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PFT - Mike Vick wants to own a dog again


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Timothy McVey says he's ready to handle firecrackers.

I hate to sound like the moral police here as I know the ironic analogy you were going for. And it would be just as ridiculous to give him them were he still alive as Vick an animal, let alone a dog.

But let's not make light of such tragedy as happened that day in OKC huh?


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No, Vick needs to be an example. He has a chance to put his life back together. He doesn't need a dog.

Then again, I think anyone who willingly gets drunk and gets behind the wheel of a car and kills someone should never be allowed to drive again.

Maybe I'm harsh.

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If that views harsh brd, color me just as harsh. :cheers:

I also happen to feel if your a passenger who willingly gets in a car with a drunk driver, you should face a similar punishment as your just as guilty. But that's just me.


While I pers0nally see a difference in intenti0n and accident, I d0 feel like Little sh0uld be in pris0n and he and Stallw0rth sh0uld n0t be in the NFL, al0ng with Vick and Rapelithsburger.

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“I think it would be a big step for me in the rehabilitation process, I think just to have a pet in my household and to show people that I genuinely care, and my love and my passion for animals, I think it would be outstanding. And if I ever have that opportunity again, I won’t take it for granted.”

rando74 says: Dec 15, 2010 1:31 PM

Dear Mike,

We think we speak for everyone when we say “Please go with a cat.”


Snoopy, Benji, and Lassie

I get what Vick is trying to prove....but if all he wants is a pet, he can get a cat, bird, fish, lizard, whatever. A dog is not the only pet you can have, and he has proven he can't be trusted with dogs. And if he starts a ****-fighting ring or has a weekly Beta fish fighting tournament, we can slowly start protecting the rest of the animal kingdom from him.

So in summation, No Vick that's a bad Vick! Don't make us get out the rolled-up newspaper...

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no reason he shouldnt be allowed to get a dog

he has kids and a wife

im sure his little ones want a family dog

no reason he cant have a family dog like the rest of us

he aint in jail

let the man live......why are all you people concerned with what mike vick does during his own time. It doesnt have any effect on your life.

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no reason he shouldnt be allowed to get a dog

he has kids and a wife

im sure his little ones want a family dog

no reason he cant have a family dog like the rest of us

he aint in jail

let the man live......why are all you people concerned with what mike vick does during his own time. It doesnt have any effect on your life.

i bet you would make a good dog for mike vick to own. you're loyal to no end, have the IQ of a dog...actually i'm sorry many dogs actually demonstrate intelligence when they're not sniffing eachothers' butts. your contributions to the many eagles threads on the other hand, demonstrate the sniffing butts quality.

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i bet you would make a good dog for mike vick to own. you're loyal to no end, have the IQ of a dog...actually i'm sorry many dogs actually demonstrate intelligence when they're not sniffing eachothers' butts. your contributions to the many eagles threads on the other hand, demonstrate the sniffing butts quality.

lmao pretty good stuff here my son

dog and butt sniffin jokes

original and classic ish

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As someone who is married to a woman heavily involved in animal rescue, and having been involved with rescue myself, I know how difficult it is to find homes for displaced dogs.

If Vick wants to own a dog again, I would like to see him get involved with animal rescue. I can't imagine the harm in some court arranging a closely monitored foster scenario for Vick. It would give great exposure to the world of animal rescue...

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lmao pretty good stuff here my son

dog and butt sniffin jokes

original and classic ish

thanks pops. i also have no problem with him owning a dog if he gets involved with an animal shelter and rescues one from them. if i had the money i would do the same. the dogs don't care if it's mike vick or not as long as they are treated properly.

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I get what Vick is trying to prove....but if all he wants is a pet, he can get a cat, bird, fish, lizard, whatever. A dog is not the only pet you can have, and he has proven he can't be trusted with dogs. And if he starts a ****-fighting ring or has a weekly Beta fish fighting tournament, we can slowly start protecting the rest of the animal kingdom from him.

So in summation, No Vick that's a bad Vick! Don't make us get out the rolled-up newspaper...

Devils advocate:

If you agree with him having any of those animals but not a dog, why are we allowed to kill some animals indiscriminately, but not others?

I'm sure i'll get plenty of hate over this, but quite frankly, I lump all animals together. We kill deer for sport, we kill cows and pigs (far more intelligent than dogs) for food, we kill fish on a lazy afternoon. But kill a dog in America, and your reputation is over. And yes, it's pretty much only in America where something like this would happen because in many other countries dog meat is just another food. It's quite interesting that in America, dogs have somehow been elevated past other animals and are given preferential treatment in some crazy form of animal discrimination. I'm sure that those 10 point bucks running for their lives in a forest would have something to say about all this, if they could.

Can someone explain all this to me?

Also, please explain why organizations like PETA get a pass for killing thousands upon thousands of dogs every year. I understand why they do it, but doesn't it seem a little hypocritical?

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Devils advocate:

If you agree with him having any of those animals but not a dog, why are we allowed to kill some animals indiscriminately, but not others?

I'm sure i'll get plenty of hate over this, but quite frankly, I lump all animals together. We kill deer for sport, we kill cows and pigs (far more intelligent than dogs) for food, we kill fish on a lazy afternoon. But kill a dog in America, and your reputation is over. And yes, it's pretty much only in America where something like this would happen because in many other countries dog meat is just another food. It's quite interesting that in America, dogs have somehow been elevated past other animals and are given preferential treatment in some crazy form of animal discrimination. I'm sure that those 10 point bucks running for their lives in a forest would have something to say about all this, if they could.

Can someone explain all this to me?

Also, please explain why organizations like PETA get a pass for killing thousands upon thousands of dogs every year. I understand why they do it, but doesn't it seem a little hypocritical?

they cant........its the most double standard system

idk how dogs made it up this moral animal chain compared to other animals

great post

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Devils advocate:

If you agree with him having any of those animals but not a dog, why are we allowed to kill some animals indiscriminately, but not others?

I'm sure i'll get plenty of hate over this, but quite frankly, I lump all animals together. We kill deer for sport, we kill cows and pigs (far more intelligent than dogs) for food, we kill fish on a lazy afternoon. But kill a dog in America, and your reputation is over.

*Sigh* You Iggles still don't get it. He didn't just kill dogs. It's not like he was out hunting wild dogs. He made the conscious decision to torture dogs until death. Dogs he had no intention of using for food--just for kicks.

But now you're making the case for a double standard all because he's your quarterback now. Don't put it past an Eagle to choose loyalty for a sports team over what's right. Keep making up excuses for the psychopath.

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no reason he shouldnt be allowed to get a dog

he has kids and a wife

im sure his little ones want a family dog

no reason he cant have a family dog like the rest of us

he aint in jail

let the man live......why are all you people concerned with what mike vick does during his own time. It doesnt have any effect on your life.

So by association, if Michael Vick had taken great pleasure from barbarically torturing and killing a defenseless child, but subsequently got caught, sentenced and served his time; you'd be fine with him having another child in his household.

Wait, silly me, that's a human. I forget in your World animals have no rights.

Honestly, there's some special morons on these here boards, many amongst our own. But you Sir stand alone on a plateau all by yourself. The frightening thing is that people with your anarchic, antiquated view of life are actually allowed to roam free in the society of 2010 you have no concept of. Please, if you ever do manage to interact with a female that isn't on a screen or plastic, DON'T have any children. One totally ****** up idwat still living in the caveman days is enough for this World.

And I mean the above with ALL the disrespect intended, for you continue to disrespect every decent human being by the post.


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*Sigh* You Iggles still don't get it. He didn't just kill dogs. It's not like he was out hunting wild dogs. He made the conscious decision to torture dogs until death. Dogs he had no intention of using for food--just for kicks.

But now you're making the case for a double standard all because he's your quarterback now. Don't put it past an Eagle to choose loyalty for a sports team over what's right. Keep making up excuses for the psychopath.

How is this different than a hunter who doesn't eat his kill?

How is it different than someone who sets traps for raccoons?

How are these people not viewed as murderers? Or inhumane?

I don't get it. A living thing is a living thing... Humans are equal to dogs according to most... And for the record, I'm not saying I agree or disagree with that... But some animals don't matter as much as dogs do?

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How is this different than a hunter who doesn't eat his kill?

How is it different than someone who sets traps for raccoons?

How are these people not viewed as murderers? Or inhumane?

I don't get it. A living thing is a living thing... Humans are equal to dogs according to most... And for the record, I'm not saying I agree or disagree with that... But some animals don't matter as much as dogs do?

i have never met a hunter that doesnt eat his kill.im sure it happens but i have never met one.

coon hunting.... never done it dont know anyone that does... but the reason it is done is because they carry diseases and their numbers must be controlled.

how are they not murderers... i guess in some respects they all are....BUT.... Vick didnt just kill the dogs.... he tortured them to death. at least a hunter has the decency to shoot an animal through the heart or brain.... this peice of dirt electrocuted them in a swimming pool.

i think the most pathetic thing is i heard on mike and mike this morning that vick is leading in pro bowl votes. it is amazing how they and everyone else is trying to sell him as bad boy gone right.

for the love of god dont let me ever be within striking distance of that man.... his football career would surely be over!!

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