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Proposed Trade: Bush & Daniel for Haynesworth?

Cool as Crud

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By trading up to pick Mark Ingram, the Saints essentially parted with Reggie Bush. The Saints have been a willing trade partner in the past, especially with the coaching swaps of Haslet and Williams. They also have former Skins QB Chase Daniel, who seems to have potential as a starter and is more than serviceable as a backup - ya know, just in case Rex isn't the future. I don't see us drafting a RB or our franchise QB this year.

As much as Greg Williams loves to blitz, Maybe the Saints would take a chance on Haynesworth to play alongside their top pick DL Cameron Jordan? In a role where he would be free to improvise, he might actually show up to work!


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I don't think that will happen especially when Haynesworth has all those issues. Also Chase Daniels was here before and they didn't think he was good enough to start even if it was before Shanahan. All of this is wishful thinking and Reggie Bush is now being considered a bust. So no thanks.

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Chase Daniels was here before and they didn't think he was good enough to start even if it was before Shanahan.

As I recall, the Skins cut Daniel (no '-s') to make temporary room on the roster with the intent of resigning him, but the Saints picked him up within 24 hours.

Reggie Bush is now being considered a bust. So no thanks.

Reggie is considered a bust in New Orleans because (1) his broken leg kept him out most of last year, and (2) he was always better catching the ball out of the backfield than as a north-south running back. The Redskins have a power runner in Torain, provided he stays healthy. IMO we could use a Bush-type threat to force defenses to cover more of the field.

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Check my post history, been saying ever since we stupidly kept the worse player in Colt Brenan over the much better player in Chase Daniels that it was a mistake from the beginning. I long thought that had Zorn not been friends outside of the organization with Colt that he would have been let go instead. If we had developed Chase we would have a Franchise QB on the roster now. But we let politics and stupidity rule the day again and lost a great player.

Now about your idea if it were up to me I wouldn't trade anyone we have for Reggie Bush. Doing so would mean that we agree to pay him the 12 something million he is owed this year and that's spending I don't think it money well spent. Bush is not a guy you want to trade for. The reason he will be cut is purely money. He's not a 12 million dollar a year RB. He is good so persuing him at a more cap friendly deal makes sense. But trading for him does not.

As for my boy Chase? I'd give them McNabb for him back and Hanyesworth can go as well. Those two men have very little NFL future in them. Chase is a Superbowl ring wearing backup to one of the most valuable players in the league today. The Saints know what they have with Daniels and know he is just biding his time to become the starter one day. Too bad we were too blind by the idea of a Cult in Washington to realize that. We fudged up huge with this deal, if you doubt me just wait a year or two and you'll see. Daniels is the real deal

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That's some high praise of Chase there =p

I can't say you're wrong because nobody knows at this point, but, I doubt it. I do agree that we should have at LEAST kept him over the over hyped, always hurt Colt tho. I liked Colt, he just isn't an NFL qb.

As for this trade. No.

Nobody wants Fat Al. He isn't getting younger, stays in trouble off the field, has a horrible attitude, locker room cancer, won't play anything that he doesn't feel like playing. He's a complete and total joke. I don't even want Bush tho, he won't work here. He will excel in a place like Philly, but, definitely not here.

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At this point, and I know this sounds stupid but I've had it with AH, I'd be just fine if we cut him just to get rid of him. I can't stand seeing AH in headlines anymore. He's been in more non-on-the-field headlines in the last 2 years than he EVER has on-the-field. It's sickening that he's still in DC and I hope we do whatever we have to to cut ties with him.

If we can get a 7th for him I'd take it, if we can't I'm sick of him enough to just cut that ******. Good riddance, now let's forget about him and move on. Good news is that every other FA signing would be pretty hard pressed to be as big of a DISASTER as AH has been.

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That's some high praise of Chase there =p

I can't say you're wrong because nobody knows at this point, but, I doubt it. I do agree that we should have at LEAST kept him over the over hyped, always hurt Colt tho. I liked Colt, he just isn't an NFL qb.

Who was the team that took the gamble on Drew Brees when no one wanted him? Who was the team that jumped in as soon as Chase was cut by us? If you think that New Orleans and Shawn Payton do not know QB's then you'd be wrong. He is entering his third season with the Saints, learning from one of the very best at the position, setup with an amazing offense around him now. When the time comes they will release Chase onto the NFL and people who doubt him will see very quickly how badly we fudged up 3 years ago.

High praise? You bet your bottom dollar I give Chase high praise. He deserves it. Just wait.

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Who was the team that took the gamble on Drew Brees when no one wanted him? Who was the team that jumped in as soon as Chase was cut by us? If you think that New Orleans and Shawn Payton do not know QB's then you'd be wrong. He is entering his third season with the Saints, learning from one of the very best at the position, setup with an amazing offense around him now. When the time comes they will release Chase onto the NFL and people who doubt him will see very quickly how badly we fudged up 3 years ago.

High praise? You bet your bottom dollar I give Chase high praise. He deserves it. Just wait.

Gambling on Drew Brees was because of injury, his NFL talent was already well known. It is a lot different trying to find the gem in an UDFA QB who wasn't retained by his first team than taking a gamble on an obviously great QB who had a shoulder injury.

I agree that time will tell, you don't know if he will be great and neither do I. It's just easy to praise someone who isn't playing and have the mindset that he is great, we do it virtually every year as a Skins fan.

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Bush is due something like 11.8 million this year under his current contract and there will be a cap again at some point. Plus, the guy's been injured every year and just hasn't produced in that offense other than some punt returns and a couple big playoff games. Also, don't think Saints would do it because a competent backup QB is pretty valuable (at least moreso than AH in my opinion).

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Anything that gets Haynesworth out of DC works for me.

Cut Daniels out of it and make it Bush for Haynesworth and it works for me.

Heck, I'd be down with Vince Young for Haynesworth while we're throwing crack pot trade ideas out there.

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In my opinion, Haynesworth and McNabb aren't getting traded unless it is for conditional picks. They both have huge question marks and the other teams aren't going to want to give up anything of value for them. Allen will probably would have to do some serious GM Kung Fu to even get a conditional pick for Haynesworth.

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