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Paul Ryan's Budget Deficit Reduction Plan


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Surprised noone has brought this up?

The PDF is 73 pages. If someone actually goes through all 73 pages, let us know what's in it. :ols:

Whether you agree or disagree; at least someone has brought something for a legitimate debate as we head into the 2012 elections. How do we reduce the debt? Which also ties into just exactly what does the American people what their government do. If they want certain things, then they are going to have to pay for it.

I would hope the other side would say this is what the government should do for you and this is how we expect to fund that and also how we would reduce the debt.

I don't expect that.

I wonder just how many republicans are really going to embrace this plan though? Tea Partiers, will probably love it.

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I haven't even cracked it, but I can tell you what's in it... We get rid of all the social programs, leave defense spending as is, and cut taxes for the wealthy again.... Grandma and Grandpa loose their medicaid, social security, and half their federal pension... Ryan doesn't give up jack, and the entire economy is still trillion pluss deficites for as long as the eye can see...

When Rand Paul told the republicans they could cut every social program in the federal budget and still not balance the budget if they didn't get the defense spending under control. I bet he didn't think the republicans would actually try that.

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Read several pages. Things that stand out:

Says he's going to create 1M new private sector jobs next year. (According to Heritage Center for Data Analysis.) (Doesn't mention how many jobs he's planning on getting rid of, or exactly how the government is going to create private sector jobs. Somehow I suspect it's a case of "I'm gonna pass a bunch of tax cuts, and I predict that the jobs will just appear". But I'll freely admit that I don't know.)

Eliminate Medicare as current, and replace it with block grants.

Reform the tax code, by cutting corporate tax rates from 35% to 25%, and by cutting the top marginal tax rate from 35% to 25%.

Cut "non-defense, non-security, discretionary spending" to, I think, 2005 levels. (Seem to remember hearing that claim made, before. Wasn't this the guy who wanted to cut total funding for education, nationwide, by 10%? Or am I thinking of somebody else?)

Oh, and he claims he's getting rid of (I think) $700B in Obamacare tax increases, and $1.5T in Obama income tax increases. Funny, I don't recall Obama proposing any tax increases at all.

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Oh, and he claims he's getting rid of (I think) $700B in Obamacare tax increases, and $1.5T in Obama income tax increases. Funny, I don't recall Obama proposing any tax increases at all.

Ryan proposes to extend $1.5T in Bush-era tax cuts. I believe Obama's budget contemplates that those cuts will expire. So, Ryan isn't really proposing to toss out $1.5T in tax increases attributable to Obama... he's proposing to extend $1.5T in tax decreases originally attributable to Dubya.

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While it's political posturing, at least it's posturing in the right direction.

Also, to those who thought this budget would leave the R's sacred cows unscathed, there's 70 bil + cut from defense in this budget and a much larger portion (not remembering how much...seems like it was in the neighborhood of 200bil) moved from defense programs deemed 'wasteful' to the troops. Also, social programs are supposed to be "trimmed" of the excess fat to make them sustainable for the future, which the R's say (correctly, imho) they currently are not.

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We need to get this budget under control. I have no issues with Planned parenthood and environmental things getting tossed, I also have no problem with some tax increases as long as we start cutting some social programs, we can't keep spending like this, we need to figure out what we need vs what we would like to have and start slashing those like to haves, which includes some defense spending. I am sick and tired of stupid people like Pelosi saying ignorant things like "they are going to stop meals for seniors", hell I think the country is tired of that rhetoric. As much as I love DoD, hell I am employed by them, we need to start cutting some of that defense spending. This is just getting old fast, I am sick of both parties and their stupidity.

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As a Federal employee and a taxpayer I'm torn.

I hate how these plans always take it out on the the Federal employees, because we're easy political targets. I don't like the fact he says our compensation is $30k more than the private sector; because it just ain't.

I do like the fact that they are going whittle the Federal employees down by attrition, because I think we need that type of forced attrition. Of course doing so I would not like a pay freeze!

I like how Ryan offer's no solution on Social Security. I just searched through the whole topic and he talks about doing stuff; but he's not specifics. Perhaps this is smart.

The funny thing I like this is that Ryan threatens America with austerity in the future. Yet, I think this program represents austerity. "We need to have austerity now to avoid austerity in the future!"

I would prefer the bipartisan fiscal commission; but as a Federal Employee I want a comprehensive plan because I'm sick of having to "share the pain" with only myself and other Federal Employees. If the pain is going to be spread; than spread it to everyone. Make no mistake, these plans will spread pain. I don't see how he's going to somehow decrease the corporate tax rate and get more in taxes; or what's going to be done to make that green line the way it is. It almost seems like fictional magic. The key to me is that he says his budget has the highest debt:GDP ratio in 2013... well... we'll probably have that no matter what.

If you want this plan vote GOP... we'll see what the country does.

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It starts to frame the argument.

Just simply based on the size of debt, there must be a way to pay that off and pay it off now. I think there needs to be a national sales tax that could eventually replace the income tax but that debt needs to be eliminated.

If we don't address this, this country will eventually collasp from the weight of that debt.

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people have short memories

We have gas lines in the 70's and we have still have done anything to speak about getting off oil.We had the budget issue in 92 election, we got some results for 8yrs then forgot about it again

I am wiling to cut everything.defense,SS, Medicare. Put a freeze on all new gvt hires and freeze the pay as it is way above the private sector. Raise taxes. Look at out tax raters after WW2, we had to pay off our war debt, yet we prospered

I am convinced nothing will ever happened as long as we vote in dems and repubs. Throw them all out on their ears. Capitol HIll is a cesspool of corruption and two faced hypocrites. We need big time campaign reform and it necessary make it a constitutional amendment so the supremes can not tinker with it

Sad truth is if Hitler ran as a Republican and Stalin ran as a democrat one of them would win the election, because to many are afraid to vote outside of their stupid party loyalties. Politicians put party before country

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I saw an Ryan interview yesterday on CNBC talking about Ryan's budget proposal the CNBC's hosts were gushing about it. From what I heard from the interview it sounds like a good plan. Ryan framed the budget plan of the recomendations from the President's budget comission that he was on.

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His medicare medicaid plan much like the healthcare bill is just going to increase costs because you are giving money to private insurance companies.

You have a choice drastically reduce the military or raise taxes.

You really want to lower your deficit and help businesses enact a single payer system with good guideline to control costs

You start means testing programs like unemployment and SS make welfare a stop gap for the majority on it

And if you are going to give money to oil and food companies then start demanding a discount or more in taxes

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I saw an Ryan interview yesterday on CNBC talking about Ryan's budget proposal the CNBC's hosts were gushing about it. From what I heard from the interview it sounds like a good plan. Ryan framed the budget plan of the recomendations from the President's budget comission that he was on.

It's a good plan if you agree with phasing out Medicare while giving wealthy folk bigger tax breaks. :2cents:

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I've always liked Ryan, even though I've oftentimes disagreed with him. He's definitely someone the Dems should watch out for in 2016 and beyond. Even the liberal rag Slate magazine is singing Ryan's praises.

Good article.

Certainly seems like a good start to the discussion, but I'd be interested to know how the projections change when you use a reasonable unemployment projection instead of the shockingly optimistic numbers they use (4 percent unemployment in 2015 vs. 5.9 percent without the plan). Also, why can't we be REALLY courageous and have a smaller or non-existent tax cut in the plan? As it is, it still projects half-trillion dollar yearly deficits. Keep taxes the way they are or have smaller cuts so you can project a surplus, if you want to be bold.

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It's a good plan if you agree with phasing out Medicare/Social Security while giving wealthy folk bigger tax breaks. :2cents:

True they may lower the tax rate but Ryan's budget plan will cut out the tax loopholes that major corporations and the wealthy use. to avoid paying those tax rates. The plan does not phase out Medicare but reforms it. Sure some will have out of pocket expenses but isn't that the price we have to pay to get the budget on track. Social security was left out of Ryan's plan.

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freeze the pay as it is way above the private sector. Raise taxes.

Where do people get this from? I'm a Fed and I can promise you the contractors in my agency are making as much or more than I am at similar job levels/descriptions. It's ridiculous that we're frequently the whipping boys. I'm all for the reduction by attrition, there are plenty of people set to retire, but freezing pay for five years? I was fine with the two year pay freeze Obama put into place, even though it was mostly symbolic and really screws over the lower GS level employees. Five years is asking a bit much, again, especially for the lower level government employees who really aren't making that much.

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True they may lower the tax rate but Ryan's budget plan will cut out the tax loopholes that major corporations and the wealthy use. to avoid paying those tax rates. The plan does not phase out Medicare but reforms it. Sure some will have out of pocket expenses but isn't that the price we have to pay to get the budget on track. Social security was left out of Ryan's plan.

Damn those loopholes.

We'll see. As I understand it, he's not specific about exactly what loopholes are going to be cut out and how he's going to accomplish this reform. He's telling me this plan takes giant corporations or the ultra-wealthy and requires them to pay even $1 more per year than they do now? I'll believe it when I see it.

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Where do people get this from? I'm a Fed and I can promise you the contractors in my agency are making as much or more than I am at similar job levels/descriptions. It's ridiculous that we're frequently the whipping boys. I'm all for the reduction by attrition, there are plenty of people set to retire, but freezing pay for five years? I was fine with the two year pay freeze Obama put into place, even though it was mostly symbolic and really screws over the lower GS level employees. Five years is asking a bit much, again, especially for the lower level government employees who really aren't making that much.

People get it from right wing pundits who don't care about the facts, no matter how many times post stuff showing otherwise some people will always believe that government workers are lazy and overpaid. The right wing demonizes the government and that includes federal workers, it doesn't matter what the facts say because facts don't count unless they fit into the narrative they want to believe.

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From memory, 4percent actually causes problems. From a theory standpoint, much below 5 to 6 percent represents hiring problems. An economy needs to have capable workers either between jobs or entering the workforce to fully empower new companies with new ideas. I know it sounds crazy in this enviroment to say lower unemployment would be a bad thing, but I'm not saying we need 10%.

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Where do people get this from? I'm a Fed and I can promise you the contractors in my agency are making as much or more than I am at similar job levels/descriptions. It's ridiculous that we're frequently the whipping boys. I'm all for the reduction by attrition, there are plenty of people set to retire, but freezing pay for five years? I was fine with the two year pay freeze Obama put into place, even though it was mostly symbolic and really screws over the lower GS level employees. Five years is asking a bit much, again, especially for the lower level government employees who really aren't making that much.

I agree though they shouldn't freeze raises especaily for those federal employees who are GS-7's and below. But atleast they aren't taking the steps away. I am contractor and the reason we make a little more is because the government doesn't have to pay for clearances(if needed) also health care or retirement. Plus as a contractor you don't have that job security as a federal employee after you complete your probation period.

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People get it from right wing pundits who don't care about the facts, no matter how many times post stuff showing otherwise some people will always believe that government workers are lazy and overpaid. The right wing demonizes the government and that includes federal workers, it doesn't matter what the facts say because facts don't count unless they fit into the narrative they want to believe.

The sad thing is, I've generally voted Republican but I'm going to have to start considering going the other way if they keep personally attacking the wallet of myself and my co-workers. And I hate thinking lilke that, because I would like to put the interests of the country ahead of my own and see us get out of debt or at least work towards it, but I can't be convinced that my salary and those of my co-workers are what is causing our budget problems.

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Damn those loopholes.

We'll see. As I understand it, he's not specific about exactly what loopholes are going to be cut out and how he's going to accomplish this reform. You're telling me this plan takes giant corporations or the ultra-wealthy and requires them to pay even $1 more per year than they do now? I'll believe it when I see it.

I am just repeating what I heard in the interview. So we will have to see.

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