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Rock Music, The NFL and WWE all freaking suck.


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Those 3 things suck so much right now I cant even stand it. I just want to get all the lead singers of my favorite bands, Vince McMahon and the NFL players and owners together and vent.

I just wrote out my rant and something happened with my computer and it got erased so now Im so angry. I'll still try it again.

Linkin Park- WTF guys. What are you doing? Why are you putting out this garbage? What happened to Meteora and Hybrid Theory? Now all you can do are dumb ass sound effects and Transformers themes. You all have let me down.

Breaking Benjamin- Ben you get a pass. You have a illness. But why do you have to be so secretive about it? If its deeply personal I apologize but give us something man! People are worried about you and selfishly I need another CD. Are you gonna make one?

DC101- Thanks alot. You ruined once great bands by playing them over and over and over and over again. Thank alot for playing new music. I guess I cant blame you because Rock freakin sucks nowadays. Im sick of this artsy techno british Rock. I dont even know how to describe it. Why do you idiots like that Modest Mouse song so much?

Limp Bizkit- You have a new CD coming out. You will never be able to regain the spirit that you once had in the palm of your hands. Your egos got to big and now that you need money you are gonna get back together? I dont think so. You all let me down. Wes Borland your side project sucked to.

Vince McMahon- Man you have gone soft. I know your going PG but jesus man. Is money worth everything to you that you dont care about your legacy anymore? Where is a beer truck coming into a packed arena with Stone Cold dousing The Rock with a hose? Where is the epicness of Brock Lesnar? Where is Undertaker and Makind Hell in a Cell.

I cant stand this John Cena, Miz crap any longer. John Cena's best match was against RVD at extreme rules when the crowd was rabid.

Why does Kane suck so much now? Where is the attitude? Heres a tip go back to this theme music to start RAW

Stop with starting the show with a Divas Match. Diva matches should be a 5 minute match way later in the show to kill time. Girls wrestling sucks. Except for some Victoria and Trish Stratus matches. Maybe some Chyna matches aswell.

Get your Balls back Vince and get the F back buy the way.

Call the world wildlife fund and say this "we are willing to give you 4 million dollars for the letter F. Think of all the zebras, giraffes and elephants you can feed, and all the stupid monkeys you can teach to do sign language."

Become WWF AGAIN not WWE!! WWE sounds so stupid. Its not right and hasnt been right since you lost the F.

The NFL is the best thing ever we all know this. God get it back and going. Im metal to metal here. My brakes pads are gone! I need new ROCK, I need the NFL and training camp going, I need the WWF BACK!

Oh and UnWise Mike. I freaking hate you. I listen to your show because what the heck else am I going to listen to? 99.5? DC101? Atleast Holden Kushner is pretty legit. You are stupid and lazy when it comes to your show. You rehash the same crap. Should the Redskins name be changed over and over. NO it SHOULDNT leave it alone!!!!! STOP BEING A WORD POLICE and putting morals into SPORTS!

Guys words are just words. Its the intent that does harm. Stop telling people to stop saying bad words! What the heck is going on! Stop being hurt by words. Sarah Palin wanted someone fired for saying Retard or Retarded. No one means it in a bad way. Its just something you call your stupid friend. I know mentally disabled people that are really freaking smart. No one is dissing them.

Am I the only one who feels like this?

---------- Post added May-25th-2011 at 08:11 PM ----------

Hellraiser, Zamboni style

---------- Post added May-25th-2011 at 08:13 PM ----------

Ring Collapse

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Go have a few brews, play some Madden and some RAW and fix the things with wrestling and football you want in fixed (in your temporary fantasy land, at least.) Usually works for me.

But yeah, on those two fronts, I get your frustration, 100%.

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What are your favorite bands? I would like to know what awesome bands look like?

I liked Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park when I was 16. Im 27 now.

I like Sevendust, Disturbed, Cold, Hootie and the Blowfish, Matchbox 20, Coheed and Cambria, 30 seconds to Mars (just a few songs) Finger Eleven, Live, Shinedown, Staind, even some Reo Speedwagon songs.

Its not like Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park are my 1 and 2 seeds. They were just huge examples of bands that had it and lost it.

---------- Post added May-25th-2011 at 08:29 PM ----------

How can bands, singers musicians have it and know what it looks like. And know what is awesome and epic and real and then just forget it and put out crap.

How can Metallica have it and then just forget what sounds good?

---------- Post added May-25th-2011 at 08:34 PM ----------

Who knows the best Wizard of Oz song ever written. I DO. It happens to be my favorite song of all time. But you probably wont listen to it all which it needs to be listened to in its entirety. If you cant listen to it all dont click on it.

If you dont like this song your not a human being. You are a reptile or something weird.

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Sounds like someone doesn't know where to find good music, and thus has decided it all sucks.

too bad for you, I guess. It's definitely there. In a big way.


Im guessing this is directed at me.

I have a certain taste for my music. And ive searched days and days looking for good music and havent found it.

The only two guys I listen to from today are Joe Bonamassa and Derek Trucks. and some Warren hayes stuff

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Well, here's my show, playing right now.

I might have something in there you will find enjoyable.


Click it, and the stream will start in a second or two.

I usually play a blues segment, but this week's is already past.. I played some Chris Duarte, Little Freddie King, Walter Trout,, very much like Joe Bonamassa style blues. I play a lot of brit-blues ,, Yardbirds, Them, Immediate All Stars, and I usually sneak a Stones song in there.

There's about an hour left in the show, and I've got some live music coming up in the fifth segment, and a bunch of hard rock in the final segment. Some new bands, but not all. I've got some Iggy and the Stooges, MC5 and David Bowie closing out the show. BUt I try to stay away from what is typically on commercial radio. You may find something that will follow with what you like. Everything is cyclical, and guitar driven rock is definitely on the comeback trail.

If you're in the mood, I hope you like it. My goal is to give you new things each week, and you can decide what you like and what you don't. I run the gamut.. I play blues, high energy rock and roll, rockabilly, surf, punk, reggae, psychedelic, classic rock .. the show's motto is "60 years of music with an attitude."

Hope you like it!


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Are you also pissed that jean shorts are outta style? Cause that's what I'd guess would be next in your rant.

Jokes aside, if you like the rap/rock thing check out these guys from ATL:


If you like something that sounds like Ozzy, check Freedom Hawk: http://www.youtube.com/user/freedomhawkband#p/a/f/1/2steVp2gDhM

Shooter Jennings:

There's a lot of good music out there, you just have to look for it. Turn off the radio, cause you typically won't find it there.

---------- Post added May-26th-2011 at 01:12 AM ----------

Well, here's my show, playing right now.

I might have something in there you will find enjoyable.


Click it, and the stream will start in a second or two.

I usually play a blues segment, but this week's is already past.. I played some Chris Duarte, Little Freddie King, Walter Trout,, very much like Joe Bonamassa style blues. I play a lot of brit-blues ,, Yardbirds, Them, Immediate All Stars, and I usually sneak a Stones song in there.

There's about an hour left in the show, and I've got some live music coming up in the fifth segment, and a bunch of hard rock in the final segment. Some new bands, but not all. I've got some Iggy and the Stooges, MC5 and David Bowie closing out the show. BUt I try to stay away from what is typically on commercial radio. You may find something that will follow with what you like. Everything is cyclical, and guitar driven rock is definitely on the comeback trail.

If you're in the mood, I hope you like it. My goal is to give you new things each week, and you can decide what you like and what you don't. I run the gamut.. I play blues, high energy rock and roll, rockabilly, surf, punk, reggae.. the show's motto is "60 years of music with an attitude."

Hope you like it!


Bang, you should check out Seasick Steve if you dig blues.

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Your just not looking in the right place for great rock music man. If you like the older bands, (or new bands that sound like old bands) some great stuff has come out over the past couple of years.

Black Country Communion (Glen Hughes, Joe Bonamassa, and Jason Bonham are in this group)

Alter Bridge


Duff McKagan's Loaded

New albums on the way from

Van Halen

Motley Crue


Black Country Communion 2 will be out shortly. This is just to name a few. The problem is you are expecting good rock music from nu-metal and post-grunge bands. There are a few that were decent, but just like "grunge" itself, the fad wore out fast.

Here is a few samples of "good" rock music that is brand new.


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I do like Isolation by Alter Bridge.

I know Im kind of in a box when it comes to music.

I have tryed to get into country and have about 25 songs on my itunes from various country artists.

Country to me is great for cooking out and when you are happy.

Rock is good when you are bent and need to vent. I am very picky when it comes to music.

---------- Post added May-25th-2011 at 10:02 PM ----------

but out of the 3 vids you posted Isolation is the closest thing to the music that I like.

---------- Post added May-25th-2011 at 10:03 PM ----------

Hey can someone tell me how to post a video so it shows up big with a pic?

---------- Post added May-25th-2011 at 10:03 PM ----------

Thanks. Makes me feel validated for making this thread. Haha

I knew I would get alot of people that think my musical taste sucks.

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It's also been my experience that you have to be willing to trry and step outside of your box, or you just aren't going to be happy.

If all you're willing to do is listen to a very small amount of music, then saying the rest sucks doesn't really mean much.


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Im pretty proud of the music collection I have on my itunes. I have close to 4000 songs of what i consider to be the very best music thats been made. Im not gonna force myself to like bands that just dont have what im looking for.

Perhaps im being stubborn or perhaps i simply know what i like. and those that i have on my itunes are widely considered the best of the best to ever do it.

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