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Balance Budget Ammendment and not allowing Revenue Increase


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Being somewhat serious, this country sucks at prevention. We don't play chess anymore. We play point and shoot video games. Anything that isn't immediately apparent or have immediate payback is disregarded and thought bad. Everything is done with the short term, immediate benefit in mind. Mind you, I'm sometimes guilty of this too. In the stocks I own or am researching I want a company that is ever growing their profits and revenue by gads and if those numbers stumble they become vehicles I might sell or stay away from. In this way, corps are forced to always grow their companies profits even at the expense of their business or community.

But harming the business and communtiy to make quaterly profit earnings look good is always bad, it is that more than anything that I think hurt the auto sector in America

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Agreed, but that's the mindset we live with today. It's why the politics of this country and the industry in this country is in dire straights. Decades of short term thinking has led us down a really bad road forcing compromises and quick fixes which eventually have to unravel.

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Oh, I don't mind being judged by my posts. They are my thoughts and I stand by them. Is that the whole of me and a comprehensive pic of who I am? Gosh, I hope not.

That's a good reason why smart people will tie certain types of evaluative comments to a person's posts and by extension to the poster's presentation as manifested on ES...such concepts are even suggested in the rules. Imagine that! :D

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One of the interesting things to see happen not too far from me was in the city of Toronto where a right wing mayor was elected and went out and got consultants to hold hearings and invited people to come hoping that he would be vindicated in cutting services in the name of lower taxes.

The results were people were okay with paying a little more taxes to keep the city services


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Being somewhat serious, this country sucks at prevention. We don't play chess anymore. We play point and shoot video games. Anything that isn't immediately apparent or have immediate payback is disregarded and thought bad. Everything is done with the short term, immediate benefit in mind. Mind you, I'm sometimes guilty of this too. In the stocks I own or am researching I want a company that is ever growing their profits and revenue by gads and if those numbers stumble they become vehicles I might sell or stay away from. In this way, corps are forced to always grow their companies profits even at the expense of their business or community.

Great post, I agree with it 110%.

Things like cuts in education, specifically in arts or math/science, won't hurt us for another 30 years or so. When we have to not only outsource manufacturing of goods, but the engineering as well, what do we have left to really drive the economy?

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It's a subtle killer :ols:

Ok, I'll quit playin and derailing the thread. Goooood coffee this morning. :silly:

Honestly, I almost always enjoy your contributions except for when you escalate into a level of abstraction that requires not only a translator, but several deaths so we can be reincarnated to that higher level. Then again, sometimes our posts are all full of cow.

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Honestly, I almost always enjoy your contributions except for when you escalate into a level of abstraction that requires not only a translator, but several deaths so we can be reincarnated to that higher level. Then again, sometimes our posts are all full of cow.

That's just my version of speaking Thiebear. I still have an accent is all.

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Well, I will say this. The financial bodies who regulate our credit rating have been saying for about a year and a half now that we needed to get our spending in check. I'm not trying to say that it is all this administration so don't run off half ****ed and start taking this down the wrong path please. All I'm saying is that under this Administration, we seem to have reached the tipping point. If I understand the directives correctly, we have to cut something like 2.7 Trillion in the next year and a half and 4 trillion over the next few years if we want to avoid being downgraded.

Neither side agrees on anything but I think it's pretty telling that the President's own Debt Commission, the GOPs plans to cut debt and the things we are hearing from the people who control these financial ratings are all saying the same thing. We need to cut spending and we need to do it quickly. If you hear it from just one side or one source, I think you can say that maybe that's not accurate but if you hear it from all sides, I think it's probably pretty accurate.

I'm not opposed to raising taxes if we can have some assurances that those taxes won't just be turned into more funds spent on creating more debt. We have to stop screwing around here and get serious about this problem or we are all screwed.

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I'm with you on this that we've reached the point that something must be done and we need to drop all the bs. What that is I have my preferences towards but there are a range of sane, mature responses to this. I hope they agree to one of them.

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I'm with you on this that we've reached the point that something must be done and we need to drop all the bs. What that is I have my preferences towards but there are a range of sane, mature responses to this. I hope they agree to one of them.

I think the time is coming where the people have to make both sides agree. Talking about Russian Roulette is one thing. Putting a round in the gun and spinning the cylinder is bat**** crazy. This is madness.

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I think the time is coming where the people have to make both sides agree. Talking about Russian Roulette is one thing. Putting a round in the gun and spinning the cylinder is bat**** crazy. This is madness.

John Stewart's take....warning NSFW language.


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Hike my taxes – please!

That’s what most residents who answered the survey for the city’s core services review public consultation stated, according to a report released Monday.

Residents ranked a property tax hike – if it meant they could keep the same level of city services – as their top funding option out of five choices.

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Hike my taxes – please!

That’s what most residents who answered the survey for the city’s core services review public consultation stated, according to a report released Monday.

Residents ranked a property tax hike – if it meant they could keep the same level of city services – as their top funding option out of five choices.

People do not need to ask for a tax hike. They can write a check. Just like the billionaires spewing that nonsense cough Buffet can shut up and write a check for a billion of his money that is not income taxable to go to the government

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People do not need to ask for a tax hike. They can write a check. Just like the billionaires spewing that nonsense cough Buffet can shut up and write a check for a billion of his money that is not income taxable to go to the government

Your post makes absolutely no sense (not that I'm surprised, or anything)

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Your post makes absolutely no sense (not that I'm surprised, or anything)

It has been the same right wing thought since Bush cut taxes and some of the really wealthy talked about how it was going to be damaging to do so.

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