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Poll: Who should get the most blame for the Haynesworth debacle?

Commander PK

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Simple question. I'd make the poll public, but I want to avoid ninja voting. I ask everybody that votes, to at least explain why you vote in the manner you do.

---------- Post added December-7th-2010 at 06:08 PM ----------

Obviously, Al gets my vote for the reasons I've trumpeted in just about all the other Haynesworth threads today. He is the root problem, and he ultimately gets the blame for his suspension today.

He is a shining horrible example of everything that had been wrong with the Washington Redskins until this season under Dan Snyder's ownership. His suspension today is another great leap in fixing that problem.

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I blame these two. The vinny/Snyder detox continues

and the rest of the blame goes to these two. I just can't find any fault with Vinny and Snyder for Haynesworth's behavior this season. The question of whether he should have even been signed is valid. The question of how much he was signed for is valid.

but it really comes down to his behavior since Shanahan was hired. He was the only player that didn't get on board, because he's all about himself.

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I'll fess up and admit I said Shanahan.

Albert is lazy and kinda a punk, but we knew that. Everyone knew that.

Vinny and Dan went out there and got us the best player available that year in FA, kinda their MO.

(I think Haslett should at least get a mention here, but his (entirely ineffective) 3-4 was one of the first stones cast.)

But this situation wasn't a debacle until Shanahan got here. Until he decided he wanted a defensive coach that coached a 3-4. Until he put out feelers for trading Albert, but didn't pull the trigger. Until he decided to embarrass Albert and turn Redskins Park into a giant soap opera.

He could have:

- traded 92 before the season

- released 92

- accept 92 wasn't going to do voluntary workouts and treat him like everyone else

- play him

- sit him

- pretty much anything but suspend him

I don't think Shanahan is the bad guy here, but if you're asking who should get the blame for turning this into a circus? I'd say Shanny. A suspension and pending appeal, this is a complete circus that won't end any time soon.

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It doesn't matter. The damage is beyond repair and Albert has to go.

it matters because there are those that are trying to lay most of the blame at the feet of Shanahan. Which I find completely absurd it just about every way. The point of this poll was to show unequivocal proof, that those people are in the minority.

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Definitely almost all falls on Al. If he had any pride or honor in his body he'd have put in the effort and been a team player. Obviously, Snyderatto deserve their share, too, for singing this guy when the warning signs were there (and the natural risk of paying money to big fat DTs) given his established reputation as a douchebag and the concerns about him only playing in contract years. Still, Al had plenty of opportunity to do the right thing, honor his contract and show some maturity and did the exact opposite at every turn. **** him, I only wish Shanny would've taken the 4th and run, hindsight's a ***** and I understand he wanted more in return but damn, what were the chances his value would improve this season?

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There is plenty of blame on this. First and foremost is Albert, the spoiled baby BUT...

Coach Shanahan is a grudge holder who decided to punish AH from the very beginning. Yes, AH gave him plenty of ammo, but Shanahan picked at him and did everything he could to embarrass and intimidate Albert, successfully. Then Albert went off the deep end when he was benched for being 1 minute late for a team meeting. Haslett nuked him and Shanny loved it!

Haslett took a #5 Defense and turned it into a #32 NO Defense and he needed a scapegoat. Albert fit the mold. Yes, Albert needs to go, but so does Haslett!

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I made it clear in JimmiJo's thread that Worthless is to blame, but a friend of mine had an interesting take and has made me look at it from another angle.

His take:

If you bring a wild animal, into your house, and it ends up killing your dog, do you blame the wild animal? No, he's acting on instinct and doing what wild animals do.

Haynesworth is a douche, and was a known commodity douche, so he's doing what douchebags do.

Cerrato and/or Snyder let the douche in. They get the mojority of the blame.

Shanahan & Allen mistakenly thought they could tame the douche. They get a piece too.

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I'll fess up and admit I said Shanahan.

Albert is lazy and kinda a punk, but we knew that. Everyone knew that.

Vinny and Dan went out there and got us the best player available that year in FA, kinda their MO.

(I think Haslett should at least get a mention here, but his (entirely ineffective) 3-4 was one of the first stones cast.)

But this situation wasn't a debacle until Shanahan got here. Until he decided he wanted a defensive coach that coached a 3-4. Until he put out feelers for trading Albert, but didn't pull the trigger. Until he decided to embarrass Albert and turn Redskins Park into a giant soap opera.

He could have:

- traded 92 before the season

- released 92

- accept 92 wasn't going to do voluntary workouts and treat him like everyone else

- play him

- sit him

- pretty much anything but suspend him

I don't think Shanahan is the bad guy here, but if you're asking who should get the blame for turning this into a circus? I'd say Shanny. A suspension and pending appeal, this is a complete circus that won't end any time soon.

I agree with pretty much everything you said. Albert became a distraction and so did Shanahan handling it so poorly. I would have been happy with a fourth round pick cause we need those picks.

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There is plenty of blame on this. First and foremost is Albert, the spoiled baby BUT...

Coach Shanahan is a grudge holder who decided to punish AH from the very beginning. Yes, AH gave him plenty of ammo, but Shanahan picked at him and did everything he could to embarrass and intimidate Albert, successfully. Then Albert went off the deep end when he was benched for being 1 minute late for a team meeting. Haslett nuked him and Shanny loved it!

Haslett took a #5 Defense and turned it into a #32 NO Defense and he needed a scapegoat. Albert fit the mold. Yes, Albert needs to go, but so does Haslett!

No it goes deeper then the giants game. How about benching a guy after attending his brothers funeral. Thats when it hit the deep end and I think the was the most coldhearted thing Shanny could have done.

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Fat Albert. I understand why he didn't want to play the 3-4, but after he took that $20 million, he owed the club his best. He showed flashes or greatness, and if he played 100%, he could have worked out, even in the limited role the coaches carved out for him, but his laziness and petulance made him less than worthless

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Al gets the most,...Danny and Vinny are second and Shanny third.

I agree with this 100%. Albert was the one causing the trouble. Dan and Vinny not doing their homework to know what they were getting. Plus overpaying for it. Finally Shannahan because he's not perfect. But I agree with what he finally did.

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Cerrato & Snyder. Blow out the budget on 1 guy, promise him the 4-3 D & God knows whatever else. Then bring in a 3-4 scheme. If you spoil a child, expect him to act out. Albert is in the same childlike class as Cutler, Randy Moss, & Jeff George. They should have done their homework.

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While it would be easy to blame it on Cerrato, the fact is that he is gone, and the constant here is one, Daniel Snyder. He was Cerrato's boss, HE fired up Redskins One to go get this assclown from Tennessee, and he agreed to the big contract of a guy whom has been a malcontent for his entire college and pro career. While we can blame Haynesworthless for being a worthless turd, the fact is that we knew what this cat was all about BEFORE we made him a Redskin.

BLAME ------------------------------------------------------> Snyder.

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Haynesworth's fault. He really should grow up and do his job. He needs to realize he gets payed to play a game. Gets paid millions on top of it. He needs a reality check. He needs to go work for McDonalds for 6-7 dollars an hour with crappy benefits. Maybe after that he'd realize it is a privilege to be a player in the NFL.

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No it goes deeper then the giants game. How about benching a guy after attending his brothers funeral. Thats when it hit the deep end and I think the was the most coldhearted thing Shanny could have done.

I forgot all about that, that was petty too.

I probably could respect Shanny if waay back during OTA's or training camp / preseason he took this approach.

But he didn't and in typical hold a grudge and be petty fashion it became nick picking time instead of just cut bait.

And to Albert (paid like a franchise player) the reasons for his inactivity during games were silly like this guy.

But in both cases neither of them matters to me because the bottom line is

but right now we suck even worse than last year and right now I see no reason to have optimism for next year. And by that I not talking about another losing season but who is going to be the straw man next year to deflect the suckitude on either the OFFENSE or defense next year.

Albert has nothing to do with the boneheaded play calling before the injuries on offense or wasting roster spots on 3 has beens 2 RBs and galloway and one never was (still on the team at WR) that were called into question during preseason.

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