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Michele Bachmann 2012? Are You Serious?


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Well given that My dog could do a better job than the current POTUS. No matter how bad Bachmann is, she could do no worse than the current failure in the office.

Not saying she is the best Republican choice, just that the worst Republican Choice is a dramatic improvement to what Obama has been.

Says the poster who used to have a sig wishing death on the guy. From Day 1. Before he even had a chance to **** anything up.

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No they won't. Romney has no chance. Once the campaign adds air linking Romneycare to Obamacare; he will be finished. Huckabee has similar problems with his tenure as Arkansas governor. Not healthcare mind you but tax related.

Not to mention, when he was governor, he let a rapist go free, who proceeded to go on a cop-killing spree.

I'm sure Democrats will remind everyone of that, if he runs.

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There's no one in the Republican field that stands a chance against Palin. Despite her intellectual handicap, I'll admit that Sarah Palin is a world class campaigner. It's nothing for her to draw a political rally of 50k plus, which is going to play a huge role during the primary season. Her lack of experience is actually going to benefit her. That's because her opponents will attack her character instead of her political record, and we all know, the more Palin gets attacked, the bigger her base gets.

---------- Post added March-27th-2011 at 09:35 PM ----------

Not to mention, when he was governor, he let a rapist go free, who proceeded to go on a cop-killing spree.

I'm sure Democrats will remind everyone of that, if he runs.

Nah, his own party members will eviscerate him with it first during the GOP primary. Especially if Palin and Bachman are in the fold.

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It's beyond safe to say at this point that if you are in any way associated or in support of the Tea Party, you are ****ing dumb.


---------- Post added March-27th-2011 at 10:40 PM ----------

It's beyond safe to say at this point that if you are in any way associated or in support of the Tea Party, you are ****ing dumb.


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Says the poster who used to have a sig wishing death on the guy. From Day 1. Before he even had a chance to **** anything up.

Didn't quite "wish death" on him. But, as you say, I was able to clearly call the failure that has been One Big Ass Mistake for America.

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Yeah, that sounds like American politics. Voters love to see what they consider to be the greater of two evils winning.

Like they did in 2010?


Yes, they are. (If a moderate is nominated.) Their hatred for Obama trumps their frustration with the John McCains of the world. They'll convince themselves that a moderate in the White House isn't a problem if the TP is a major influence in Congress. And, honestly, I'm not sure that they'd be wrong on that one.

We'll see. The Tea Party is more about their ideology. The Republicans probably could've captured the Senate or at least tied it if it wasn't for some Tea Party candidates. They didn't care about that, they care about having their ideologically pure candidate.

I disagree with you in that the Tea Partiers while they hate Obama aren't going to support someone that doesn't meet their standards just so they can have a Republican president.

We will have to wait and see who us right on this one.

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Psalm 109:8 Let his days be few. And let another take his office.

That was it. But I don't think he stopped there. I think he had it written out like Barrack Hussein Obama - Pslam 109:8-12. Something like that. And of course 109:8 is followed by 109:9...

9 Let his children be fatherless,

and his wife a widow.

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That was it. But I don't think he stopped there. I think he had it written out like Barrack Hussein Obama - Pslam 109:8-12. Something like that. And of course 109:8 is followed by 109:9...

9 Let his children be fatherless,

and his wife a widow.

I do not think many ever bother to read the whole Psalm because when David wrote this it was to be for those who ignored the poor and afflicated who practiced injustice.

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It's beyond safe to say at this point that if you are in any way associated or in support of the Tea Party, you are ****ing dumb.


---------- Post added March-27th-2011 at 10:40 PM ----------

It's beyond safe to say at this point that if you are in any way associated or in support of the Tea Party, you are ****ing dumb.


That's too harsh. Supplant "Michelle Bachmann" with "Tea Party," and your statement is true. But not all the Tea Party is moronic.

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The only way Obama wins is if there are enough people who either hate the USA to the point they want us to further become irrelevant as well as are looking to have an Judicial activist SCOTUS leaning left or they are drunk on Team JackAss koolaid and are ignoring the results of the administration.

Or if history plays out as it typically does and the incumbent wins.

It could be that as well.

When did you stop writing in sentences?

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Obamanation is a mess! He inherited a robust economy and strong stock market. Spending was at record lows while debt was falling through the floor. We had two wars fully funded without causing a ounce of debt. Jobs for everybody that wanted one. Education was affordable. Poverty levels were at an all-time low. Our neighbors and allies respected us more than any other time in history.

True when he came in as a Senator the economy was robust and the stock market was strong. The Democrat controlled Congress of 2006 was impressive in their growth prevention and covering for Fannie and Freddie another thing Obama had a hand in as an organizer from the hood. RINOs and other moderates were very bipartisan in spending remember when Teddy Kennedy died he was given praise for no child left behind yet it was used to bash Dubba Ya?

Then this jerk comes in, ruins everything including Egypt and not Libya.

Libya, Hmm well considering the real reason we are there is to protect Eruope's interest in the Oil, that is somewhat true until we see the end results.

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True when he came in as a Senator the economy was robust and the stock market was strong. The Democrat controlled Congress of 2006 was impressive in their growth prevention and covering for Fannie and Freddie another thing Obama had a hand in as an organizer from the hood. RINOs and other moderates were very bipartisan in spending remember when Teddy Kennedy died he was given praise for no child left behind yet it was used to bash Dubba Ya?

Libya, Hmm well considering the real reason we are there is to protect Eruope's interest in the Oil, that is somewhat true until we see the end results.

Exactly! Those ****ing Dems and Moderates held a gun to W's head and made him sign all those spending bills into law. *******s even had the nerve to want war time spending including in deficit numbers. Where the hell do they get off?

And that nonsense that led to the 2006 elections with the "big slowdown" and record high trade deficits that the Dems lied about to get elected. Hell, you can use facts to prove anything that's remotely true! Again, where do they get off doing that?

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Says the poster who used to have a sig wishing death on the guy. From Day 1. Before he even had a chance to **** anything up.

I believe Bachmann was in New Hampshire recently and was railing against Obama. During her rant, Bachmann mentioned the State's motto (i.e., "Live Free or Die") and told the crowd that motto makes her think of another saying ... "Death to Tyrants!" Gee ... I wonder who she was talking about.

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