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Should Obama tap into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve?


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Should Obama tap into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve?

---------- Post added March-9th-2011 at 05:43 PM ----------

I voted no. I am opposed whenever they do this just to lower price of oil. The SPR was created in case there was a disruption in oil supplies. I figure that disruption will happen once Saudi Arabia falls; so save it for when we really need it.

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Reminds me of the article I read today about all the states that have rainy day funds but are slashing budgets big time because they don't consider it a rainy day yet or they've made it so hard to take out that they can't.

I think the prices were contrived to give a little back to Toyota (they're selling priuses at more than MSRP already) after the recall fiasco! :pfft:

I say we use it, keep the price no higher than $3.50 because that's when it really seems to start to impact the economy.

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No, I want the price so high that Americans get off their fat arses and walk a few blocks. I seriously know way too many people who'll hop in the car to go someplace within a ten minute walk. There are some who'll get in the car to drive to a neighbor who lives on the same street.

I also want gas high enough that we finally really start getting serious about alternatives even if it hurts for a few years.

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No, I want the price so high that Americans get off their fat arses and walk a few blocks. I seriously know way too many people who'll hop in the car to go someplace within a ten minute walk. There are some who'll get in the car to drive to a neighbor who lives on the same street.

I also want gas high enough that we finally really start getting serious about alternatives even if it hurts for a few years.

Oil would have to go a lot higher before alternatives would be feasable such as (Nuclear power) and whole higher again for wind or solar to be considered.

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No, I want the price so high that Americans get off their fat arses and walk a few blocks. I seriously know way too many people who'll hop in the car to go someplace within a ten minute walk. There are some who'll get in the car to drive to a neighbor who lives on the same street.

I also want gas high enough that we finally really start getting serious about alternatives even if it hurts for a few years.

This is exactly how I feel, especially since I plan on moving up to Boston after I graduate, and won't have a car anymore up there. I'm hoping by the time I need one again, prices will have gone so high that a VIABLE alternative will have been developed and be in common usage. Hey, a guy can dream.

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No, I want the price so high that Americans get off their fat arses and walk a few blocks. I seriously know way too many people who'll hop in the car to go someplace within a ten minute walk. There are some who'll get in the car to drive to a neighbor who lives on the same street.

I also want gas high enough that we finally really start getting serious about alternatives even if it hurts for a few years.

Delivery people and technicians can suffer and get laid off while we 'create' an emergency that doesn't hurt us regular folk?

GeeksonWelfare doesnt have the same ring.

The higher it goes the less its used in smaller areas that can. which drives up supply and lowering the price.

We can still do Compressed Air cars at 2.70

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