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2011 College Football Thread


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What are you talking about? That is a terrible argument. Most Tech fans here have no problem admitting that the Hokies are getting beat. It's just ****ty that on top of that, there have been a ton of missed calls.

Give up dude.

The fact is Clemson isn't a bad team. After all they beat Tech earlier this year but had a rough streak as of late. Also Tech had many close games this year outside of UVA of course. Of course I'm sure many Tech fans were confident the team would be ready for a rematch. I just don't think VT is actually there. Seems strange they wouldn't be ready for this game though.

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Hey, at least we aren't Oklahoma tonight, right? :)

---------- Post added December-3rd-2011 at 10:34 PM ----------

This thread gets so much more fun when Virginia Tech loses. The post counts triple

Rightfully so with as much trash talking hokies do. Not to mention VT fans tearing down their own team at the same time.

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When you are down by 21 with 4 minutes left in the 3rd you might want to impose a hurry up offense

Just saying

---------- Post added December-3rd-2011 at 10:35 PM ----------

I haven't seen a Sensabaugh dominate a local team since the Cowboys swept the Redskins

O'Cain is not a good Offensive Coordinator, he was at Clemson and stunk. Don't know why you guys would ever hire him, our offense was terrible back then.

Do we get to take the lunch pail home with us after the game?

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This play calling angers me

Screen pases are not the play to call down 21

Neither are runs or QB draws

When you're down 21 the first play you call on 1st down is a 10+ yard pass. The 2nd play you call is a 10+ yard pass to move the markers. The 3rd play you call is a 10+ yard pass. And you hurry up.

I'm not Kyle shanahan but that's the ****ing way you play football

You do NOT screen


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wow. that just sums up the game for Tech. Wonder what Tech will play in after this game?

Chik Fil A. Which will actually be a much more enjoyable game, if there is a silver lining, against an SEC team, as opposed to WVU. I may actually be able to go it as I had no hope of going to the OB on a Wednesday night after New Years

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All of use said that VT didn't deserve their high ranking

No one thought this team was championship caliber

Yup, and what I feared happened. Their athletes played tonight. This is EXACTLY like the 2005 ACCCG, where a lame FSU team beat us with 3 TDs in the 3rd quarter. Carbon copy of that game.

Tied 3 at the half, FSU scores 3 TDs in the 3rd quarter. We at least mounted a furious comeback. Lets see what happens tonight.

Frustrating that night because I had already bought OB tickets. At least this year I wasn't going to the OB at all

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I demand to be hired as offensive coordinator

Clearly my plans work, because it's ****ing dumb to call screen passes and qb draws down 21

You HAVE to go deep

You HAVE to throw the football past the first down markers

Clemson is straight housing our o-line right now. Logan has no time to get the ball deep.

It will take getting a momentum swinging break to make this game look respectable. 3 TDs in 9 minutes, good night.

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