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PFT - Mike Vick wants to own a dog again


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I hate to sound like the moral police here as I know the ironic analogy you were going for. And it would be just as ridiculous to give him them were he still alive as Vick an animal, let alone a dog.

But let's not make light of such tragedy as happened that day in OKC huh?


No light was made. I know you were being nice about it but if you hate to sound like the moral police, don't sound like the moral police. Check all the other analogies and write them verbal tickets as well. ;)

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So by association, if Michael Vick had taken great pleasure from barbarically torturing and killing a defenseless child, but subsequently got caught, sentenced and served his time; you'd be fine with him having another child in his household.

Wait, silly me, that's a human. I forget in your World animals have no rights.

Honestly, there's some special morons on these here boards, many amongst our own. But you Sir stand alone on a plateau all by yourself. The frightening thing is that people with your anarchic, antiquated view of life are actually allowed to roam free in the society of 2010 you have no concept of. Please, if you ever do manage to interact with a female that isn't on a screen or plastic, DON'T have any children. One totally ****** up idwat still living in the caveman days is enough for this World.

And I mean the above with ALL the disrespect intended, for you continue to disrespect every decent human being by the post.


again you equaling human life to animal life is a joke

tree's have feelings to right?!?!


go hug a tree

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again you equaling human life to animal life is a joke

tree's have feelings to right?!?!


go hug a tree

lol, little guy's feelings are getting hurt, hahaha, you can tell by the short snarky responses, don't let it get to you son. I'm sure one day you'll be able to own a dog too, hahaha.

The way he downplays what vick did is hilarious, HILARIOUS! Were you one of vick's little helpers? I can only assume what you do to dogs in your spare time, and when you say you love animals, I fully believe you LOVE animals, hahaha. Just another way vick tortured them, he had celljock spend a night with them.

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lol, little guy's feelings are getting hurt, hahaha, you can tell by the short snarky responses, don't let it get to you son. I'm sure one day you'll be able to own a dog too, hahaha.

The way he downplays what vick did is hilarious, HILARIOUS! Were you one of vick's little helpers? I can only assume what you do to dogs in your spare time, and when you say you love animals, I fully believe you LOVE animals, hahaha. Just another way vick tortured them, he had celljock spend a night with them.

chad dukes is that you?!?!

i got 2 pits myself my son

they are my property

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Do you fight them?

Would you like to see them fight...have others bet on your dog?

Would you mind if your dog got maimed?

I dont fight mine

But I have heard stories from friends in the south that do know of fighting rings

this is not an uncommon think

its like knowing someone who drives drunk on a consistently

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chad dukes is that you?!?!

i got 2 pits myself my son

they are my property

yes, this is chad dukes, WHAT AN EPIC FAIL, hahaha, little boy is that the best you can do? I bet you do own dogs, lol, sure you do. If philthy won't let vick have dogs, I doubt you have any, lol. I mean the things you did to those poor animals...smh, terrible celljock.

I have to be honest though, when you said you had two pits I thought you were talking about two pits as in holes in your house sort of like this guy:




Don't worry, I made sure to post multiple pictures so you could comprehend, apparently reading hasn't been your best ally recently.

---------- Post added December-16th-2010 at 01:00 PM ----------

I dont fight mine

But I have heard stories from friends in the south that do know of fighting rings

this is not an uncommon think

its like knowing someone who drives drunk on a consistently

uh, what? english please

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I dont fight mine

But I have heard stories from friends in the south that do know of fighting rings

this is not an uncommon think

its like knowing someone who drives drunk on a consistently

So, you're okay with it?

Driving drunk and dog fighting?

---------- Post added December-16th-2010 at 02:05 PM ----------

Tweedr...just ignore him.

He doesn't bring anything to the table...either intellectually or for entertainment purposes.

No need to go to that level.

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no shelters, societies, pounds or owners will give this guy a dog anyway. The only way he's getting one is through is punk-ass homies that still fight them

---------- Post added December-16th-2010 at 03:06 PM ----------

I think he's saying that if he gets more than one dog, they will end up being forced to fight... just my guess anyway.

Who dictates a "lifetime ban on dog ownership" anyway? That seems kind of weird, has that ever happened before?

Thats actually not the case now. A new story came out today that he was "suspended from owning a canine" for 3 years after his release date, meaning he could actually own a dog as early as a year from now

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I think he's saying that if he gets more than one dog, they will end up being forced to fight... just my guess anyway.

Who dictates a "lifetime ban on dog ownership" anyway? That seems kind of weird, has that ever happened before?

ahhhh, that makes more sense, lol, apparently I couldn't pick up on that :)

no shelters, societies, pounds or owners will give this guy a dog anyway. The only way he's getting one is through is punk-ass homies that still fight them


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*Sigh* You Iggles still don't get it. He didn't just kill dogs. It's not like he was out hunting wild dogs. He made the conscious decision to torture dogs until death. Dogs he had no intention of using for food--just for kicks.
....BUT.... Vick didnt just kill the dogs.... he tortured them to death. at least a hunter has the decency to shoot an animal through the heart or brain.... this peice of dirt electrocuted them in a swimming pool.
You guys sound like Vick was putting on jigsaw masks and attaching archaic death machines to their heads for kicks.

Vick and his partners were criminals operating a criminal enterprise. The operation is to train dogs to fight and gamble on the fights not to kill dogs for the enjoyment of killing them.

If you fight dogs and have an injured pit bull, you don't take it to the local animal hospital; the vets ask questions that you won't answer. If you have a dog that doesn't fight, you don't take it to the pound to be adopted. It would be put down immediately anyway. (without a national story)

Electrocuting a pit bull to death, or drowning one to death, is no more cruel or torturous then any other way we kill animals. Some animals are tough to put down. Blunt force trauma to the head is an accepted and humane way of slaughtering in this country because it numbs the brain before the animal is killed. We're talking about bashing a pig in the head with a shovel. (they're supposed to use the tazer prods that may or may not work) And lets not pretend all hunters are some kind of trained snipers. I've been hunting, I've been around plenty of hunters. You shoot a deer and follow the blood trail, sometimes for long distances. The thing is slowly bleeding to death while you and your hounds are tracking it.

And not that it matters, but Vick wasn't shooting or killing any dogs himself. He funded the operation. It makes him primarily responsible for everything that went on, but it takes away this insidious spin everyone puts on him.

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Yea, but dogs are "mans best friend" and you dont really associate many other animals with a loyalty or name like that.

Dog fighting for money = low-life

Dog fighting for money when you're already rich, like Vick was and will be again, and have drug rings around your house in a high class-suburban area = low-life, thug

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No light was made. I know you were being nice about it but if you hate to sound like the moral police, don't sound like the moral police. Check all the other analogies and write them verbal tickets as well. ;)

See, I knew as soon as I posted and others followed with Bundy etc I'd leave my self open.

And I know you weren't making light of the OKC tragedy man. I tried to not make that sound as it did. My bad on the wording. I guess I'm just not personally big on using one horrid event against another, however I agree with the analogy.

Sorry if it came across as a slight on you. It wasn't intended as that bud.


---------- Post added December-16th-2010 at 03:56 PM ----------

I think he's saying that if he gets more than one dog, they will end up being forced to fight... just my guess anyway.

Who dictates a "lifetime ban on dog ownership" anyway? That seems kind of weird, has that ever happened before?

I don't know what the laws in the States are, but in England, it's not uncommon for people found guilty of serious cruelty or mistreatment of animals, without having served any jail time, to get a life time ban from legally owning them again.

There's NO way in Hell someone found guilty of what Vick did would ever be allowed to legally own a dog again.


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its like knowing someone who drives drunk on a consistently

Right, and people who are busted for consistenly driving drunk get their licenses revoked. And if they're caught driving without a license, it gets revoked for longer. Do it enough times, it's permanently gone. To use your analogy, Vick got bused for a DWI (dogfighting) while driving recklessly (illegal gambling). So after paying his debt to society, they're still going to revoke Vick's (dog owning) license, a temporarily suspension, until he proves he's rehabilitated.

Now, maybe Vick has changed, nobody knows but him. But if starts hanging out with drunks (dog fighters) again anytime in the next decade, people are going to get suspicious of his motivation. That's just how the world works.

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I don't know what the laws in the States are, but in England, it's not uncommon for people found guilty of serious cruelty or mistreatment of animals, without having served any jail time, to get a life time ban from legally owning them again.

There's NO way in Hell someone found guilty of what Vick did would ever be allowed to legally own a dog again.


I'm all for it, but I hadn't really heard of it before. I don't watch "Animal Cops" on Animal Planet on purpose, but when I have been channel surfing and stopped for whatever reason, I don't think I've ever seen them threaten even a suspension of dog ownership privileges. Granted, again, I don't watch the show; maybe they have done that. But from what individual scenes I have seen on it, I'd think there are plenty of people who could use a suspension. Then again, it's arguable that a lot of things could/should be suspended for individuals (like reproduction) but maybe that's a separate issue.

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no shelters, societies, pounds or owners will give this guy a dog anyway. The only way he's getting one is through is punk-ass homies that still fight them

---------- Post added December-16th-2010 at 03:06 PM ----------

Thats actually not the case now. A new story came out today that he was "suspended from owning a canine" for 3 years after his release date, meaning he could actually own a dog as early as a year from now

doubt it. someone will want to get their name out there as the guy/ppl who gave the new nfl superstar his new dog

esp since you know the press will be crazy over the event

and vick wants to get a dog bc his kids want one......nothing wrong with that

hop off

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*Sigh* You Iggles still don't get it. He didn't just kill dogs. It's not like he was out hunting wild dogs. He made the conscious decision to torture dogs until death. Dogs he had no intention of using for food--just for kicks.

But now you're making the case for a double standard all because he's your quarterback now. Don't put it past an Eagle to choose loyalty for a sports team over what's right. Keep making up excuses for the psychopath.

I have no double standard. You don't know me, so don't make assumptions. I'm a long time eagles fan and a long time vick fan. It just happens that I have my favorite player on my favorite team now, which works out perfectly. But back to the point....

I'm not a dog lover. I grew up with dogs in my house but I don't feel any special way about them like some people do. And that bias is something that clouds the issue.

"Whats right" is completely relative. Thats the only point i'm trying to prove. You think everyone should see the world the way you do, but that aint how the world works. Vick and lots of people down south don't look at dogs the way you do. He broke the law and did his time, but to call him an EVIL EVIL person because of that is, I think, a little short sighted.

How do you feel about horse "trainers" that dope race horses up until they can barely walk anymore. Torturing the creatures for our entertainment. Then when the horse is all used up...to the rending plant to be made into glue, lubricants or a number of other household products.

I could go on and on with examples of how other animals are treated just as inhumanely but the general public turns a blind eye because society has deemed it "ok". And there's nothing wrong with that.

Just don't pretend that the line between legal and illegal isn't razor thin. You can take what vick did to most other countries and people wouldn't give a cap. What he did is no different that what we allow people to do to other animals every single day. It's just that with dogs other popular pets we've drawn an imaginary line and said "no, you can't do that to these animals. Only those animals". And i'm my opinion, it's hypocritical and bias to condemn someone for torturing/killing one animal and not another, but I don't make the rules. Just don't expect me and other people like me to vilify vick just because we don't see a difference between torturing/killing dogs, torturing/killing chickens or torturing/killing cows or any other animal.

It's all the same to me. And I don't care equally

-philthy philly eagle fan

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You guys sound like Vick was putting on jigsaw masks and attaching archaic death machines to their heads for kicks.

Vick and his partners were criminals operating a criminal enterprise. The operation is to train dogs to fight and gamble on the fights not to kill dogs for the enjoyment of killing them.

If you fight dogs and have an injured pit bull, you don't take it to the local animal hospital; the vets ask questions that you won't answer. If you have a dog that doesn't fight, you don't take it to the pound to be adopted. It would be put down immediately anyway. (without a national story)

Electrocuting a pit bull to death, or drowning one to death, is no more cruel or torturous then any other way we kill animals. Some animals are tough to put down. Blunt force trauma to the head is an accepted and humane way of slaughtering in this country because it numbs the brain before the animal is killed. We're talking about bashing a pig in the head with a shovel. (they're supposed to use the tazer prods that may or may not work) And lets not pretend all hunters are some kind of trained snipers. I've been hunting, I've been around plenty of hunters. You shoot a deer and follow the blood trail, sometimes for long distances. The thing is slowly bleeding to death while you and your hounds are tracking it.

And not that it matters, but Vick wasn't shooting or killing any dogs himself. He funded the operation. It makes him primarily responsible for everything that went on, but it takes away this insidious spin everyone puts on him.

DO NOT sit there and lie. it was testified that he was responsible for destroying the dogs that WOULDNT fight.

i suggest you know what you are talking about BEFORE you open your mouth.

Furthermore i have a white boxer that thankfully a co worker rescued her and her sister from a dog breeder that bred for fighting. she is the most lovable animal i have ever owned and that is saying a lot. i cant imagine someone killing her because she is a big passive baby. she still has scars where her dew claws were RIPPED out probably with a pair of pliers ... and they ripped the skin up and down her front legs in the process.

so get your facts straight before you opine on things you obviously know little to nothing about.

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DO NOT sit there and lie. it was testified that he was responsible for destroying the dogs that WOULDNT fight.

i suggest you know what you are talking about BEFORE you open your mouth.

Furthermore i have a white boxer that thankfully a co worker rescued her and her sister from a dog breeder that bred for fighting. she is the most lovable animal i have ever owned and that is saying a lot. i cant imagine someone killing her because she is a big passive baby. she still has scars where her dew claws were RIPPED out probably with a pair of pliers ... and they ripped the skin up and down her front legs in the process.

so get your facts straight before you opine on things you obviously know little to nothing about.

nice story..........still its just an animal

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