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Kevin and Rock not on WJFK anymore but for how long?


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anyone attempt to email?

i still dont have anything back....

I have emailed twice and havent gotten a response yet. I have a feeling we wont, this seems to be a subject they don't want to touch on apparently. Very shady how this is being handled if you ask me.

Its funny, the K&R show would be like a b-12 shot in the arm to 980, and would instantly give WJFK competition. If you put them on right after Kornheiser, it would raise Kornheisers ratings (eventhough he doesn't need it,)for those who tune in early for the K&R show, and the Kornheiser show would do the same for K&R, giving them the residual listeners from the TK show. This move would also take listeners from WJFK who just feel they don't really have another option, ( i used to be one of them until i learned to like the TK show)and Id wager that if the Sports Reporters came on after K&R, that their ratings would increase as well. The energy, the emotion, and the tempo of the show would be the afternoon "pick me up" that would help people get through the last half of the work day, and the show could actually be a competitor with the L&D show, only K&R are nicer to the callers and more friendly in general. The chemistry between K&R really does shine through when you listen to K&R, and that is an underrated component of Sports Talk Radio. The Sports Junkies had that chemistry about ten to twelve years ago, but now it seems like they all hate each other.

Anyways, its now my hope that K&R are picked up by 980 or atleast put back on WJFK with a regular timeslot. They have earned it, in a very small timeframe as well. You just dont see the kind of effort those two put into their show, from other Sports Talk Show Host's.

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Anyways, its now my hope that K&R are picked up by 980 or atleast put back on WJFK with a regular timeslot. They have earned it, in a very small timeframe as well. You just dont see the kind of effort those two put into their show, from other Sports Talk Show Host's.

980 Should put them on opposite Wise. They would kill him. He has a voice for writing.

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I liked Big O and Dukes, but Chad by himself goes down the negative depressed rabbit whole way to much. Lavar even follows him. Oscar balanced him out and could pull him out of a tailspin.

If 106.7 is screwing Kevin and Rock over because of the Lavar thing thats just wrong.

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106.7 is awkward as all hell at times. I wouldn't be surprised if none of them ( except K&R ) like each other. the show where Lurch railed on Chad Dukes was probably one of their funnier "slipups."

It is ALWAYS awkward on WJFK. The Junkies cry and complain about everything the station does, including cross talk. They make fun of and don't like UnWise Mike, UnWise Mike belittle's their show for being so smutty and trying to generate ratings off of mentally handicapped individuals, and now that I have heard Lavar and Dukes don't even do the show in the same room anymore, i can see a distaste for each other building since the Snyder interview. At least Holden and B-Mitch lik..... oh wait, they don't even get along and have had on air blow ups when BMitch subs for Mike..... hmmmm, I think the only two that like each other is Bill and Danny. Next to K&R, Bill and Danny and Frank when he is in studio actually have the best show on the station.

Either way, just get K&R on the air. if you havent emailed or tweeted CK, please do so. Its the only way we have to voice our displeasure with how the best show on the station is being neglected.

It may not get the best ratings but that's because there isn't an Ex Football player behind the mic.

---------- Post added March-8th-2011 at 04:05 PM ----------

980 Should put them on opposite Wise. They would kill him. He has a voice for writing.

Ive heard that Kornheiser kills Wise in the ratings. I could be wrong, but that's what I have heard third party.

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So am I the only one who heard Lavar take a shot at Rock yesterday? Early in his show.

Now I have time to type. Lavar remarked that a caller sounded like Biggie. Callerr said that the other brother on the station said the same thing. Lavar asked who that was, "what's his name?" Caller said he wasn't sure, guy on the weekend (clearly Rock and I actually remember when Rock told him that). Lavar says "oh it must have been B Mitch then" in arrogant, **** you tone. Chad Flukes chimes in with his fat-troll, fake laugh. And that was that.

Doesn't look good for KnR.

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i still have not received a email or a tweet back regarding the situation....

time to start a revolution....details to come early o'clock tomorrow morning.

---------- Post added March-8th-2011 at 10:54 PM ----------

Either way, just get K&R on the air. if you havent emailed or tweeted CK, please do so. Its the only way we have to voice our displeasure with how the best show on the station is being neglected.

It may not get the best ratings but that's because there isn't an Ex Football player behind the mic.

PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD on email or tweeting CK.

it is truly the only way us fans have a word...i refuse to turn back to that station until K&R are back on air.

thanks for the support stew, i know that K&R appreciate it.

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Doesn't 980 have a second sports station now? What is on 570? I know Czabe's morning show is on that station. Maybe they could go there?

In theory they could but they put a ton of national crap on 570 like Cowherd. Wouldn't have a problem with Cowherd being thrown off this market, replaced by this "K&R". And they could compete against Wise, whose show is horribly boring the first and only time I heard it.

I don't think 980 has any room for K&R. Mike and Mike isn't going anywhere, nor is Kornheiser, Sheehan, Doc Walker or the Sports Reporters. Sheehan is too solid to move, Doc will probably get JT's time slot when he retires and Andy and Czabe have ultimate seniority.

Yeah, there is no room on 980 for Kevin and Rock.

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In theory they could but they put a ton of national crap on 570 like Cowherd. Wouldn't have a problem with Cowherd being thrown off this market, replaced by this "K&R". And they could compete against Wise, whose show is horribly boring the first and only time I heard it.

Yeah, there is no room on 980 for Kevin and Rock.

I think a replacement for Cowherd would be a decent idea. As far as there not being any room on 980 for K&R, that's like saying there is no room for an influx of younger listeners to the station. From Kornheiser, to Sheehan, to JT, its all older host's with a dry professional delivery (for the most part) and pretty basic discussions about articles that have been written already. From what I have heard, the majority of the callers to these shows are in their thirties and up, and most of these shows don't go to the callers very often.

This is where K&R are a change of pace and make a difference. The K&R show has a little bit faster tempo to it. Its a great change of pace from the monotony, and that infusion of youth, genuine laughter, and upbeat discussion is part of what drives the L&D show to good ratings. Its just a little different then everything else that's being offered. Its the reason that the Glenn Unick show wont take off. He is just another clone of Holden Kushner or Bill Roland, a cookie cutter sports talk show host that will say things for dramatic effect and argue small points into infinity just to stir up callers. The K&R show bring a young fanbase with them, the host's go to the callers and treat them well. The host's have a better chemistry then any of the tandems already on the station, and have a diverse selection of topics to touch on. Also, K&R show already has the ability to snag good interviews. With the aid of the Redskins flagship station, im sure there could be epic interviews lined up on that show.

While I think that the current line up at 980 is decent, its far from enough to even beat WJFK. I cant see why 980 wouldn'tbe looking for a show that would bolster their lineup and poss give competition to any of the shows on WJFK currently. just my opinion.

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Now I have time to type. Lavar remarked that a caller sounded like Biggie. Callerr said that the other brother on the station said the same thing. Lavar asked who that was, "what's his name?" Caller said he wasn't sure, guy on the weekend (clearly Rock and I actually remember when Rock told him that). Lavar says "oh it must have been B Mitch then" in arrogant, **** you tone. Chad Flukes chimes in with his fat-troll, fake laugh. And that was that.

Doesn't look good for KnR.

If that's the case, that really sucks. It also means that i'll be spending more time listening to the ipod and 980. IMO, K&R was one of the better shows on "The Fail." Maybe they'll give B-Mitch a show with Scott Lynn(sp?).

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Still no Kev and Rock Show. I have given up WJFK for lent, and if I can find a suitable listening routine between ESPN 980, my audio library, and podcasts, then I will have given up WJFK all together, unless they bring K&R back on.

There have been people who have mentioned emailing or tweeting CK, to voice their opinion/concern/distaste for the way the station is handling the Kev and Rock Show. Some people already have. I havent heard from a single person saying they have received a response from Chris Kinard or the radio station. For this, I have a solution.

I was able to get in contact with someone in Management at CBS Radio. Not only was I able to get in contact with this high ranking member of management, I received aknowledgement from that individual within an hour of sending an email to him. I thought it was incredible that I can email or tweet the Station manager of the radio station I used to be a fan of, and not hear a single response, let alone be aknowledged that my email was received, but I can send an email to one of the CEO's of CBS radio and receive aknowledgement in the form of a personal response from the CEO, in under and hour of sending that email. It says a lot about both men, the Staton Manager, and the CEO of CBS radio. It says a lot about both men, and very different things about each man.

So I don't see any reason to toy around with CK over at WJFK, if he doesn't even have the consideration to aknowlege (let alone respond to) an email from listeners of the station, without whom, the station would fail.

If anyone is sincerely interested in voicing their opinion on the handling of the Kevin and Rock Show to CBS radio executives, please use the email addresses supplied to RadioInsider in the post's above.

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106.7 is awkward as all hell at times. I wouldn't be surprised if none of them ( except K&R ) like each other. the show where Lurch railed on Chad Dukes was probably one of their funnier "slipups."

Loved when he called in all drunk, told Chad he knew nothing about sports and that Chad really doesn't even care about our local sports. Lurch said chad should stick to comic books and video games, thought it was great!

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Loved when he called in all drunk, told Chad he knew nothing about sports and that Chad really doesn't even care about our local sports. Lurch said chad should stick to comic books and video games, thought it was great!

When did that happen? :ols:

Kev and Rock was the best show on The Fan. If they got suspended or fired for a Twitter war with Lavar, shame on WJFK for not capitalizing on the opportunity that they had in front of them.

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And we now go another weekend with out Kevin and Rock. When the word came down yesterday, I just couldn't believe that for another week Chris Kinard could be this biased against a great grass roots show. Clearly any pressure applied to Dan Mason from the listeners just didn't go far enough. So if you love the show and want it back on, please do your patriotic duty and email the man at the top

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And we now go another weekend with out Kevin and Rock. When the word came down yesterday, I just couldn't believe that for another week Chris Kinard could be this biased against a great grass roots show. Clearly any pressure applied to Dan Mason from the listeners just didn't go far enough. So if you love the show and want it back on, please do your patriotic duty and email the man at the top

I don't know if this is true, but I heard that one of the two of them got into some legal trouble. If true, that may explain their sudden disappearance. Personally, I thought the show was pretty amateurish any way.

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I don't know if this is true, but I heard that one of the two of them got into some legal trouble. If true, that may explain their sudden disappearance. Personally, I thought the show was pretty amateurish any way.

What exactly was amateurish about the K&R show?

Whats amateurish is four old men telling fart jokes and talking about celebrity gossip and how they would love to have sex with women half their age... dispite being married and having kids. Whats busch league is having to hang up on a caller mid thought because the callers point of view didnt agree with the host. Amateur is having a mid day show based around "Call in and tell me the funniest thing you ever did infront of a celebrity". Its like Tony Sporano said, "Remember when is the lowest form of conversation". Unfortunately, these are the staples at WJFK right now. There seem to be "cliques" at WJFK, and if you are in or close to one of those cliques, you get airtime, as evidenced by the Glenn Unis show. THAT is childish, even below amateurish, but I wouldnt expect much more from a gentleman of CK's quality.

The two best shows on WJFK are Overtime, and The K&R show. Both shows hosts are respectful to the callers, and have chemistry... they seem like friends as well as co-workers. The shows are more professional, sports based, and have better individual segments then any of the other morning or mid day shows. Also, there is a common bond shared by both the Overtime and K&R show. The hosts have other full-time jobs and do radio in their spare time because they actually have a love of it. This gives the listeners something to relate to.

Whats amateur is when a Station Director will not return emails or tweets, yet someone can email the CEO of CBS radio and get aknowledged in under an hour. Chris Kinard is Busch League.

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