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Grossman to sit out vs Bucs?


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That's what I'm thinking. Add that to the fact that he started all 3 of those games at the end of last year. He has attempted 54 passes this preseason compared to Beck's 27. Grossman was the starter in the 3rd preseason game vs the Ravens, while Beck only attempted 3 first half passes if I recall correctly.

Yet the whole world seems to know it's going to be Beck on week 1. As far as I'm concerned, Shanahan has pulled a fast one on the NFL and has them all duped.

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I think this favors starting Beck week 1.

Offensive starters are playing in this game I believe so it's a perfect time to get Beck more game experience with them to build more chemistry.

Remember, this is not a normal off season. Normally I would agree with the back up QB starting in the 4th preseason game.

Now, if Beck looks really really terrible I can see them naming Grossman the starter for week 1 and giving him all of the reps. BUt as long as he doesn't blow it I think Beck is gonna start.

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Maybe since Rex Grossman got to play game 1 with no Beck, Beck will get to play this game with no Grossman. :whoknows:

^this, I am not sure why people are under the assumption that he is starting week one with any amount of certainty, when beck missed an entire game, of course he is going to have more pass attempts, so that argument is invalid. This is one of the most competitive QB wars that have gone on in the past decade, I don't see any reason that anyone should assume anything at this point. Not to mention that this is Shanny we are talking about, his decision could very well the game time next Sunday.

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Good. I hope last week was the last time we see play as Redskin for the rest of his career.

LOL, Yeah Grossman was really terrible. I miss McNabb and Jason Campbell.

Seriously, I like Beck, but don't mind Rex at all. Why are people so eager to build up one QB and tear down the other? It's comedic to me at this point. Not surprised people are seeing what they want to in this piece of news.


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Gotta remember... Beck didn't play the first preseason game. Equal time... equal evaluation. Personally.... I think its Beck regardless. If he believed so much in Rex he would have been signed to a 2 or 3 year deal versus just 1. They brought Rex back in case Beck didn't pan out, that way they're have a QB with familiarity of the offense. They know what they have in Grossman. Beck has always been the one under evaluation here.

Remember both praised him when he came out of college. Both had him rated rather high as well... Beck has been the guy all along.

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