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Looking for some advice for an idea


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Ok, so after I read about the westboro ****ing morons coming to my city after what has happened, I have gone through a range of emotions.

I will not act like I have been noble and not thought of physically harming them, but after praying I realized that for me to do that would simply trample under foot the lessons that should be learned from this weekend and that is unacceptable.

So I have started to talk to my family and they are all disgusted at the thought of these inbred hate-mongers coming to picket the funerals of these victims and they are starting to talk to their friends and I am going to see if I can't put something together to form a counter protest. I have an idea, but if anyone has a better idea, that is what this thread is for. Just remember I have a finite amount of time and none of my friends or family is rich.

My idea is to buy (hopefully) 25 sheets of particle board or plywood and make large signs out of them to block the sight of the westboro signs. I know some people on the board have had these twits come to their city before and am looking for ideas, maybe ideas for a better material than particle board or plywood, as it will have to be held up for the length of the funerals.

Thanks in advance for the advice, and please, if you don't like the idea or anything about it, instead of flaming me in the thread, send me a pm if you must.

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so long as you don't give them the violence they want, anything is a good idea.

Around here when they showed up, a whole crowd of volunteers surrounded them and held up larger signs to block them, and whenever they moved, the crowd moved with them, keeping them surrounded.

They never impeded any of them.. just kept them ringed off from all but about 6' of space around them.

if you get sheets of plywood or particle, drill some handles on them so folks can easily pick it up and move the wall with them when they try to move.


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I can't think of anything right off hand, but I would just like to offer my sympathies to your community. And to tell you that you have my respect for pausing to pray about how to handle this first; and committing to doing so in a non-violent manner.

Best to you, brother.

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Sounds good to me. The only thing I'll offer is that instead of putting slogans or whatever on the signs, put something in rememberance of the victims. Names, RIP, pictures, whatever. Stay classy and somber.

Good luck.

Yeah, the whole point of it was to help the family to be able to do their thing without reading hateful stuff, so the only stuff I was going to have on the boards were loving peaceful stuff.

---------- Post added January-10th-2011 at 08:05 PM ----------

I can't think of anything right off hand, but I would just like to offer my sympathies to your community. And to tell you that you have my respect for pausing to pray about how to handle this first; and committing to doing so in a non-violent manner.

Best to you, brother.

:) thanks, I appreciate it.

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Good for you for trying to do something and in an intelligent manner. As crazy as these events have been out here they must be so much more intense for you. My sympathies to all.

I'll never understand the concept of protesting at a funeral. More, I'll never understand the idea of people who belong to a church and theoretically in salvation protesting at a funeral.

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You should check out the counter protest that took place when those crazy people showed up at comicon in San Diego... I'm sure the pics will pop up if you search in google. They are hillarious... One guy is dressed up as a treky with a sign saying "god hates jedi." My personal fav though is a random guy holding a sign that says "Magnets... How the !@#$ do they work?!" Ever since the VT shooting (my brother was in that hall but not in the shooters path. It was his birthday so I went down the day before to celebrate with him) they have been on my radar. I couldn't imagine them showing up at my brothers funeral to protest...

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Good for you, a great way to help your neighbors. You'll have help too.

"It makes me sick to my stomach," said Glen Littell, who's bringing a pack of bikers from the Phoenix Motorcycle Rider Group to Tucson on Thursday. "They're a stench from a slaughterhouse. We're just going to block the stench so the family can catch their breath."


It's not clear whether the Westboro church intends to picket the funerals of all the victims of Saturday's attack. One press release from the group declared, "Thank God for the shooter," and said the group would picket the "funerals." Another release announced plans only for the protest on Thursday.

"God sent the shooter to deal with idolatrous America," the group said in a statement.


Would they protest people from there own congrigation if some asshat mowed a bunch of them down while attending church?

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My idea is to buy (hopefully) 25 sheets of particle board or plywood and make large signs out of them to block the sight of the westboro signs. I know some people on the board have had these twits come to their city before and am looking for ideas, maybe ideas for a better material than particle board or plywood, as it will have to be held up for the length of the funerals.

Thanks in advance for the advice, and please, if you don't like the idea or anything about it, instead of flaming me in the thread, send me a pm if you must.

The courts have ruled they have a constitutional protected right to free speech. If you try to interfear with their rights you will get into trouble and give that group more press.

Any good idea will have to let those guys express themselves no matter how agrivating that is.

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The courts have ruled they have a constitutional protected right to free speech. If you try to interfear with their rights you will get into trouble and give that group more press.

Any good idea will have to let those guys express themselves no matter how agrivating that is.

and he has the right to display his own banner/signs...there is no law on you being between them and another or your sign obstructing theirs

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Thank you everyone for the kind words. I am glad to hear that there are a lot of others planning on helping out with the same idea. I was worried about not being able to drown out the hateful stuff they shout, but I am guessing that the bikers and the possibility of that new bill are going to be able to take care of that. All I have to do is show up with a few signs to help block the view of theirs and it should be good.

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