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Poll: Who should get the most blame for the Haynesworth debacle?

Commander PK

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Its obvious Fat Al caused this entire thing. If you think it was anybody else, you have short-term memory.

Fat Al is who he has always been. the man had a track record of this kind of behavior. despite those factors the combination of Snyder/Cerrato gave him the contract.

the blame is split equally on them

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It's ok if you think Im crazy. The best minds dont come from Florida.

Accountability occurs at all stages of an organization, simpleton. Shanny has to be accountable for his decisions and its product on the field. He has made terrible decisions that have us last in defense and soon toi be last in the NFC East. He is the president of our organizations players, that means he has a strategy and plan. I can't see his plan or why its acceptable to have the last ranked D and to constantly get embarassed on TV. I think it is a fair question to ask, especially with his history in Denver and past player accounts of his style, is his arrogance hurting the team. I say yes, this year he has. Why is AH accountable, but the head coach isn't.

No, accountability does not go equally in an organization. Again, you clearly don't understand the boss/employee relationship, but thanks for the insult, dick.

Head coach is the ****ing head coach and you do what the ****ing head coach says. Period. EVERY SINGLE OTHER PERSON on the team has bought in. Albert thinks he knows better than coach and it's cost him his job. If you don't like that, then I suggest you hire a pushover like Jim Zorn as your coach.

I'm not discussing this with you anymore, because you think you're smarter than everyone else, you don't know how to have a conversation, and you childishly insult people.

---------- Post added December-7th-2010 at 11:20 PM ----------

Seeing the amount of people who voted for the coach makes me sick.

Are we, as Redskins fans, that stupid?

If you watched the shows like Around the Horn today, they all say Shannahan is failing as a coach, and he's screwing everything up. They kept mentioning that he 'alienated' Mcnabb, as if that's still a problem, or ever was :doh:

People who don't follow the Redskins will believe what they hear. There's a fine post on the subject that's stickied on the top of the board

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I'll admit I voted for Shanahan. First, what good has ever come from his personal vendettas he seems to create? He's never had a player emerge from the ordeal with a new found determination to help the team. The end result is always the same, the player is either traded or cut.

To make matters worse, with the Haynesworth situation, Shanahan seemed to be the antagonist. It makes me sick to think that the time and effort he put into marginalizing AH could've been spent making us a better team in the here and now.

I also blame Allen to a lesser degree, because he knows Shanahan's history. He's probably the only person that could have stopped this stupid pissing match. I give him somewhat of a pass considering this is his first time dealing with it. If it becomes routine, he'll have to shoulder more of the blame

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I'll admit I voted for Shanahan. First, what good has ever come from his personal vendettas he seems to create? He's never had a player emerge from the ordeal with a new found determination to help the team. The end result is always the same, the player is either traded or cut.

To make matters worse, with the Haynesworth situation, Shanahan seemed to be the antagonist. It makes me sick to think that the time and effort he put into marginalizing AH could've been spent making us a better team in the here and now.

I also blame Allen to a lesser degree, because he knows Shanahan's history. He's probably the only person that could have stopped this stupid pissing match. I give him somewhat of a pass considering this is his first time dealing with it. If it becomes routine, he'll have to shoulder more of the blame

If you think that fat al was ever really going to try hard for us, then your stupid beyond reasoning with.

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To make matters worse, with the Haynesworth situation, Shanahan seemed to be the antagonist.

Antagonist? You seem to forget that he gave Haynesworth the option to accept a full release before he accepted the $21 million bonus. Once he took the bonus, he was obligated to the team and to the HEAD COACH of the team. Instead he continued to be insubordinate, skip OTAs, a mandatory minicamp, and then showed up to training camp out of shape. How praytell, does that make Shanahan the antagonist? If he just let Haynesworth do as he pleases, then he loses all credibility with the rest of the team and becomes a doormat like Zorn.

It's amazing to me how anyone sees this as Shanahan's fault.

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Here is the most idiotic part of blaming Shanahan for me.

The Redskins suffer a loss at home to the Vikings, again beaten by an interim head coach in his first game. Injuries have decimated the roster. Everybody else in the organization is no doubt working hard to right the ship. What does Haynesworth do?

Heads out on the town, and lives it up on all night before the last practice of the week. (Before his team plays a divisional opponent, a game with playoff implications by the way) Shows up late to practice, either drunk or hungover, and calls it "sick"

Then refuses a breath test which would show that he is in fact, not drunk.

Then when he is punished you want to crucify Shanahan for not "working" with him? People, that's not how the real world works. Welcome to reality.

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i think that over the next 4 games the players will show us who is to blame.

this could well be like a head coach firing, and the team could rally and finish the season strong if the locker room places the blame on albert.

or they could secretly side with Albert, and the play and effort will be affected negatively.

going to be interesting, to say the least.

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If you think that fat al was ever really going to try hard for us, then your stupid beyond reasoning with.

I hope that was strategic...otherwise...I have to laugh at the irony.

How much could he try being limited to 14 snaps per game? He still had effort plays...stuffing Cutler at the goal line, pushing a guard into a QB for a sack, numerous stops, a couple sacks. How can you question his effort? The one play against Vick isn't a representation of AH's effort.

I'm not absolving him of all blame...but Shanahan had every opportunity to prevent ALL of this from happening.

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Is this another poll corrupted by outside influence or are Redskin fans really that stupid?

Pretty sure this one has been corrupted. Early on almost all the votes were for Albert, Vinny or Danny. I check back today and it's been completely reversed. To the OP, hidden poll doesn't stop ninjas, it's makes it even easier for them. With an open poll at least we can look at how ES members voted and ignore the rest, with a closed poll we have no idea which votes are from members and which are from ninjas.

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As of the time of my vote, more people fault Shanahan than Al. WTF are you people thinking? You can agree or disagree with things that Shanny's done (even though none of us know what really goes on behind the scene) but are you really going to place the bulk of the blame on the Coach? Even fellow players like Daniels says that if Albert applied himself in all aspects, he could be a great player. But the bottom line is that he did not. He was not willing to put in the effort, didn't do what the coaches wanted him to, and basically underachieved. Shanahan is trying to change the "culture" of Redskin park, which is what we all said needed to happen in order to win in the long run. He had to take a hard line in this case to let this group know who's boss and that nobody is above the rules. I don't know how any skins fan could be against that given the country club atmosphere thats been around for the past 13 years.

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I'll admit I voted for Shanahan. First, what good has ever come from his personal vendettas he seems to create? He's never had a player emerge from the ordeal with a new found determination to help the team. The end result is always the same, the player is either traded or cut.

To make matters worse, with the Haynesworth situation, Shanahan seemed to be the antagonist. It makes me sick to think that the time and effort he put into marginalizing AH could've been spent making us a better team in the here and now.

I also blame Allen to a lesser degree, because he knows Shanahan's history. He's probably the only person that could have stopped this stupid pissing match. I give him somewhat of a pass considering this is his first time dealing with it. If it becomes routine, he'll have to shoulder more of the blame

I think you should check out Trevor Price and his career. Shanny got him on the right track to multiple pro-bowls with a similar butte head incident early in Price's career.

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i cannot believe people are blaming shanahan for this. this is about 95% alberts fault. he could have easily said i dont want the bonus, get me out of here and let me play for somebody else. but when he took the money he was committing to playing here.

hes just a lazy piece of **** that wanted his cake and to eat it too. he took 21 mil and produced nothing because he refuses to buy in to what this staff is doing.

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Pretty sure this one has been corrupted. Early on almost all the votes were for Albert, Vinny or Danny. I check back today and it's been completely reversed. To the OP, hidden poll doesn't stop ninjas, it's makes it even easier for them. With an open poll at least we can look at how ES members voted and ignore the rest, with a closed poll we have no idea which votes are from members and which are from ninjas.

I know that now. My mistake, but this will be my last poll anyway I think. After looking at these idiotic results, I'm not really sure I want to know what people think anymore.

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I know that now. My mistake, but this will be my last poll anyway I think. After looking at these idiotic results, I'm not really sure I want to know what people think anymore.

When I first voted there were about 30 votes for AH, maybe 10 split between vinny and danny and 2 or 3 for Shanny. My guess is that's probably a lot closer to accurate then what we see now which has undoubtedly been influenced by Cowboys fans. That said, I hear you, Redskins' fans are some of the least patient, whiniest, most annoying bunch of fans in the NFL. It gets old. I'm pretty sure as a whole, the fanbase probably deserves Snyder. :(

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If we brought Tom Brady in and switched to a power run game, and Brady got mad about this, would you blame Brady?

I Blame the Snyder/Cerrato pair that brought in a penetrating 3-Technique and tried to turn him into a plugger.

no, i would expect he'd speak privately with the staff and tell them he didnt think he was a good fit here, and find an amicable way to work out a trade or a way to change his contract so he could get out of it.

haynesworth basically said i value 21 million in hard cash over anything football related, so he took his money and is just refusing to cooperate.

and lets be honest, hes suspended, and you cant just do that without good cause, which the team blatantly has or they wouldnt have opened this can of worms.

hes a ******* scumbag.

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When I first voted there were about 30 votes for AH, maybe 10 split between vinny and danny and 2 or 3 for Shanny. My guess is that's probably a lot closer to accurate then what we see now which has undoubtedly been influenced by Cowboys fans. That said, I hear you, Redskins' fans are some of the least patient, whiniest, most annoying bunch of fans in the NFL. It gets old. I'm pretty sure as a whole, the fanbase probably deserves Snyder. :(

either Cowboy fans, or other fans that have a vested interest in seeing the Redskins continue to suck. I strongly suspect though, that more Redskins fans are voting for Shanahan then we would like to believe. Some people just don't do their homework, or won't face reality. Some people just have an ass backwards way of looking at life.

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haynesworth basically said i value 21 million in hard cash over anything football related, so he took his money and is just refusing to cooperate.

LOL you would have turned down 21 million? Sure.

Just like Lloyd before him, AH is yet another in a long list of players the Redskins couldn't get performance out of but others could. I blame the system, starting at the top. AH isn't a good guy, but of course he took the money. All of us would have.

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Antagonist? You seem to forget that he gave Haynesworth the option to accept a full release before he accepted the $21 million bonus. Once he took the bonus, he was obligated to the team and to the HEAD COACH of the team. Instead he continued to be insubordinate, skip OTAs, a mandatory minicamp, and then showed up to training camp out of shape. How praytell, does that make Shanahan the antagonist? If he just let Haynesworth do as he pleases, then he loses all credibility with the rest of the team and becomes a doormat like Zorn.

It's amazing to me how anyone sees this as Shanahan's fault.

Shanahan could've cut him before April 1st, and he would have never seen that $21 mil roster bonus. He didn't, and if he was going to do this, he might as well have. Then forget the money, he could've traded him...and didn't. All along the way, these are solutions to the problem he chose to not do.

OTAs are voluntary in nature. The only legitimate gripe you have is the mandatory minicamp.

-When AH does come to camp, in noticeably better shape than last season...Shanahan has him take a 'conditioning test' designed for AH to fail. Shanahan plays this game for a couple of weeks, making a media circus out of it, and not allowing AH to learn with his teammates. Do you think Kemoeatu or M. Williams could've passed this test?

-He not only decides to not play AH in the base 3-4 package, but limits him to 3rd down nickel situations. This pretty much puts Haynesworth at ~15 snaps per game.

-Inactivates Haynesworth vs the Colts, when Haynesworth was coming back from his brother's funeral. AH indicated he wanted to play, and Shanahan questioned his conditioning. I wonder if Shanahan will question Landry's conditioning, or limit him when we play the Bucs.

-Inactivates Haynesworth vs. the Giants for being a minute late to a meeting. Think about this....standard procedure is to fine a guy...I'm sure AH isn't the first guy to be late to a meeting this season, but I'd bet he's the first on this team to be inactivated because of it.

What exactly can you point out Haynesworth doing since the season started to draw Shanahan's ire?

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LOL you would have turned down 21 million? Sure.

Just like Lloyd before him, AH is yet another in a long list of players the Redskins couldn't get performance out of but others could. I blame the system, starting at the top. AH isn't a good guy, but of course he took the money. All of us would have.

id have taken the money 365 days out of the year.

i also wouldnt have embarrassed myself by quitting on my team and pouting like a *****. even if i didnt fit the scheme, id give it my all, 110% all the time, and have my agent pursuing other options, all while proving i still care about football/the team/my reputation.

but because albert is a douchebag, hes not doing any of this.

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Haynesworth has to take the majority of the blame but Shanahan and Allen did nothing to try and make the situation better and have to take some of the blame. It should have been dealt with at draft time. Once he stayed it seems like the Front Office did as much as possible to create a confrontation resulting in what we have now.

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