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db: Lawyer: Bradley Manning Left Naked In Jail Cell


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My understanding is while they strongly suspect Manning as being the leak due to his proximity to the data inquestion they have no hard evidence of it, and can not connect manning to Julian Assange at all.


Lawyer: Bradley Manning Left Naked In Jail Cell

A lawyer for Bradley Manning, the Army private charged with passing along secret government files to WikiLeaks, said Manning had been stripped naked in his Quantico, Virginia, jail cell for seven hours Wednesday. Manning’s lawyer, David Coombs, said Manning was only given his clothes Thursday morning after being required to stand outside of his cell naked after an inspection. First Lt. Brian Villiard, a Marine spokesman, said a brig duty supervisor had ordered Manning’s clothes taken from him, and said it would be “kind of inappropriate” to explain what exactly happened. Manning is being held as a maximum security detainee and is confined to his cell for 23 hours a day. One of Manning’s friends, David House, said Thursday that he had visited Manning the previous weekend and the soldier’s mental condition is deteriorating as a result of his prison conditions. Manning is also under suicide watch.

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What are they, stupid? Everyone knows you have to send suspects to gitmo before you can treat tham like this. :silly:

Or take pictures.

(I assume there was a reason of some kind. Suicide threat? I dunno. But I'm willing to wait for more info.)

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My understanding is while they strongly suspect Manning as being the leak due to his proximity to the data inquestion they have no hard evidence of it, and can not connect manning to Julian Assange at all.

Not so sure of the first assertion but I've yet to see any reporting of a solid connection to JA.

Manning, 23, was first charged on July 6, 2010, with four counts of violating Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice for disobeying an order or regulation and eight counts of violating Article 134, a general charge for misconduct, which in this case involved breaking federal laws against disclosing classified information. He was accused of illegally downloading and transferring defense information to an "unauthorized source" when he worked as a military intelligence analyst in Baghdad. He was also accused of obtaining 150,000 classified State Department cables, many of which WikiLeaks eventually released.

The charges filed Wednesday include 16 specifications of wrongfully causing classified material to be published on the Internet and knowing that the information would be accessed by the enemy; theft of public property or records; transmitting defense information and computer fraud.

He was also charged with "information assurance" and "security program" violations.

"The new charges more accurately reflect the broad scope of the crimes that Pvt. 1st Class Manning is accused of committing," said Capt. John Haberland, a legal spokesman for the Military District of Washington.


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Everyone deserves due process.

Once he's found guilty of treason, hang him from the yardarm. But until then, he should be afforded every opportunity for defense and fair treatment.

I would argue that we don't make even the worsest offenders submit to such indignities. The only reason to make Manning do so is because we want something from him. Like a confession or some sort of disclosure which would make him easier to prosecute.

---------- Post added March-4th-2011 at 10:29 AM ----------

I would agree with the: Treat him within the Geneva Convention Idiots.

Shoot his ass when convicted.

Don't mess up the conviction with stupid treatment beforehand.

Geneva Convention is for enemies, not your own soldiers. If he's convicted in military court we would have to go with the uniform code of military conduct, and if he's going to be tried in civilian court it would be the US constitution which bars cruel and inhuman conduct.

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Geneva Convention is for enemies, not your own soldiers. If he's convicted in military court we would have to go with the uniform code of military conduct, and if he's going to be tried in civilian court it would be the US constitution which bars cruel and inhuman conduct.

I would say he isn't a soldier and completely resembles the enemy, just my 2cents.

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Everyone deserves due process.

Once he's found guilty of treason, hang him from the yardarm. But until then, he should be afforded every opportunity for defense and fair treatment.

funny thing is that when you are an active service member you are Govt property and are not afforded the same "due process" as everyone else. im not sure there is any legal recourse for this at all...

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Everytime I want to see how the crazies of America think, I come to the Tailgate. Siding with Bradley Manning, check.

It's not crazy. It's just a different viewpoint. Obviously not everyone has looked at the same exact information as everyone else. If they're wrong, then correct them.

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My understanding is while they strongly suspect Manning as being the leak due to his proximity to the data inquestion they have no hard evidence of it, and can not connect manning to Julian Assange at all.

Where do you get this "understanding?"

I would argue that we don't make even the worsest offenders submit to such indignities. The only reason to make Manning do so is because we want something from him. Like a confession or some sort of disclosure which would make him easier to prosecute.

You appear to be jumping to conclusions.

I'm no fan of maltreating prisoners - I used to be connected to the ACLU even - but I am also not a fan of taking one claim by a defendant's attorney, treating that statement as gospel truth, slapping on my own interpretation not only about what happened but also the underlying reasons WHY it might have happened, and ending up going all government conspiracy.

Unless you have a lot more information than this, you are way jumping the gun.

---------- Post added March-4th-2011 at 11:05 AM ----------

Everytime I want to see how the crazies of America think, I come to the Tailgate. Siding with Bradley Manning, check.

Everytime I want to see how the ignorant people of America think, I come to the Tailgate, and look for the people who can only understand issues based on whose "side" you are taking.

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Everytime I want to see how the crazies of America think, I come to the Tailgate. Siding with Bradley Manning, check.

siding with the founders of this country who specifically added an amendment to prevent cruel and unusual punishment. In this case, Manning hasn't even been convicted and he's getting treated worse than a felon.

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Something doesn't add up with his security clearance. I've discussed this with several people close to me who have had incredibly high clearance levels in the federal government/military... they all tell me the same thing. Something reeks of BS. Dude was a 22 year old ****-kicker. How does he get access to high-level diplomatic cables, even peripherally? And then, how does the government not have any hard evidence?

I'm interested if someone has some good info on this.

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zoon, after 9/11, an unprecedented way of sharing classified information was established because so many people talked about how 9/11 would have never occured if the agencies simply shared information with each other. Anyone with a clearance could access files that they should have never been able to in a million years prior. This classified systems sharing network enabled this to happen.

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Guys, it was a joke! Everyone plays around about talking about killing themself! Jesus, lighten up! I think the Marine Guards should be adept enough to be able to ascertain when someone is serious and not serious about suicide. This was all just one big misunderstanding.

I wonder if the Libs on page one feel a little silly now? Probably not.


WASHINGTON — The lawyer for a jailed soldier suspected of leaking classified documents to WikiLeaks wrote Saturday that his client was stripped of his clothing at night because he had made sarcastic comments about using underwear to commit suicide.

Sarcasm! See! Why couldn't they pick up on it?

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siding with the founders of this country who specifically added an amendment to prevent cruel and unusual punishment. In this case, Manning hasn't even been convicted and he's getting treated worse than a felon.

The founders didn't draft the UCMJ...it is a different world

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Taking one belongings is not cruel and unusual.

Think of it as rewards. If you fail to meet certain criteria, things are taken away. If you meet the criteria you are given things.

In the civilian world this may seem absurd, but when you enlist there is defiantly a different code and different laws and certain freedoms that you relinquish. This is by choice when you volunteer. Would your employer reprimand you for getting a sunburn, perhaps a tattoo? The military can and will. It depends on your OIC or NCOIC. As posted above the UCMJ is a different world.

I can’t stand it when people try to mix the two together; this is much of our fail. Let the military do what it does, please keep the civilians of military affairs in most cases.

Don't say, he can't commit suicide with his underoo's, he can.

I have seen shives made of Int. Redcross fliers, which we oppesed of giving to inmates because of the weight of the paper. Well we had to let them, one of our men was stabbed by one and I found two others(in searches) made into handels with nails fixed to them. We aren't just conspiritors, we have the reasons because **** happens.

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