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Draft Related. AP All-American Teams annouced today. Offensive Lineman


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Gabe Carimi Offensive Tackle-Wisconsin

John Moffitt Offensive Guard-Wisconsin

Chase Beeler Center-Stanford

Rodney Hudson Offensive Guard-FSU

Nate Solder Offensive Tackle-Colorado

I think that is the first team. I did watch a lot of college football this year and being a FSU fan I like Hudson. My question is, based on where we will be drafting, is it feasible to take a guard that early in the draft or can we trade down grab another pick and take two offensive lineman.

My theory is simple. You could have Tom Brady playing QB for us, however if he does not have time he simply cannot produce. Sometimes watching the Pats, you start to think that Brady is never in a rush, thus he can hang 45 on the Jets with Wes Welker and Deion Branch. Do not misunderstand me, Welker is a pro bowler, however he is not the most talented wide receiver in the game and he is not tall, as some have stated in the past that we need in order to be successful. If your QB has time you can get away with good shifty route runners and have success, because defensive backs cannot hang with receivers for that long.

Please Shanny build the line, start there and good things will happen. Take two in the first round if possible forgot about wideouts and RB's. The system in Denver worked because he had capable players to run it.

Nevertheless, you have to protect your QB and run the ball to win in this league and that starts with the offensive line period.

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We desparately need interior O-line help. I'd be all for trading back from top 10, to later in the first, and grabbing another second or third. We need to draft RG and C this year. I have faith in Jamaal getting healthier and being a much more solid contributor next season, when he's fully recovered from his injury. The man was a pro-bowl LT. He didn't just forget how to play. We need to replace Rabach and get a RG to replace artis hicks, who has no business starting.

I'd also like to get a NT or 3-4 ILB to help. We need to get the lines beefed up, otherwise it won't matter how much tallent we have on the backside, or at the skill positions.

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There's a link to all three teams, for those who care. As for what this thread is about, here's the important parts.

First Team:

Tackles — Gabe Carimi, senior, 6-7, 327, Wisconsin; Nate Solder, senior, 6-9, 315, Colorado.

Guards — Rodney Hudson, senior, 6-2, 282, Florida State; John Moffitt, senior, 6-5, 323, Wisconsin.

Center — Chase Beeler, senior, 6-3, 285, Stanford.

Second Team:

Tackles — Lee Ziemba, senior, Auburn; Derek Sherrod, senior, Mississippi State.

Guards — Stefen Wisniewski, senior, Penn State; Justin Boren, senior, Ohio State.

Center — Jake Kirkpatrick, senior, TCU.

Third Team:

Tackles — Anthony Castonzo, senior, Boston College; Nate Potter, junior, Boise State.

Guards — Barrett Jones, sophomore, Alabama; Caleb, Schlauderaff, senior, Utah.

Center — Ryan Pugh, senior, Auburn.

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I think we should go for a guard that can complement Kory Lichensteiger.

Anyone know if these guards are the smaller Zone Blocking players Shanny prefers?

---------- Post added December-14th-2010 at 04:54 PM ----------

I also agree on the NT position, the NT is the most important piece in a 3-4

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I think we should go for a guard that can complement Kory Lichensteiger.

Anyone know if these guards are the smaller Zone Blocking players Shanny prefers?

---------- Post added December-14th-2010 at 04:54 PM ----------

I also agree on the NT position, the NT is the most important piece in a 3-4

Rodney Hudson is the perfect ZBS guard that Shanny would like IMO.

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Compliment him? You'd keep him around? Of all the young players, he's been an umitigated disaster to me. I appreciate he's Shanahan's guy from Denver, but after this year, if he's not seen enough to can him I'll be surprised.


Shanny has a fancy for Kory Lichensteiger, I don't think he is going anywhere soon.

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The next few drafts have to be line heavy, BOTH sides of the ball if we are to build a base from which to consistently challenge.


Agreed. The OL All-American list needs to be the guide to the Washington Redskins draft.

Gotta, gotta, GOTTA beef that o-line up. We have the right line, we'll make any schmo look like a superstar in that backfield.

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Tackle position (RT) isn't that bad, G and C need work though. How do you guys grade the other Pouncey twin?

Very good G prospect but not a 1st rounder and if he's taken 1st round its a mistake he's not anywhere near the Top OG prospect in Rodney Hudson but will get drafted higher than Hudson because he's bigger and fits more than just the ZBS scheme.

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Very good G prospect but not a 1st rounder and if he's taken 1st round its a mistake he's not anywhere near the Top OG prospect in Rodney Hudson but will get drafted higher than Hudson because he's bigger and fits more than just the ZBS scheme.

What I figured, BPA 1st Round and him 2nd round would bring a smile to my face...

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If we could get better than average starters from those picks / positions, we would have to call it a successful draft.

Unlikly to happen though. It's gonna be a long road!

Discpline, well coached, Xs & Os will only take us so far. Ultimately a team needs talent and luck regarding injuries to win.

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From what i've read no OL is worth a top 10 pick this year. Which we will def have maybe top 5. If thats the case id love BPA at what we pick and then 2nd round on pick up C, G, RB. In whatever order. Think i seen one mock having us take Jones in the 1st and the best Center in the draft in the 2nd. I'd be pretty happy with that. But i would really like to see us get back into the 3rd by trading a player not a pick. Especially if a good RB drops.

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Hudson is great. We aren't going to take him in the top 10. There are no top 10 lineman in this years draft. It's best available. The team needs talent across the board. Go for the biggest impact player. I think Hudson will drop. Most teams will take a tackle over a guard. And Hudson is really only a good fit for the ZBS.

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Hudson is great. We aren't going to take him in the top 10. There are no top 10 lineman in this years draft. It's best available. The team needs talent across the board. Go for the biggest impact player. I think Hudson will drop. Most teams will take a tackle over a guard. And Hudson is really only a good fit for the ZBS.

Great point there about Hudson as you mentioned he's the perfect ZBS fit but that's it for him nothing else and he'll end up being a late 2nd rounder because of it and the fact he's not the biggest guy in the world too only standing at 285 pounds or so.

I would a draft of Green in the 1st and then either Hudson or Von Miller in the 2nd that would be very successful

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