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I Hate Pittsburgh Fans Almost as much as i hate Dallas/Philly Fans


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I went to the Caps vs Pens game on Thursday and wasn't to upset about the outcome because the caps faught Hard and it was an entertaining game. But when i left the verizon center, thats when i got pissed off. A group of 40 plus penguins fans were screaming and cheering on the steps across from the verizon center. I hate Pittsburgh fans, they are like ****roaches too, they are everywhere, and seem to keep multiplying!!

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It doesn't help that the DC area is a haven for people from Pittsburgh. Every year more people leave that city, and every year they end up here.

But there are a good number of people who jumped on the bandwagon.

As for the group of people on the steps of the Portrait Gallery after the game, I was very, very tempted to throw **** at them.

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I pretty much dispise any sports team North of DC. I had a roomate from PA in college and he was the most abnoxious person ever. In fact the college I went to was full of people from Mass, Ny, Pa, Nj etc. and with very little exception they were all **** birds.

It seems like here (Richmond Va) Pittsburg fans are multiplying by the day.....its pretty obnoxious when you go into a sports store and can barely find Redskins stuff but Dallas, Pats, Steelers etc. is all over the place......IT DRIVES ME FUING NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I for one am very respectful on the rare occasion I view one of my teams games from an opposing stadium. My brother (SKins, and Braves fan) is as well when I take him to DC to see NATS vs Braves. Its all about respect your in enemy territory act appropriate. However all of these other fans with very little exception are completely ridiculous when coming into opposing stadiums/venues. I wish I had the money to buy all the tickets and then burn them infront of there faces.

Basically F$%^ all the other teams in the land.

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I pretty much dispise any sports team North of DC. I had a roomate from PA in college and he was the most abnoxious person ever. In fact the college I went to was full of people from Mass, Ny, Pa, Nj etc. and with very little exception they were all **** birds.

It seems like here (Richmond Va) Pittsburg fans are multiplying by the day.....its pretty obnoxious when you go into a sports store and can barely find Redskins stuff but Dallas, Pats, Steelers etc. is all over the place......IT DRIVES ME FUING NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I for one am very respectful on the rare occasion I view one of my teams games from an opposing stadium. My brother (SKins, and Braves fan) is as well when I take him to DC to see NATS vs Braves. Its all about respect your in enemy territory act appropriate. However all of these other fans with very little exception are completely ridiculous when coming into opposing stadiums/venues. I wish I had the money to buy all the tickets and then burn them infront of there faces.

Basically F$%^ all the other teams in the land.

I think the reason you see this is because Pittsburgh like these other places are true sports towns. They have nothing else there and because of the lack of other ways to spend their money and time people really turn into diehards and dicks as well lol. It has been said before but I will say it again DC is not really a sports town so that's why you don't see it so much with our fans.

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I hate them equally as much as Philly fans and way more than Dallas fans. Most skins fans would think that is blasphemous but as a Caps fan I seriously cannot stand Pittsburgh fans. I went to school in Ohio and I just stopped wearing Caps stuff out to bars. I can handle jokes and some smack talk, but seriously they would not leave me alone. Its like they made it their mission to ruin my night when they saw I was wearing Caps stuff.

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For some reason, people feel like they can become Steeler/Penguins fans simply by spending a small amount of time in that city. They have some very good fans, for sure...but they have acquired quite a bandwagon fan base.

Why would anyone want to stay in that pos, depressing city? Do you really blame them? That place is more depressig than Baltimore!

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The problem is threefold.

1. A lot of northerners, for whatever reason, are moving south. I have noticed a ton of fans in the area that, whether true or not, "diehard" fans of northern teams, i.e. Pittsburgh, Philly, NE,and New York teams. Why are they moving south? Depressed economies maybe? Job opportunities? Some claim they want a quieter, simpler way of life but I have noticed many will ***** about how we do things down here, but that is another thread.

2. Bandwagon fans. Face it. Northern teams are winning and winning big. Steelers have 2 super bowls in the last 5 years, for a total of 6. Pens have a Cup, a rich history and are considered a top 5 team, if not top 3. New England Patriots. In it almost ever year and dominant. Celtics, Giants, Yankees, and the list goes on.

3. Winning teams that have captured locals and natives because the local teams are not winners. The Caps are the closet to grabbing fans attentions but cannot reach the top. Many kids will latch onto winners as youngsters, especially if their older family members are not excited about local teams because they suck.

We need our local teams to start winning more often and we need some team to bring a championship back to DC. The Caps are the best bet right now.

---------- Post added December-27th-2010 at 10:54 PM ----------

I hate them equally as much as Philly fans and way more than Dallas fans. Most skins fans would think that is blasphemous but as a Caps fan I seriously cannot stand Pittsburgh fans. I went to school in Ohio and I just stopped wearing Caps stuff out to bars. I can handle jokes and some smack talk, but seriously they would not leave me alone. Its like they made it their mission to ruin my night when they saw I was wearing Caps stuff.

When it reaches a point where you fear physical violence or the taunting becomes overly viscous I do not blame you for not wearing it out.

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When it reaches a point where you fear physical violence or the taunting becomes overly viscous I do not blame you for not wearing it out.

Yeah. I mean its not about worrying about getting your ass kicked. I've worn my Skins and Caps jerseys to several away games without fear. But its like since the Pens won the cup, these kids feel like they can taunt you and hastle you all they want. I've just been put in a bad mood too many times by these kids cuz they just wont stop annoying me. I'd rather go out to the bars and not have to deal with that. If I were a douche, I would welcome the taunts and gladly fight everyone. But I think fighting over sports teams is one of the stupidest things that happens in our society.

I don't know. Maybe every team has these fans. Its just going to school surrounded by one particular team's fans makes you really hate those fans. College kids are the biggest douchebag sports fans there are and they're constantly getting hammered and making bad decisions.

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How many people live in Pittsburgh? 300-400 thousand? There are millions upon millions of fans. Even if you factor in all of western PA you don't approach the numbers. They are in every city in the U.S. and I don't view such people as good fans, and the people from Pittsburgh shouldn't really either. They're bandwagon *******s. Everyone has a story. I remember a kid in my high school who a HUUUUGEEE Pittsburgh fan in spite of being born and raised in the D.C. area. I always asked him why he was a fan of a team from another state and he had some bull**** "My father's uncle's brothers' friend's cousin's roommate was a Steelers fan so NATURALLY I AM AS WELL!" It was such crap, he knew exactly why he liked them: they were a good team when the Redskins were not. Replace Redskins with any struggling franchise and you'll see what other cities have been experiencing.

I have no respect for people who love a team which is from an area they have zero ties to. I can understand kids who follow their parents who were displaced- I had a friend whose parents were from Brooklyn and he was a Yankees and Giants fan in spite of being born and raised in D.C, I get it. But if your parents are Redskins fans or unaffiliated with a team and you are from this area you don't have any reason to root for the team of another city other than being a front running douche who can't fathom supporting the local team because he takes the teams he's a fan of as some sort of extension and representation of his success or image in reality. Only pick a perennial winner! I'm a Lakers, Steelers, Red Wings, Yankees fan! Hooray!!!

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I think the reason you see this is because Pittsburgh like these other places are true sports towns. They have nothing else there and because of the lack of other ways to spend their money and time people really turn into diehards and dicks as well lol. It has been said before but I will say it again DC is not really a sports town so that's why you don't see it so much with our fans.

DC is a sports town when one ofthe teams is winning. DC was absolutely a sports town, the entire DMV area was, in 2005 with the Redskins, and when the Caps made the Cup.

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As many know I went to Penn State so exposed to a lot of Steelers and Eagles fans. Eagles/Philly fans are worse. Class-less, obnoxious, inferiority complex=Eagles fans.

I also moved to the Pittsburgh area close to three years ago now. Around here they don't come across as obnoxious at all, maybe because they're among their tribe so why be vocal about it. Here Casual Friday means put on a Steeler's or Pens jersey.

The reason there are so many Steelers' fans nationwide is because in the 80s many steel mills closed. Jobs became scarce so people had to move away, but their ties to the area are pretty strong. The Steelers are something they rally around. With that being said, I feel there are a good number of people who live in Pgh who claim to be Steeler fans but do not even sit down and watch the games.

I will say that a lot of 'em still sport a blue collar vibe and acting like a buffoon in public isn't really going out of their way for them.

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Why would anyone want to stay in that pos, depressing city? Do you really blame them? That place is more depressig than Baltimore!

I don't blame them for wanting to leave. I'm talking about the people who go to college in Pittsburgh, move there for a couple years, etc. and adopt the sports teams (at least the Steelers and Penguins) as their own. I know a guy who grew up in VA his whole life, went to Pitt for two years, transferred back to a Virginia school but still considers himself a Pittsburgh fan.

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