really needs a strong ground game to be effective

Exactly. And that's the kind of horrible football I've been watching for years here. No thanks. I don't care if Rex throws INTs, like I said, at least it will be entertaining.

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Exactly. And that's the kind of horrible football I've been watching for years here. No thanks. I don't care if Rex throws INTs, like I said, at least it will be entertaining.

This is where I stand as well. I've seen enough 5 yard passes on 3rd and 10, and settling for field goals. If we're going to fail, it should at least be fun to watch.

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That logic is moronic. Where does he get this idea that Grossman has resigned himself as a backup?

The fact that he signed a one year contract pretty much shoots down the idea that he was resigned to being a back up. He was offered a multiple year deal at a pretty good salary for a backup and he turned it down. For what it's worth I was happy with the way both played this preseason. Given Rex's injury history (see Bang's old cartoon on the subject) I think we'll see Beck at some point this season anyway.

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