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PFT - Mike Vick wants to own a dog again


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I have no double standard. You don't know me, so don't make assumptions. I'm a long time eagles fan and a long time vick fan. It just happens that I have my favorite player on my favorite team now, which works out perfectly. But back to the point....

I'm not a dog lover. I grew up with dogs in my house but I don't feel any special way about them like some people do. And that bias is something that clouds the issue.

"Whats right" is completely relative. Thats the only point i'm trying to prove. You think everyone should see the world the way you do, but that aint how the world works. Vick and lots of people down south don't look at dogs the way you do. He broke the law and did his time, but to call him an EVIL EVIL person because of that is, I think, a little short sighted.

How do you feel about horse "trainers" that dope race horses up until they can barely walk anymore. Torturing the creatures for our entertainment. Then when the horse is all used up...to the rending plant to be made into glue, lubricants or a number of other household products.

I could go on and on with examples of how other animals are treated just as inhumanely but the general public turns a blind eye because society has deemed it "ok". And there's nothing wrong with that.

Just don't pretend that the line between legal and illegal isn't razor thin. You can take what vick did to most other countries and people wouldn't give a cap. What he did is no different that what we allow people to do to other animals every single day. It's just that with dogs other popular pets we've drawn an imaginary line and said "no, you can't do that to these animals. Only those animals". And i'm my opinion, it's hypocritical and bias to condemn someone for torturing/killing one animal and not another, but I don't make the rules. Just don't expect me and other people like me to vilify vick just because we don't see a difference between torturing/killing dogs, torturing/killing chickens or torturing/killing cows or any other animal.

It's all the same to me. And I don't care equally

-philthy philly eagle fan

I didn't say you had a double standard. You said WE all did, so don't take the self-righteous road, please. I'm from the south, by the way. People love animals here the same as the rest of the country. It is not a "southern thing" to fight dogs. The same **** goes on in California all the time.

Yes, and I'm sure you've convinced yourself that all this is true so you can cheer for Vick guilt-free. By the way, I think animal cruelty across the board is abhorent. No one should mistreat their pets--it's called responsibility and loyalty.

You're making the case that all animals are created equally--that's not correct. You have animals which are hunted, animals which are used for consumption, and then there are pets. Any animal can be a pet, but the point is that a human is taking responsibilty for this creature. It becomes a trust and bond between man and beast. Vick made the choice to use his pets for entertainment purposes that involved the mutilation, torture, and death of these creatures.

You don't see anything wrong with that, that's fine, that's your opinion. But you're not convincing me Vick isn't completely ****ed in the head for committing these acts. In no way it is the same as hunting deer or raising chickens for food. Now if someone raised a herd of cows to simply slaughter them for the fun of it, then it might be the same ballpark. Imagine someone out in a field chopping cow heads off with an axe simply because he enjoyed it. You wouldn't stop and think maybe that person has a few screws loose? Please enlighten me on how this is the same as killing an animal for food. I'd really like to see you spin this one.

---------- Post added December-16th-2010 at 11:47 PM ----------

humans >> animals

sorry thats just the way things work

Yeah, people like the Taliban are great humans.

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DO NOT sit there and lie. it was testified that he was responsible for destroying the dogs that WOULDNT fight.

i suggest you know what you are talking about BEFORE you open your mouth.

I said he personally. I've read through the entire case, there's no testimony of Vick doing anything besides funding the operation and betting on the fights. They list every single dog killed and who killed them. Every single dog bought, where they bought them from, and every single fight and bet.

* He was responsible for many of the kills, but didn't do it himself is the point.

so get your facts straight before you opine on things you obviously know little to nothing about.
This is why you cannot have a rational conversation about this. You're too emotionally invested.

Why do you think there are rescues specifically for dogs that were trained to fight? Because under normal circumstances, those dogs are all put down. If a private interest does not save the dogs, the pounds put them down because they're not able to be adopted.

* Have you read through the entire case and all the testimony plus the 3 plea deal summaries? Do you have your facts straight?

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is your dog not an animal....just like a deer, a rabbit, or a moose?

Humans and dogs have a deeper connection to each other than the other animals you listed. Dogs can actually read our emotions, not even wolves, the dogs closest relative can do this. For what its worth your analogy isnt entirely correct. Dogs are just animals like the others,but unlike them their existense isnt dependent upon a meaningful relationship with man.

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humans >> animals

sorry thats just the way things work

Sorry you are an animal just as I am and as for " that's just the way things work" get out there in the ocean with some Great Whites or out on the Savannah with the Lions and they'll show you up close and personal how things work.

I wonder if you're capable of comprehending the difference between killing as part of nature and life on this planet and killing for the thrill and "sport" of it. Something only the "superior" human animal does.

Vick is a piece of trash. Good thing the scum is bankrupt and has debtors up his ass.

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Doesn't he already??? He's married isn't he??? ;)

Had to do that, the opportunity was too great! HA JUST KIDDING! HA HA HA

He gets his chance in 2012 when his probation ends...but I would hope there is a stipulation of "NO PIT BULLS ever again..." Maybe only toy poodles...

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I didn't say you had a double standard. You said WE all did, so don't take the self-righteous road, please. I'm from the south, by the way. People love animals here the same as the rest of the country. It is not a "southern thing" to fight dogs. The same **** goes on in California all the time.

That was exactly my point. But replace "Dogs" with "all sorts of animals" and "California" with "All over the world". Thanks

Yes, and I'm sure you've convinced yourself that all this is true so you can cheer for Vick guilt-free. By the way, I think animal cruelty across the board is abhorent. No one should mistreat their pets--it's called responsibility and loyalty.

Very true. I never said what vick did was right. I'm well aware of how heartless and cruel it was. I just don't care

You're making the case that all animals are created equally--that's not correct. You have animals which are hunted, animals which are used for consumption, and then there are pets. Any animal can be a pet, but the point is that a human is taking responsibilty for this creature. It becomes a trust and bond between man and beast. Vick made the choice to use his pets for entertainment purposes that involved the mutilation, torture, and death of these creatures.

You don't see anything wrong with that, that's fine, that's your opinion. But you're not convincing me Vick isn't completely ****ed in the head for committing these acts. In no way it is the same as hunting deer or raising chickens for food. Now if someone raised a herd of cows to simply slaughter them for the fun of it, then it might be the same ballpark. Imagine someone out in a field chopping cow heads off with an axe simply because he enjoyed it. You wouldn't stop and think maybe that person has a few screws loose? Please enlighten me on how this is the same as killing an animal for food. I'd really like to see you spin this one.

Here's my spin: You analogy is completely off base. Some out in a field randomly chopping off cow heads would be crazy, yeah. But vick wasn't doing that. He was running a dog fighting ring where dogs were bred to fight, and "useless" dogs would be killed. Thats a huge difference.

"You have animals which are hunted, animals which are used for consumption, and then there are pets. Any animal can be a pet, but the point is that a human is taking responsibilty for this creature" - You contradict yourself in your very own sentence. How can you classify animals like that then admit that any animal can be a pet? So what exactly is the difference then? And how do you justify having certain laws for certain animals but not others?

If I have a chicken as a pet and a chop off it's head and fry it up, is that animal cruelty? No

If I do the same with a dog, is that animal cruelty? Yes

Whats the difference? Where you live and who's laws you live under. That's it.

Maybe i'm going little above some heads here so i'll try to summarize: What he did was against the law and vicious but to call vick crazy or a monster is faulty, because if it were a different animal, or in a different country we wouldn't be having this discussion right now. That's why killing a dog isn't on the same scale as killing another human. That's my opinion, anyway. I know some dog lovers would happily disagree with that

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Very true. I never said what vick did was right. I'm well aware of how heartless and cruel it was. I just don't care.

Here's my spin: You analogy is completely off base. Some out in a field randomly chopping off cow heads would be crazy, yeah. But vick wasn't doing that. He was running a dog fighting ring where dogs were bred to fight, and "useless" dogs would be killed. Thats a huge difference.

"You have animals which are hunted, animals which are used for consumption, and then there are pets. Any animal can be a pet, but the point is that a human is taking responsibilty for this creature" - You contradict yourself in your very own sentence. How can you classify animals like that then admit that any animal can be a pet? So what exactly is the difference then? And how do you justify having certain laws for certain animals but not others?

If I have a chicken as a pet and a chop off it's head and fry it up, is that animal cruelty? No

If I do the same with a dog, is that animal cruelty? Yes

Whats the difference? Where you live and who's laws you live under. That's it.

Maybe i'm going little above some heads here so i'll try to summarize: What he did was against the law and vicious but to call vick crazy or a monster is faulty, because if it were a different animal, or in a different country we wouldn't be having this discussion right now. That's why killing a dog isn't on the same scale as killing another human. That's my opinion, anyway. I know some dog lovers would happily disagree with that

Very well said. I agree completely.

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I find it hilarious that jimbob is trying to argue his case because of other countries cultures....uh, we don't live in those countries, we live here, in amurica. If you would like to live in amurica you live by amurican laws, sound about right? I mean if you want to live by North Korean laws and cultures, by all means, move there. I'm sure they have coverage of all the philthy games so you can watch fans puking on kids and psycho's get paid.

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I said he personally. I've read through the entire case, there's no testimony of Vick doing anything besides funding the operation and betting on the fights. They list every single dog killed and who killed them. Every single dog bought, where they bought them from, and every single fight and bet.

* He was responsible for many of the kills, but didn't do it himself is the point. ?

And that's another lie to try to excuse cheering for that pervert now that he's in a Philadelphia Uniform. (Stay classy, Filthy)

For example:

"Vick twice placed family pets into the ring with pit bulls because he and his cohorts 'thought it was funny to watch the pit bulls...injure or kill the other dogs"

At the point where Vick and his supporters are denying it, no Vick hasn't rehabilitated himself.

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And that's another lie to try to excuse cheering for that pervert now that he's in a Philadelphia Uniform. (Stay classy, Filthy)

For example:

"Vick twice placed family pets into the ring with pit bulls because he and his cohorts 'thought it was funny to watch the pit bulls...injure or kill the other dogs"

At the point where Vick and his supporters are denying it, no Vick hasn't rehabilitated himself.

Dude, that quote alone makes me want to let my friends 2 pits eat him alive inch by inch, while "me and my cohorts think its funny to watch him get injured or killed by the dogs"

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I heard the interview this morning, and the first thing that I thought of was that he said "own" a dog. Personally I have a dog, that is part of my family. I just don't think he will ever view a dog or whatever animal with any respect. Its just ownership to him to do whatever he pleases.

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I heard the interview this morning, and the first thing that I thought of was that he said "own" a dog. Personally I have a dog, that is part of my family. I just don't think he will ever view a dog or whatever animal with any respect. Its just ownership to him to do whatever he pleases.

His view of 'dogs' never changed. He is just trying to be a smart ass and try and rebuild his image... that is all he cares about. He wants the money and fame back and all the people to believe he has a sensitive side to him, which is obviously garbage. Unfortunately, with a chump like him and other immature 'hood' athletes, they like to be hated and its a sign of 'power' to them

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And that's another lie to try to excuse cheering for that pervert now that he's in a Philadelphia Uniform. (Stay classy, Filthy)

For example:

"Vick twice placed family pets into the ring with pit bulls because he and his cohorts 'thought it was funny to watch the pit bulls...injure or kill the other dogs"

At the point where Vick and his supporters are denying it, no Vick hasn't rehabilitated himself.

You mean they let the dogs kill each other for their enjoyment? Is that not what dog fighting is? I don't get your point.

What am I denying? And why am I a Vick supporter? He's a lying piece of trash.

Vick himself is primarily responsible for everything that happened, he was in charge, but the other 3 guys were the one's doing the dirty work. And they all testified against him.

You guys aren't describing an illegal dog fighting operation, you're describing something else. That was their primary function, to train and fight the dogs. Not to torture them for the pure enjoyment of torturing them.

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You guys aren't describing an illegal dog fighting operation, you're describing something else. That was their primary function, to train and fight the dogs. Not to torture them for the pure enjoyment of torturing them.

They'll never be able to separate the two. Too emotional.

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Can't we just send him on his merry way back to an Eagles board NEVER to return here again?

He's pushing it to the point were some decent poster, neigh, decent human being; will say something they regret and end up paying the consequences for it.


Seriously. Its not a reach to predict that happening soon. And it'll be sad, because celj is obviously going beyond spreading his ignorant opinion. He's instigating...and unfortunately, he's pretty good at it. Even more unfortunate...he might not even realize it.

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You mean they let the dogs kill each other for their enjoyment? Is that not what dog fighting is? I don't get your point.

What am I denying? And why am I a Vick supporter? He's a lying piece of trash.

Vick himself is primarily responsible for everything that happened, he was in charge, but the other 3 guys were the one's doing the dirty work. And they all testified against him.

You guys aren't describing an illegal dog fighting operation, you're describing something else. That was their primary function, to train and fight the dogs. Not to torture them for the pure enjoyment of torturing them.

00kie himself said that he dr0wnd 0ne, electrocuted 0ne, strangled 0ne and repeatedly slammed 0ne 0n the gr0und until it died, because they w0uldn't fight.

The 70 dead 0nes they pulled 0ut 0f his back yard, were because 0f HIS d0g fighting ring. There were well 0ver that am0unt t0tal.

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Seriously. Its not a reach to predict that happening soon. And it'll be sad, because celj is obviously going beyond spreading his ignorant opinion. He's instigating...and unfortunately, he's pretty good at it. Even more unfortunate...he might not even realize it.

He's nowhere near smart enough for that CS my good man.

The real scary part is I actually believe he believes the ****** up diatribe he's spouting to anyone taking the (normal) human view point on this. One can only imagine and shudder at what his views would be on more reaching, long standing social issues.


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