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Will Hasslet and Smith Return for next Sesaon


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I'd def like to see Kyle go but no way that is going to happen. I like Smith and our special teams were kicking ass at the beginning of the season. Haslett.....well he didn't have the people for what he wanted to do. And I'm not sure how much of the decisions to make the change were his. So I'll hold my opinion of him for a bit.

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The special teams has been okay.


I really can't see how anyone can see our special teams as OK this year.

if Smith isn't gone, it's got to be due to blackmail.

He's got no excuse. Haslett can say he's implementing a new scheme. He can say he has to have some time to make it work.

There is no new scheme to covering punts. We're TERRIBLE. AWFUL.

There is no new scheme to covering kickoffs. Our average given up per return is TERRIBLE.

There is no new scheme to kicking field goals. This is the second season in a ROW with double digit missed field goals. They can't execute the snap. They can't execute the hold. They can't execute the kick. Gano's got a limit of about 45 yards. That's just not acceptable in the pros.

There is no new scheme to punting, and this idiot has brought in one dog after another.

Our special teams flat out SUCK, there is no two ways about it, he has been here for six years and he has not made them better at ALL.

The ONE saving grace has been Banks, and Smith preferred to expose him on waivers and go with Devin Thomas and Philip Buchanan to do our returns. This after a few years of "slow as a" Rock Cartwright and Randal "fair catch" El. He failed to recognize what he had in Banks.

Four losses this year can be directly attributed to his special teams failures. FOUR of them. Two of them were touchdown returns that would have put us in the lead late in games that were called back to sloppy penalties on both a rookie (Riley) and a veteran (sellers). Two other games could have been won if not for missed kicks.

One full quarter of the schedule .. the difference between being 9-5 and 5-9.. directly at his feet. Whether we'd deserve to be 9-5 is another question,, fact is if his special teams would not have made those two bad penalties and Gano made his kicks, there's a very good chance we would be.

Coach Shanahan, for Christmas i want you to fire this gum chewing clown the moment the final game clock hits zero. Turn around... call him over in front of the NFL films camera, FIRE his ass in glorious slow motion, then trot out to shake Coughlin's hand.

The Redskins will be so much better for it.


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I really can't see how anyone can see our special teams as OK this year.

I know Gano caused us some games.

I know Hunter caused us a game.

I know the average on return is not good.

I guess I am just countering all of the bad with the goodness of Brandon Banks. We finally have a threat back there and it is great.

Overall, I wouldn't mind seeing Smith staying. Wouldn't mind if the bamma skedaddles either.

I give Haslett no excuses. He refused to adjust his defense to the offense the whole season. A blind man can see that Haslett can not and should not be allowed nowhere near a 3-4 defense at all.

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I know Gano caused us some games.

I know Hunter caused us a game.

I know the average on return is not good.

I guess I am just countering all of the bad with the goodness of Brandon Banks. We finally have a threat back there and it is great.

Overall, I wouldn't mind seeing Smith staying. Wouldn't mind if the bamma skedaddles either.

I give Haslett no excuses. He refused to adjust his defense to the offense the whole season. A blind man can see that Haslett can not and should not be allowed nowhere near a 3-4 defense at all.

Nah, Smith has to go. Brandon Banks fell in his lap and he ignored it. What if he had been picked off by some other team while he was on waivers or the practice squad?

The list of Smith's mistakes is too long to be ignored.

Think about it this way.

He's been here since 2004. 6 years.

What has he brought? He's had a lot of the same vets to work with on his cover teams, Sellers, Lorenzo, Doughty,, they've been here. Our cover teams haven't gotten better. They get worse.

Our kickers.. how has he not found even a competent one in six years?

His special teams fail at such a fundamental level there's no way he can retain his job.

A blind monkey could have gotten lucky with Banks the way Smith did. If he had found him, stuck him in there and then stood up for him and made him our returner, maybe.

But he waived him. I could even see the possibility that he was pressured to try Devin Thomas because of his draft status. But not Philip Buchanan. No way is that shmuck is going to beat out Brandon Banks for a punt returner's job. No way in hell. the only way it happens is Brandon Banks doesn't get to do much punt returning in practice because Smith has already targeted Buchanan as his man... or Smith is too busy reading Bazooka Joe comics to see what he's got under his nose

He waived the guy. Inexcusable.

Tell you what.

if you see the light on Smith and join me in calling for his gum chomping butt to be put on a bus to Bumpkinville, I will no longer argue in any way that Jim Haslett should stay.



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Nah, Smith has to go. Brandon Banks fell in his lap and he ignored it. What if he had been picked off by some other team while he was on waivers or the practice squad?

The list of Smith's mistakes is too long to be ignored.

Think about it this way.

He's been here since 2004. 6 years.

What has he brought? He's had a lot of the same vets to work with on his cover teams, Sellers, Lorenzo, Doughty,, they've been here. Our cover teams haven't gotten better. They get worse.

Our kickers.. how has he not found even a competent one in six years?

His special teams fail at such a fundamental level there's no way he can retain his job.

A blind monkey could have gotten lucky with Banks the way Smith did. If he had found him, stuck him in there and then stood up for him and made him our returner, maybe.

But he waived him. I could even see the possibility that he was pressured to try Devin Thomas because of his draft status. But not Philip Buchanan. No way is that shmuck is going to beat out Brandon Banks for a punt returner's job. No way in hell. the only way it happens is Brandon Banks doesn't get to do much punt returning in practice because Smith has already targeted Buchanan as his man... or Smith is too busy reading Bazooka Joe comics to see what he's got under his nose

He waived the guy. Inexcusable.

Tell you what.

if you see the light on Smith and join me in calling for his gum chomping butt to be put on a bus to Bumpkinville, I will no longer argue in any way that Jim Haslett should stay.



You know what Bang, I am man enough to admit that you convinced me that Smith is not that good overall. And yes, I will take that deal gladly because both of us can admit that the Special Teams and defense can be 10 times better than it is now.

Bumpkinville...... I like it. :ols:

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I think Hasslet will probably get another season, especially if we land Woodley in FA...but he is on thin ice. Personally (and I know I might get reamed for this :ols:) if we're going to stick with a 3-4, I wouldn't be at all opposed to bringing in Wade Phillips as DC. The guy was crap as a head coach but he is a hell of a DC.

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Haslett has to go....how terrible is this guy

---------- Post added December-24th-2010 at 09:37 PM ----------

I think Hasslet will probably get another season, especially if we land Woodley in FA...but he is on thin ice. Personally (and I know I might get reamed for this :ols:) if we're going to stick with a 3-4, I wouldn't be at all opposed to bringing in Wade Phillips as DC. The guy was crap as a head coach but he is a hell of a DC.

Not a terrible guy....and he knows the NFC east

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After reading Bang's argument against Smith I'd say now I would have to agree with him. Smith "should" be gone. I'm afraid Haslett is going to stay but let me throw this name out there....if Marvin Lewis gets fired in Cincy either him or Zimmer could come in here and run the 3-4 better than JH IMHO.

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Based on the performance of the defense and special teams this year.Are these two coaches safe??

If that is the question, The real question would be who would you replace them with? I for one would not mind Wade Philips as a Defensive Coordinator.

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Hmm...Never been a big Danny Smith guy theres just nothing ever so special about our special teams. Have we had one dominant special teams led game recently? Hes not very creative and his game-planning is questionable. Newsflash Danny some teams will watch film and shy away kicking to Banks..thats when you adjust and find ways to get him the ball.:doh: Our most consistent unit would be kickoff return coverage but i cant really give him the credit on that. When the Front Office started cleaning house last off season I just knew he'd be thrown out the door quicker than Uncle Phil did Jazzy Jeff but nope! What has this guy done? We are way overdue for new fresh ideas as far as ST's go

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