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Kevin and Rock not on WJFK anymore but for how long?


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And to the previous post, there are no legal troubles that are preventing K&R on the radio right now. It's a couple of ego's who need to come off their damn mountain and face reality.

What exactly was amateurish about the K&R show?

Whats amateurish is four old men telling fart jokes and talking about celebrity gossip and how they would love to have sex with women half their age... dispite being married and having kids. Whats busch league is having to hang up on a caller mid thought because the callers point of view didnt agree with the host. Amateur is having a mid day show based around "Call in and tell me the funniest thing you ever did infront of a celebrity". Its like Tony Sporano said, "Remember when is the lowest form of conversation". Unfortunately, these are the staples at WJFK right now. There seem to be "cliques" at WJFK, and if you are in or close to one of those cliques, you get airtime, as evidenced by the Glenn Unis show. THAT is childish, even below amateurish, but I wouldnt expect much more from a gentleman of CK's quality.

The two best shows on WJFK are Overtime, and The K&R show. Both shows hosts are respectful to the callers, and have chemistry... they seem like friends as well as co-workers. The shows are more professional, sports based, and have better individual segments then any of the other morning or mid day shows. Also, there is a common bond shared by both the Overtime and K&R show. The hosts have other full-time jobs and do radio in their spare time because they actually have a love of it. This gives the listeners something to relate to.

Whats amateur is when a Station Director will not return emails or tweets, yet someone can email the CEO of CBS radio and get aknowledged in under an hour. Chris Kinard is Busch League.

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What exactly was amateurish about the K&R show?

Whats amateurish is four old men telling fart jokes and talking about celebrity gossip and how they would love to have sex with women half their age... dispite being married and having kids. Whats busch league is having to hang up on a caller mid thought because the callers point of view didnt agree with the host. Amateur is having a mid day show based around "Call in and tell me the funniest thing you ever did infront of a celebrity". Its like Tony Sporano said, "Remember when is the lowest form of conversation". Unfortunately, these are the staples at WJFK right now. There seem to be "cliques" at WJFK, and if you are in or close to one of those cliques, you get airtime, as evidenced by the Glenn Unis show. THAT is childish, even below amateurish, but I wouldnt expect much more from a gentleman of CK's quality.

The two best shows on WJFK are Overtime, and The K&R show. Both shows hosts are respectful to the callers, and have chemistry... they seem like friends as well as co-workers. The shows are more professional, sports based, and have better individual segments then any of the other morning or mid day shows. Also, there is a common bond shared by both the Overtime and K&R show. The hosts have other full-time jobs and do radio in their spare time because they actually have a love of it. This gives the listeners something to relate to.

Whats amateur is when a Station Director will not return emails or tweets, yet someone can email the CEO of CBS radio and get aknowledged in under an hour. Chris Kinard is Busch League.

Frankly, I thought Kevin and Rock came across like a bad college radio show. Not very professional and not for people who like intelligent sport discussion. I also thought the constant race jokes were pretty lame and stupid. I won't miss it personally. I agree with you that Overtime is very good. Ironic that the best show on the station is the one that is always getting preempted for the Wizards and now the Nationals, I guess.

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It's funny how you hate on 106.7 Stew yet you know exactly what those programs you hate discussed TODAY on air. I am a Junkies fan because they are simply four guys talking about whatever, if you're looking for insightful sports conversation tune in to 980 or 570. Now I agree that the rest of the station needs to be turned on its head and run outta town with the exception of overtime.

If you want them gone DON'T LISTEN! I don't listen to Lavar and Dukes because I despise them. I don't mind Wise but I change the station when the Sports fix is on. If you want change simply stop giving them ratings.

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It's funny how you hate on 106.7 Stew yet you know exactly what those programs you hate discussed TODAY on air. I am a Junkies fan because they are simply four guys talking about whatever, if you're looking for insightful sports conversation tune in to 980 or 570. Now I agree that the rest of the station needs to be turned on its head and run outta town with the exception of overtime.

If you want them gone DON'T LISTEN! I don't listen to Lavar and Dukes because I despise them. I don't mind Wise but I change the station when the Sports fix is on. If you want change simply stop giving them ratings.

:ols: you got me! I was listening to Kornheiser on my way to work and flipped today because I was interested in getting the game scores bc Kornheiser went to commercial break. I heard what Holden was asking the callers to call in and recount, and it re-affirmed why i dont listen to the station anymore, well except for Overtime, Caps, Wiz, etc.

Where you and I differ is that every blue moon I do listen to Lavar. he gets some pretty good interviews, and for someone who has only been on radio for two years, its at least obvious that he is trying to get better. cant say the same about the Sports Junkies who bascally have the same schtick they did ten to fifteen years ago. I def do not listen to the Sports Junkies, so If I was close to something they spoke about today, that goes to show how stale their act is.

So, no I dont listen to the Junkies, because dispite the name, there is very little sports being talked. Its more of a morning zoo/nursery show, and its the sme old crap.If I wanted a morning zoo show, Id listen to Elliot in the morning. UnWise Mike, I have to say is at least somewhat professional, just a very awkward show. I dont listen to Holden/Wise show though, and as I said evry blue moon, or If I am interested in something specific, I may search the stations for what Im looking for, but I have dropped the majority of my support for WJFK. I used to love the station. I grew up listening to the Sports Junkies, Don and Mike, etc, and dispite my displeasure with the morning and mid day shows, I still like Overtime, and Im hoping to hear Kev and Rock again. I dont want to disown the station I grew up listening to. However, in another thread someone mentioned Serus radio having sports talk channels, and THAT is something I am interested in. I drive one hundred and forty miles a day round trip, six days a week. Im in the car a lot, and because of that, ive grown very iritated with WJFK. Serus may be what helps me fully swear off WJFK, though I do like Overtime. Also, I have to listen to them when the Caps play bc 980 is not the home of the Caps.

Im not trying to piss ya off Titaw, and I def dont want to argue with you.You would whip my ass in a verbal sparring match. Im probably an easy mark for you to overtake verbally, you have serious wordsmithing skills, and mine are not on the same level. Im sorry if me supporting Kevin and Rock, in a Kevin and Rock support thread bothers you or if you dont want to read them.. You are more then welcome to put me on ignore if you like. I dont want you to do that, but wouldnt blame ya if you did. I have been railing lately about K&R, I just want to get the message out. However I have made a thread, and I am posting in the thread about related content, and the thread is in the right forum. As I have stated numerous times in numerous threads, there are still shows on the station I like, so Im not just going to boycott the station. I wish I could. I do however boycott the shows I dont like. Forgive me for flipping around the dial to try to find out what happened last night in the NCAA, but its a damn keen eye and memory to call me out for it. I was actually wondering if anyone would mention it. But seriously, you were listening to the UnWise Mike show, or was the station still on from listening to the Junks?

---------- Post added March-25th-2011 at 05:32 PM ----------


Frankly, I thought Kevin and Rock came across like a bad college radio show. Not very professional and not for people who like intelligent sport discussion. I also thought the constant race jokes were pretty lame and stupid. I won't miss it personally. I agree with you that Overtime is very good. Ironic that the best show on the station is the one that is always getting preempted for the Wizards and now the Nationals, I guess.

To each their own in regards to Kev and Rock. cant hate on you for them not being your taste.

In my opinion though, the "Black and White segment is hillarious because there is alot of truth to some of these stereotypes, and because its more of a "joke session segment" between two friends of different race, it reminds me of two of my friends busting on each other for laughs.

It absolutely kills me that they cut up Overtime and splice Wiz, Caps, VT basket ball/football and now Nats into the show. I wish THEY had a better time slot as well. I think Overtime has loads of potential. Last basketball season when they had Frank Hanrehan in the studio, they would make predictions based on the refs reffing the game. It was a brilliant segment, and they were largely correct! I wish Frank was a regular or a host on that show.

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This sunday they actually paired up liz drabeck and that disaster Grant Paulsen. It was the greatest combination of fail in the history of Radio. I wonder who Grant serviced to get that job.

I have no idea what Liz looks like, but she sounds cute. I like Grant as the beat reporter for the Skins, apparently he has been around the team all his life, so it seems a natural fit, and the players seem to like him.

He is still rough as a talk show host though. Give him time, he may end up surprising people. Anyone with that good a relationship with players is bound to be able to score a great interview. Some would say it works for other talk show host's on the station.

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Standard radio voice. http://www.facebook.com/people/Liz-Drabek/1039818421#!/photo.php?fbid=471835789469&set=t.667363498&theater

Grant is outta his league with this team. CK was a fool to hand over the job to him. He gets out scooped by everyone, has no real access to players. His best interviews are with Anthony Armstrong and Clint Olderburg. On top of that he's got no grasp of the game. He's a classic example of a talking head that never played the game.

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Standard radio voice. http://www.facebook.com/people/Liz-Drabek/1039818421#!/photo.php?fbid=471835789469&set=t.667363498&theater

Grant is outta his league with this team. CK was a fool to hand over the job to him. He gets out scooped by everyone, has no real access to players. His best interviews are with Anthony Armstrong and Clint Olderburg. On top of that he's got no grasp of the game. He's a classic example of a talking head that never played the game.

wow, touche with the talking head comment, Colin Cowherd is another radio show host that fits that mold.

As far as Liz goes... "She aight".

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Stew you got me all wrong. I ain't mad at ya for liking K&R, hell I admire your resolve.

I appreciate it bro. Sometimes I can get on a soap box about issues. Its good to hear that they may get back on the radio.

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Trust me. Im not Radio Insider and he is not me.

I appreciate everyone's support and if you don't get us making light of race or racial issues you are probably uncomfortable with race anyway. Its ok.

Don't take life so seriously. What we dont have is thin skin and love the feedback we read. We dont listen to any of it, but its good to read. Constructive criticism or any criticism means people are listening.

Thats a good thing.

We do appreciate the support everyone is giving us. However lets hold up on any emails as I want our arrival back to the airwaves to be smooth and not pissin off our boss. Feel free to email us directly at show@kevinandrockshow.com or on Facebook and Twitter and we will respond to them all good and bad. We dont take anything personal so we dont mind adult conversations and if you wonder why we make light of race feel free to hit us up.

I mean one of us is white and if he's ok with me cracking on him...and Im ok with him doing the same, Im not too sure why others would be offended since its not directed at them... unless its out of guilt. lol

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The Junkies used to care about what they do. Now it's just regurgitated crap. Every other week they talk about lurches addiction to nyquil or the fact that cakes has only banged one chick in his entire life. Their angle is played out. It's 4 guys bull****ting and getting paid a pant load of money.

I tuned in Sunday and I had the option of Parker and Parker or Paulsen and Liz Drabeck. CK is a complete nerd that has no concept of on air talent. Rock I hope you guys get back on air. I enjoyed your program. The difference between Kev and Rock and other programs on the fan. You can tell by listening to these guys that they put forth effort. And have some talent.

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The Junkies used to care about what they do. Now it's just regurgitated crap. Every other week they talk about lurches addiction to nyquil or the fact that cakes has only banged one chick in his entire life. Their angle is played out. It's 4 guys bull****ting and getting paid a pant load of money.

I tuned in Sunday and I had the option of Parker and Parker or Paulsen and Liz Drabeck. CK is a complete nerd that has no concept of on air talent. Rock I hope you guys get back on air. I enjoyed your program. The difference between Kev and Rock and other programs on the fan. You can tell by listening to these guys that they put forth effort. And have some talent.

They are back on, check their facebook or twitter pages....

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The guys are back on the air this Saturday at 5:00. We need to all call in and support the show if we want them to stay on the air. Everyone needs to tweet or update your facebook status or send out a mass text and tell everyone to call in to 1-800-636-1067

I'd also like to ask everyone that emailed the station to send a reply thank you email for having Kevin and Rock back on. We need to show the station that we are grateful for them letting Kevin and Rock back on the air

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  • 7 months later...

Can somebody update me on this as it pertains to Kevin and Rock. Why are they almost never on WJFK...and even when they are..it's one day out of a week? I'm so sick of Chad Dukes and Lavar Arrington taking u 5 hours of programming...every day. Those two make me change the channel to 980. Two bammas who think they are relevant............and really aren't. I've never seen a show so disrespectful to callers. And yes I know because I was a regular listener. However, you can only stomach so much of the "realness". I appreciate truth. What I don't appreciate is ignorance. I do like Kevin and Rock though. What in the world happened that they have been relegated to the bench? Why can't they get a time slot and take some of that time from Dukes and Arrington? I guess the show would do well up against John Thompson and Andy Polin. Just my opinion, but both of them need to go. Czaban....I can deal with. Him and Loverro...better. Polin and Thompson just need to .............go away. Anyway, before I go off on a rant about the cleansing that needs to go on here in dc as it pertains to radio personalities....(dukes, arrington, thompson, polin, Sam Huff....)I'll stop. But again, can somebody enlighten me on what's up with Kevin and Rock?

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Unbelievable. Dukes has been on the radio...............for a long time and for the life of me I can't figure out how or why. He and Arrington are exponentially inferior to Kevin and Rock. ....................We have terrible radio personalities in this area logging massive amounts of radio time.

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