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Barack Obama, a Republican masquerading as a Democrat.


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Like most of the political voters, I was mesmerized by President Obama. I thought, at last, we're finally moving to the middle of the political spectrum, instead of our steadfast trajectory to the right. Surprisingly, Obama resembles Ronald Reagan more than he does JFK (whom many compared him to)

If you closely examine his policies, they mirror the same positions of the Republican opposition. First, lets take a look at his stimulus bill, most of the stimulus bill was allocated to tax cuts, despite the fallacious rhetoric being orchestrated by the Republicans claiming he was doing the exact opposite. Here's a breakdown of his alleged "liberal" stimulus plan.


This is clearly a Republican stimulus bill. And don't get me started on his Republican healthcare plan. The idea of "mandates" was first introduced by Richard Nixon, then later pushed by the Republicans during the 90's when Hillary was trying to overhaul the healthcare system. The idea of mandates finally came into fruition when Mitt Romney signed into law the same type of Healthcare Bill when was the Governor of Massachusetts.

He's escalated the War, he's extended the Bush tax-cuts, he's deported more illegals than the Bush administration did, and he's foolishly went ahead with rendition before campaigning how draconian it was. And he has yet to close Guantanamo Bay. And lastly, it was infuriating observing the manner in which he was placating BP during the Gulf spill debacle. Lastly, I can't believe Obama was actually fighting to keep DADT in it's current place, despite his hollow condemnation of it publicly.

So here's my ultimate question, will America ever elect a truly Liberal Democrat? I don't think so, we have the far right party (Republicans) and center right party (Democrats). Where's the liberalism?

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If you closely examine his policies, they mirror the same positions of the Republican opposition. First, lets take a look at his stimulus bill, most of the stimulus bill was allocated to tax cuts, despite the fallacious rhetoric being orchestrated by the Republicans claiming he was doing the exact opposite. Here's a breakdown of his alleged "liberal" stimulus plan.

Unfortunately for you and many many Americans (both left and right), you misunderstand conservative economics. All tax cuts are not created equal. Nearly all of the tax cuts supported by Obama are demand-side tax cuts meant to prop up the consumer base. This is Keynesian liberal orthodoxy, even though many think tax cuts are a Republican-only proposition. Specifically, rebate checks and cuts to the social security withholding are what I'm talking about, and, as a conservative, I think they have very little positive stimulating effect primarily because they don't stimulate productivity.

This is clearly a Republican stimulus bill. And don't get me started on his Republican healthcare plan. The idea of "mandates" was first introduced by Richard Nixon, then later pushed by the Republicans during the 90's when Hillary was trying to overhaul the healthcare system. The idea of mandates finally came into fruition when Mitt Romney signed into law the same type of Healthcare Bill when was the Governor of Massachusetts.

As a matter of holding down costs, the mandate to purchase insurance is about the only thing Obama did do. It is important to hold down costs. It's also important to abide by the constitution. We'll see what the supreme court thinks of all of this. Either way, it's hardly Republican orthodoxy to mandate every American to participate (by hook or crook) in a government run program.

He's escalated the War

He campaigned on this.

he's extended the Bush tax-cuts

Interestingly, before big contributors decided which way to go in the next election...and he did so while also giving billions of other relief to middle and lower classes...a very liberal thing to do.

he's deported more illegals than the Bush administration did

While strongly supporting the dream act and pushing for amnesty across the board. Very liberal.

and he's foolishly went ahead with rendition before campaigning how draconian it was.

If rendition is conservative, good for me. More likely...Obama's just taking the advice of his national security team...to his credit. Liberals have undermined the best alternative, which is Guantanamo Bay.

And he has yet to close Guantanamo Bay.

Have you considered that maybe the liberals were wrong on this? The prisoners that we release are returning to the battle field. Obama's gone out of his way to extradite some to other countries. The American people don't want them in this country, and at least one has been found not guilty when prosecuted in civilian court. Maybe, just maybe, Bush was doing the best thing for the safety of our country and our soldiers when he held these people in Guantanamo...and maybe Obama realizes this?

And lastly, it was infuriating observing the manner in which he was placating BP during the Gulf spill debacle.

Didn't he just sue them? Didn't he make them foot the bill for the clean up? And, not that you necessarily care about our strategic alliances, doesn't BP have a massive influence on the British economy and retirement system? I suppose you'd rather just destroy them at the expense of our strongest ally.

Lastly, I can't believe Obama was actually fighting to keep DADT in it's current place, despite his hollow condemnation of it publicly.

So, he's liberal here...just not saying so publicly?

So here's my ultimate question, will America ever elect a truly Liberal Democrat? I don't think so, we have the far right party (Republicans) and center right party (Democrats). Where's the liberalism?

They just did, and look where it's gotten us so far.

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But Obama is the most left-wing radical president we've ever had! This is unpossible!

---------- Post added December-18th-2010 at 04:52 PM ----------

Damn you, Bush, for ruining what it means to be a Republican.

Has there ever been a consistent definition for Republican?

Well, at least up until recently, there have been both liberal and conservative wings of the party.

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But Obama is the most left-wing radical president we've ever had! This is unpossible!

---------- Post added December-18th-2010 at 04:52 PM ----------

Has there ever been a consistent definition for Republican?

Well, at least up until recently, there have been both liberal and conservative wings of the party.

I kind of like it when we agree!

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Parsec. He explained to us in the other thread that when you criticize a black person, but not a white person who's done what he perceives to be the same thing, you're a racist.



You're a liar, and a complete fraud. I never said such a thing. I don't think in those archaic simplistic terms. Only a remedial mind such as yours could conjure such non-sense. Please provide the quote where I said that? That's what I thought. You're a fraud, and liar.

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You're a liar, and a complete fraud. I never said such a thing. I don't think in those archaic simplistic terms. Only a remedial mind such as yours could conjure such non-sense. Please provide the quote where I said that? That's what I thought. You're a fraud, and liar.

wow, you arent gonna last long friend.

There are better ways to get your point across.

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