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Getting our franchise quarterback


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"The worst thing people do is keep a draft pick just to keep a draft pick." -- Mike Shanahan, 2010 offseason.

Shanhan took a gamble with McNabb, an expensive one for sure, but he has recognized his mistake and is cutting his losses now. If he understood that McNabb was not the long term answer but egocentrically stuck to his guns anyway, spending the next few years vainly trying to win with him instead of building for the long-term future -- well, wouldn't that be the worst possible thing he could do?

How could Shanahan want to make the move he's just made? It embarrasses him throughout the league, he'll be long derided within the national media, and he'll have egg on his face until he proves us all wrong. At the very least, it'll take 9 months for him to be redeemed. I don't agree with the move now, I didn't agree with the move to spend a 2nd and 4th on a 34 year old quarterback to begin with, but major kudos to Shanahan for making the very ballsy decision to do what he feels is in the best interest for our long-term future -- doing what is best so he can ultimately build a roster that can compete for a Superbowl.

McNabb evidentially wasn't that quarterback; let's move on. Ideally we'll be able to recoup that 4th round pick (or possibly, a 3rd?) in a trade with Minnesota/Arizona. Allen has already made a number of shrewd maneuvers to acquire players or picks in a manner that Cerrato never could have (Carriker trade, getting something for Tryon, etc. etc.)

All that being said, it's quite clear now: we will be drafting a quarterback in the 2011 draft.

'I'm not sure what I'm going to do in the college draft, if we're able to get the top quarterback in the draft, if there was a young Donovan McNabb or maybe a Sam Bradford, someone like that.' There's a lot of possibilities." -- Mike Shanahan, today.

Reading between the lines, could "a young Donovan McNabb" represent Cam Newton, while "a Sam Bradford, someone like that" represent Andrew Luck?

It was widely reported that Shanahan coveted above all the opportunity to draft Bradford. He wanted to draft a quarterback he could "raise." McNabb was far from his first choice, and evidently, couldn't raise him to effectively run his system. I can't imagine that Shanahan will again pass up opportunity to pick one of the draft's most talented quarterbacks for a second year running -- even if we have to mortgage another bevy of picks to move into the position to add one.

Currently, the draft order resembles the following:

Carolina - (2-12) - Quarterback needy

Denver - (4-11)

Cincinnati - (4-11)

Buffalo - (4-11) - Quarterback needy

Detroit - (5-10)

Dallas - (5-10)

Arizona - (5-10) - Quarterback needy

Cleveland - (5-10)

San Francisco - (5-10) - Quarterback needy

Houston - (5-10)

Minnesota - (5-9) - Quarterback needy

Tennessee - (6-9) - (will likely keep VY and discard Fisher)

Washington - (6-9) - Quarterback super-needy

Seattle - (6-9) - questionable - Hasselbeck not long-term answer

I'm working under the assumption that we won't win more than one of our final three games (frankly, I see us going 0-3, but any bad team can win on any given Sunday). We probably won't pick any higher than 6th or any lower than 10th.

Carolina and Buffalo are two teams that pick ahead of us and will almost undoubtedly draft a quarterback. Arizona, if they draft before us and don't trade for McNabb, will almost undoubtedly draft a quarterback. (Though if they want to keep Fitzgerald happy, they could very likely trade for McNabb -- but still draft a long-term replacement). San Francisco are QB-needy, and are one-loss ahead of us in the standings (God, isn't this depressing?)

Potentially, that's 4 teams that are in desperate need for a long-term answer at QB, teams that pick ahead of us. And Minnesota have the same record -- I'm not entirely sure how the tiebreaker will work, whether it is dictated by strength of schedule or head-to-head.

So where does that leave us?

I'm not the college guru -- I'll leave that to others on the board here to discuss. It seems like there are four prospects that have first-round potential: Andrew Luck, Cam Newton, Ryan Mallet and Jake Locker. (But perhaps this isn't the case; I'm admittedly not as informed as many others on here are.)

So do we try to pull an Eli Manning-type move to acquire the 1st overall pick? (A 2011 1st round pick, 2011 2nd round pick, 2012 fist round pick -- something along those lines. Let it also be known that Carolina doesn't have a 2nd round pick this season). It would absolutely cripple us elsewhere, and means we would -- as of now -- have just one player to show for the first four rounds of the NFL draft. But in all likelihood, we would finally have our long-term answer at quarterback for the next 10-15 years. Would that not be ultimately worth it, even if we have to suffer two more seasons of almost unbearable losses?

Do we try to package players+picks to try to grab the 2nd rated prospect (Cam Newton, perhaps?)

Or do we sit tight and hope one of the more mentally flawed, but physically elite quarterbacks fall -- a Jay Cutler type -- for the Shanahans to groom to fit our system?

What say ye? Regardless, we will ultimately be attempting to do what almost everyone clamored for us to do this time last year: namely, draft a franchise quarterback. And at the very least, our next quarterback will have a franchise left tackle to protect him while Shanahan attempts to build the rest of the line through lower draft picks and free agents. And we've found a deep threat in Anthony Armstrong, a tough runner in Ryan Torain, a third down back in Keiland Williams, and a potential game changer in Brandon Banks -- all extremely young players acquired for absolutely nothing. If Shanahan can add a few more pieces to the offense (another receiver, running back, a guard) in the same manner -- nevermind more expensive free agent acquisitions -- our long-term future on offense seems young and promising. And at least that's something.

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If we can just try to lose the last few games, we have a shot at a decent quarterback to build around. I'm an Auburn student and a Cam Newton supporter, but I'm still skeptical about how his game will translate into the NFL.

I doubt we can get Luck, but he'd be my first choice by far. I LOVE the way he plays. I also would be very supportive of drafting Mallett, or even Locker. Heck, at this point, I just want to see the Redskins draft any quarterback in the first round. It needs to happen.

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If we can just try to lose the last few games, we have a shot at a decent quarterback to build around. I'm an Auburn student and a Cam Newton supporter, but I'm still skeptical about how his game will translate into the NFL.

I doubt we can get Luck, but he'd be my first choice by far. I LOVE the way he plays. I also would be very supportive of drafting Mallett, or even Locker. Heck, at this point, I just want to see the Redskins draft any quarterback in the first round. It needs to happen.

Drafting any QB in the first round?

Lol we saw this movie here before

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I would say the Cinci is in the QB needy category have you seen Carson Palmer this year? Awful. they may be in the mix as well.

That's what I was thinking, but Palmer is still paid as one of the highest QBs in the league and the Bengals are run by one of the league's cheapest owners. Palmer is only 30, and even though he's actually been pretty horrible for 3+ years, I could much more easily envision the Bengals drafting a "sexier" pick like an AJ Green. Otherwise, they would be paying, what, $20odd million just to the quarterback position alone?

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Stranger things have happened, but I'll be ubber shocked if Carolina pass on Luck.

Sadly, as bad as what we are, we've just not been quite bad enough to take what look's like two exceptional QB's in Shanahan's first two drafts,


Carolina are another team in super-rebuild mode. They are without a 2nd round pick this year. If they were offered an additional 2nd and 1st round pick, while only moving down 7 spots or so in the draft, I feel like the Panthers at the very least would give serious consideration to such a move. They drafted Clausen in the 2nd round just last year, and perhaps they would like to hedge their bets with a Mallet/Clausen/Pike battle royale, while rebuilding the rest of their depleted team for the long haul.

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Let is also be stated that in 2005, Denver's offense was run by Jake Plummer at QB, their leading receiver was a 35 year old Rod Smith, with Ashlie Lelie the #2 receiver, the leading tight end Jeb Putzier, and leading running back Mike Anderson.

In 2008, Shanahan had a rebuilt offense, led by Jay Cutler at QB, Brandon Marshall at WR and Eddie Royal across from him, and Peyton Hillis at RB (though with 7 running backs, they averaged 4.8 yards per carry), with Tony Scheffler at tight end.

However, both offenses finished in the top 5 in the league in yards. At least based on past results, Shanahan knows how to build an offense and run an elite one.

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I don't know how they are going to get one, or if it will even happen this year. I hope it happens, but I hope it's not at the expense of rebuilding the lines.

We can use FA to take care of the lines.

Bottomline: We need a QB (Luck) and need to do whatever possible to acquire him....even if that means trading a future 1st rounder

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At least based on past results, Shanahan knows how to build an offense and run an elite one.

That he most certainly does.

One of my major wishes, though I doubt it happens, is for him to put sentiment aside, as much as I get him wanting to work with his boy; can Kyle; and take FULL control of the offense and get back to what he's always been great at; calling fantastic offensive football games.


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That he most certainly does.

One of my major wishes, though I doubt it happens, is for him to put sentiment aside, as much as I get him wanting to work with his boy; can Kyle; and take FULL control of the offense and get back to what he's always been great at; calling fantastic offensive football games.


I really think your going to see him and Kyle sit down over the offseason and work on the offense and try to merge more of Mike's ideas from Denver into Kyle's scheme. Kyle is a smart guy and he'll work on it and try to tailor it to the team and if he and his dad can sit down and work on the scheme make sure it will be effective then we could be seeing a way better offense next year

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I don't think we'll be able to trade high enough to get Luck. Personally I think there are a few young guys out there that were "given up on" quite early.

If Carolina DOES draft a QB first round than we could trade for Clausen.

I've heard talk of Miami giving up on Chad Henne.

Vince Young (if he comes cheap due to baggage) may also be available.

Tebow is starting this week, Orton may become available. The broncos also have Brady Quinn, whom I don't think is a franchise QB but at least still has some potential (everyone sucks in Cleveland.)

Kolb may be available, though an Eagles to Redskins QB trade two years running would be crazy.

These are guys who aren't franchise QBs. They aren't 15 year, Favre, Manning, or Bradys. However, they serve several purposes. Most of them will probably come relatively cheap. This team is in a bind. It needs a YOUNG quarterback, but it is not picking high enough to get a good one. Thus, the team has three options.

~ Reach on a QB in the draft just because we need one

~ Sign a veteran to lose enough games for next year

~ Get one of these young guys to hold the position down.

The advantage to the third option is that these younger guys are only probably washed out. They still have some potential. Reaching on the third or fourth best QB in the draft is a sure fire way to bust. Starting an old vet like Mcnabb or Kitna has no upside. Guys like Quinn or anyone else on the list above are (probably) not that good but might still be. Quinn looked terrible in cleveland, but who doesn't? Ditto for Henne. These guys at least have some potential, and in my opinion may be worth the picks needed to get them.

Would you rather reach with your pick on a QB just because you need one, or trade a 3rd for one of these guys? Shoot, if we could steal Quinn for a fourth or fifth just to get "Ramsey'd" for a year I'd take that. He has a ten percent chance of panning out, and a 100 % chance of being a viable stop gap until we are either drafting high enough to get a QB or have enough picks to make a REAL trade up attempt.

That's how Shanny did it in Denver. He built his team around Plummer. At the time Plummer wasn't an old vet like Mcnabb, more of a cast off like Orton. He let the team get good around Plummer, saving draft picks until he could move up for Cutler. That's what I would do. Get one of these cast offs and build around them until you can trade up for the QB you really want.

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I really think your going to see him and Kyle sit down over the offseason and work on the offense and try to merge more of Mike's ideas from Denver into Kyle's scheme. Kyle is a smart guy and he'll work on it and try to tailor it to the team and if he and his dad can sit down and work on the scheme make sure it will be effective then we could be seeing a way better offense next year

Something sure as heck needs to give there Dukes one way or the other.


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Something sure as heck needs to give there Dukes one way or the other.


No understandable GHH and I agree it hasn't been pretty this year but at the same time while there is a lot of concern about how crappy we are and yes we are I'll admit it, we are a team that once we get guys in here who can run this scheme right and continue to let the football guys make those decisions we'll be in good shape. Mike and Kyle are going to make things work, if they didn't want it to work then Kyle wouldn't be here working with his dad

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