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Looking for great over the counter supplements for working out. Any ideas?

pR0JEkT 21

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I been on this thing called Rage, the fat burner one. Supposed to take 1 a day for 45 days with a 30 day break after wards. You can not take it any longer after that plus.. you have to take a kidney filter with it, guess this thing is a little dangerous. Also was taking DBZ 13 it's made by EVOLVE. It's testosterone I was told, but confused cause it is an over the counter supp, plus has created a little bit of aggressiveness with it. What it does is it tightens your muscles, gives you a little bit of size and a lot of strength so you can do more reps :drooley:

So with that said, anyone on here know any supps that I can take that would help me give me little bit of size, but just rip me up while keeping my weight between 180-185? I'm currently 186.2.. trying to work on this 4 pack that never shows.. lol. I been thinking bout taking this BCAA thing and few others if anyone knows what I am talking about. If you workout and have a good routine going on please let me know. All help would be appreciated thanks ahead of time!

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Creatine and Whey is the only thing I suggest, I used to take NO2 and I dont think it really works! The bottom line is unless you are using some serious steroids the rest are just marketing ploy for you to spend your $$$. To gain size you have to eat, and eat alot. When you eat alot you will also gain fat, so there is no magic solution out there that will add size and make you lose weight at the same time. You have your bulking phase and cutting phase, you cant have both at the same time! What I suggest is to workout and lift with great intensity and eat right and eat at least 6 times a day with good carbs and lean protein and you will see good results.

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I see a lot of people at my gym caught up in the supplement game and they waste a ton of money.

I'm 5'8" 195 lbs. I squat over 400, deadlift roughly 5 (with no straps) and I bench about 315-320ish.

I don't use supplements. They aren't necessary.

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Creatine mono and a protein supplement are about all you need.

I also use Xtend, BCAAs which help me recover when I'm mixing up BJJ and weight lifting.

This is exactly what I do, all the way down to the BJJ and lifting days, lol. Creatine mono is great for getting size combined with glutamine, protein shake is a must immediately after working out, but make sure you get a good protein NO MUSCLE MILK. Xtend Scivation are BCAAs that you drink while working out (watermelon is money) and seriously help your recovery from the workout. Other than that drink a ton of water, I'm at a little over 4 liters a day right now, it'll keep you shedding unwanted weight.

Also note, some people like to take the preworkout formulas to get them hyped for the gym. If you want to try that route for lifting go with USPLabs Jack3ed (very cheap and you will want to hurt some weights, lol), but for any sports stick with No-Xplod or something similar.

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No, no, no.

Get the nutrients you need from food. If you need more protein, get a tub of whey which you can add to drinks.

Taking supplements only makes your urine a very expensive chemical ****tail.

Exactly, the food pyramid never fails. Eggs, chicken,fish, steamed veggies, thats what I did to build muscle over time.

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This is exactly what I do, all the way down to the BJJ and lifting days, lol. Creatine mono is great for getting size combined with glutamine, protein shake is a must immediately after working out, but make sure you get a good protein NO MUSCLE MILK. Xtend Scivation are BCAAs that you drink while working out (watermelon is money) and seriously help your recovery from the workout. Other than that drink a ton of water, I'm at a little over 4 liters a day right now, it'll keep you shedding unwanted weight.

Also note, some people like to take the preworkout formulas to get them hyped for the gym. If you want to try that route for lifting go with USPLabs Jack3ed (very cheap and you will want to hurt some weights, lol), but for any sports stick with No-Xplod or something similar.

I tried NoXplode for a while and it really did make my workouts more intense but it really messed with my sleep too. I'd take it around 4 or 5 in the afternoon and still have a hard time getting relaxed to go to bed at night.

I need to try the watermelon flavor of Xtend, I have the grape now and it's disgusting!!

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Sorry but supplements help, not saying they're the holy grail but a lot of people can't eat enough in a day to get the nutrients they need to get results. You want to talk about money? Do you know how expensive it is to eat the way you need to to get the results you want? This is another one of these topics where you have the anti and the pro crowd and no one wants to budge. I'm not an expert but here's my take on it.

There is no substitute for a well balanced diet. Not just well balanced but when you eat what. For example, post workout you should drink or eat something that gives you an insulin spike so when you ingest your protein your body doesn't simply use it all up for that energy boost. High protein low fat is also key, multiple small meals reducing the calorie intake as the day progresses, unless of course you're trying to gain weight.

Now, for some eating just isn't enough. Supplements are just that, supplements. BCAA's are essential to protein synthesis so I feel they're an essential supplement. I prefer purple wraath, I saw huge gains with the stuff. If you're like me and finding that motivation to get in the gym requires some supplementation then I like to take a pre workout supplement. I used to be hooked on NO Xplode but it gave me the ****s and it's FULL of sugar and all kinds of other crap. Not to mention I built up a tolerance pretty damn quick and would be up to three scoops in no time. Currently I'm using Jacked, super small scoop size per serving, it's cheaper, I don't crash and I haven't built up a tolerance the way I did with NO Xplode. If you need a fat burner try Oxy Elite Pro, little expensive but again, I haven't built up a tolerance, don't get jittery and if I miss a day I don't get the crazy caffeine headaches.

Just my opinion, they're like ass holes.

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No, no, no.

Get the nutrients you need from food. If you need more protein, get a tub of whey which you can add to drinks.

Taking supplements only makes your urine a very expensive chemical ****tail.

Exactly, the food pyramid never fails. Eggs, chicken,fish, steamed veggies, thats what I did to build muscle over time.

I understand what you guys are trying to say but lets be realistic here, some people just don't have the time to cook all the food ahead of time. In addition to the convenience of supplements it also quickly breaks down and absorbs into your body as opposed to food which takes FOREVER to digest and get into your body. You're gonna tell me that after you workout chicken, pasta, and veggies is a) easy to get, and B) is going to absorb into your system quickly? After a workout protein is mandatory unless you want that workout to go to waste, which is fine if that's what you are looking for.

There is no supplement that will ever replace the food in your meals, but that's what those are, meals. You have to have those 4 - 6 times a day. But the other side of that coin is that the supplements necessary for you to get where you wanna be require much, much more food than those meals can provide, ala supplements. They are not meant to replace food, they are there to supplement food. You have to have a good balance, and you can't just rely on one or the other, and if it takes shelling out a couple extra dollars to figure out where your balance is then you either suck it up and do it, or you don't, but don't just tell someone you don't know that supps are a waste. How many bodybuilders and athletes do you think do it on food alone? My guess is 0.

I tried NoXplode for a while and it really did make my workouts more intense but it really messed with my sleep too. I'd take it around 4 or 5 in the afternoon and still have a hard time getting relaxed to go to bed at night.

I need to try the watermelon flavor of Xtend, I have the grape now and it's disgusting!!

Tell me about it, I took NO around 6pm right before BJJ....right around midnight I was wondering when I was gonna finally fall asleep, lol. Stuff is strong! Watermelon is great, not too much flavor, not too little, it's a very good in between. I used to use purple wraath....that stuff tasted awful but it works, lol. Them BCAA's really help for the workout the next day.

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Supplements help, but as soon as you're off them a lot of the gains go away. As far as eating enough goes, sure, people miss meals. So get some protein powder. The other stuff really ins't necessary. Sure, they all help, but they are expensive. If you have extra cash to spend, then go for it. I don't think the difference is enough to warrant the cost.


I do fine eating pasta, veggies, etc. After the gym. It doesn't effect me. My strength and size are both up. The delay doesn't hurt that bad... You just need to get that stuff in you...

In order to offset the time that it takes to make the meal/eat it I come home and eat a few spoonfuls of peanut butter.

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Sorry but supplements help, not saying they're the holy grail but a lot of people can't eat enough in a day to get the nutrients they need to get results. You want to talk about money? Do you know how expensive it is to eat the way you need to to get the results you want? This is another one of these topics where you have the anti and the pro crowd and no one wants to budge. I'm not an expert but here's my take on it.

There is no substitute for a well balanced diet. Not just well balanced but when you eat what. For example, post workout you should drink or eat something that gives you an insulin spike so when you ingest your protein your body doesn't simply use it all up for that energy boost. High protein low fat is also key, multiple small meals reducing the calorie intake as the day progresses, unless of course you're trying to gain weight.

Now, for some eating just isn't enough. Supplements are just that, supplements. BCAA's are essential to protein synthesis so I feel they're an essential supplement. I prefer purple wraath, I saw huge gains with the stuff. If you're like me and finding that motivation to get in the gym requires some supplementation then I like to take a pre workout supplement. I used to be hooked on NO Xplode but it gave me the ****s and it's FULL of sugar and all kinds of other crap. Not to mention I built up a tolerance pretty damn quick and would be up to three scoops in no time. Currently I'm using Jacked, super small scoop size per serving, it's cheaper, I don't crash and I haven't built up a tolerance the way I did with NO Xplode. If you need a fat burner try Oxy Elite Pro, little expensive but again, I haven't built up a tolerance, don't get jittery and if I miss a day I don't get the crazy caffeine headaches.

Just my opinion, they're like ass holes.

Dangit, I feel like my post is just a copy of yours now, lol. Yeah, that post workout meal needs to consist of those BCAA's and the protein shake. I also add the mono creatine into the BCAA's afterwards. I used to use purple wraath, I liked the results, just not the taste, but if someone gave it to me I wouldn't say no, lol. Anyways, this post is dead on.

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Supplements help, but as soon as you're off them a lot of the gains go away. As far as eating enough goes, sure, people miss meals. So get some protein powder. The other stuff really ins't necessary. Sure, they all help, but they are expensive. If you have extra cash to spend, then go for it. I don't think the difference is enough to warrant the cost.

Lol, I'm not trying to harp on you dude, but ummm the only way the gains are really gonna go away are if you stop doing the workouts. Almost all supps sans protein have cycle phases, they are meant to have a point where you stop taking them.....then start again a few weeks later. The other stuff is absolutely necessary, again is there some star athlete you know that doesn't use supps? So if they best in the world all use supps, and used supps to get there....

All I'm saying is that they are supplemental to food. You need both. Take a look at bodybuilding.com articles. They have some people on there who are minimalists and try to use as little as possible, and others who go to the max with supps. But anyone who has done their research knows that if you want actual results, you need a good combo, food can only take you so far.

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Lol, I'm not trying to harp on you dude, but ummm the only way the gains are really gonna go away are if you stop doing the workouts. Almost all supps sans protein have cycle phases, they are meant to have a point where you stop taking them.....then start again a few weeks later. The other stuff is absolutely necessary, again is there some star athlete you know that doesn't use supps? So if they best in the world all use supps, and used supps to get there....

Creatine monohydrate's effects do not last after you're done taking it. They add water weight and it comes off, at least when using it in Cell Tech form. A lot of these products are 100% gimmicks. Actual creatine mono isn't a bad product. But it's expensive. All of these supps you're naming would cost you more than food ever would if you're using all of them :ols:

Most star athletes are probably also using anabolics. Note: I said most.

The other stuff is not absolutely necessary. Again, I'm 5'8" 195 and bench over 3, squat over 4 and dead around 5. I don't use any supps including protein. They aren't necessary. They help... Fish oils are cool, really like those. BCAA's are good to use, but not necessary. Luxury items.

All I'm saying is that they are supplemental to food.

This is true.

You need both.

This is false. You NEED food. You don't NEED the stuff you buy in health stores.

Take a look at bodybuilding.com articles.

No thanks. I dislike bodybuilding.com.

They have some people on there who are minimalists and try to use as little as possible, and others who go to the max with supps. But anyone who has done their research knows that if you want actual results, you need a good combo, food can only take you so far.

I've done my research. It's not necessary. It's nice to have. But nothing beats hard work and diet. Nothing. Including these "magical" supplements.

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+10000 on the purple wraath tasting like crap! Wow, disgusting! However, I saw more gains off that stuff than just about anything I've ever taken. Supposedly they're working on the flavor, GNC on base quite carrying it so I have to find an alternate place to get it.

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I've done my research. It's not necessary. It's nice to have. But nothing beats hard work diet and genetics. Nothing. Including these "magical" supplements.

Fixed it for you.

You're one of "those" guys. Obviously you don't need the extra help supplements bring but not all of us are blessed with the genetics it takes to get everything they need from just food. I hate guys like you!:pfft:

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Fixed it for you.

You're one of "those" guys. Obviously you don't need the extra help supplements bring but not all of us are blessed with the genetics it takes to get everything they need from just food. I hate guys like you!:pfft:

I'm really not. No one in my family was an athlete. If anything, when looking at family, I defy genetics. Although, maybe I had some freak mutations and I'm actually a mutant... Now you have me worried.

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I'm really not. No one in my family was an athlete. If anything, when looking at family, I defy genetics. Although, maybe I had some freak mutations and I'm actually a mutant... Now you have me worried.

Milk man? Plumber? Pool boy? Lol

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