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There's a chance I need to apologize to Reid.

Big Weirdo

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Now, until he wins a Super Bowl part of me will always hold me back from fully embracing the Redheaded Walrus but these last two weeks have been something special.

The footage of him in the locker room with the Eagles after beating the Colts and the clinic Vick put on yesterday against the Skins. I really have to tip my hat to Reid. That **** looks like he knows what he's doing for once. Yet he can't manage time in a game to save his life.

I am thoroughly impressed what he has done with Vick. He's turned him into a dangerous weapon with his ARM first. I never thought I'd see it.

I don't want to rub it in because God knows I've been on the otherside of this feeling before so I'll leave this thread with that.


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You know he's just setting you up to step on that hidden banana peel. Don't buy it, you'll just get hurt again! ;)

Your relationship with Reid really is like those spousal abuse deals. You just need to get away!

Kinda like our relationship with the Redskins?

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Vic is the answer to everything. Vic is the reason you are winning. Vic is the reason you should make the playoffs if he stays healthy. Vic is the reason teams are going to have trouble playing the Birds the rest of the season including the playoffs.

Pretty simple. Without Vic, we beat the Birds in Phillyland. With Vic we get killed. A little simplistic, but it about sums it up.

That said, you took a chance on a felon and he has come through beyond what I bet anyone would have guessed. Without Vic, you are a little bit better than average team. I mean, what did you do without him in the lineup?

Let's see if the Birds are going to pay him this off season to stay.

As far as the HC, he gets all the credit for taking a chance on a convicted felon. He is the same coach you have commented on every other year.

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I got slammed by an Eagles fan on ES last week for saying that Reid was one of the top coaches in the NFL. The Eagles do more with no name players than any team I've ever seen, and they do it every year. I'm not saying they don't have some stars, but for the most part, there have been a handful of superstars and then no names doing their jobs.

Vick, Jackson, Maclin, Celek, and a couple guys on defense are the only players that stand out, the rest of the guys are people 95% of NFL fans wouldn't have any clue existed. He's produced QBs like they're a dime a dozen, and he's helped them become superstars. Vick played the greatest game I've ever seen a QB play last night. I was pissed, but it was an unbelievable performance, and it wasn't because we had 11 Mike Jenkins' on defense giving up and not trying. They may have made some dumb mistakes and played poorly, but Vick was perfect on nearly every pass and nearly every play. And a HUGE part of that is because of Andy Reid.

The Eagles should never let him go, and I'd say a LOT of Eagles fans should apologize to him. How many other coaches have won as consistently as he has over the last decade? In 12 seasons he's had 2 losing, one .500, and 7 double digit winning season, and I'll add this year to it for 8. 8 out of his 12 seasons will be double digit wins, which is pretty much a guaranteed playoff spot. That's ******* ridiculous. You guys should be thanking your lucky stars for him and on your knees praying that his obesity doesn't end his life early. Hell, if I were you, I'd start a fan run fundraising drive to get him that stomach staple surgery so he lives and extra 5 years or so.

It's not going to get better if he goes. I know you wish you had SBs, and that is the ONLY reason people haven't been talking about him on the same level as Belichick, but you're in competition for it every year. I would honest to God give a nut for that.

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I got slammed by an Eagles fan on ES last week for saying that Reid was one of the top coaches in the NFL. The Eagles do more with no name players than any team I've ever seen, and they do it every year. I'm not saying they don't have some stars, but for the most part, there have been a handful of superstars and then no names doing their jobs.

Vick, Jackson, Maclin, Celek, and a couple guys on defense are the only players that stand out, the rest of the guys are people 95% of NFL fans wouldn't have any clue existed. He's produced QBs like they're a dime a dozen, and he's helped them become superstars. Vick played the greatest game I've ever seen a QB play last night. I was pissed, but it was an unbelievable performance, and it wasn't because we had 11 Mike Jenkins' on defense giving up and not trying. They may have made some dumb mistakes and played poorly, but Vick was perfect on nearly every pass and nearly every play. And a HUGE part of that is because of Andy Reid.

The Eagles should never let him go, and I'd say a LOT of Eagles fans should apologize to him. How many other coaches have won as consistently as he has over the last decade? In 12 seasons he's had 2 losing, one .500, and 7 double digit winning season, and I'll add this year to it for 8. 8 out of his 12 seasons will be double digit wins, which is pretty much a guaranteed playoff spot. That's ******* ridiculous. You guys should be thanking your lucky stars for him and on your knees praying that his obesity doesn't end his life early. Hell, if I were you, I'd start a fan run fundraising drive to get him that stomach staple surgery so he lives and extra 5 years or so.

It's not going to get better if he goes. I know you wish you had SBs, and that is the ONLY reason people haven't been talking about him on the same level as Belichick, but you're in competition for it every year. I would honest to God give a nut for that.

Best post I've read in a LONG time. Well said, and I agree wholeheartedly. I remember Buddy, Rich, Ray and all of the other flunkies who peaked in year 2-3 and then fizzled. AR drives me INSANE with some of his in-game decisions and his stubbornness. But, you can always count on his team playing hard and, most importantly, playing their best football at the end of the season. It would be nice to have a couple of SBs, but the consolation is that we get to watch a lot of football in mid-late January.

I do think a lot of Eagles fans do like AR ( similar to DM), but they aren't as outspoken as his critics.

Thanks for the post.

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tr1, it pained me to write that last post, but it's the truth man. Yes, of course Ried has benefitted from luck, just like every other coach in the NFL, and I've said in other threads that the FO gets no credit for using Vick as their starter and giving up DM, but Vick was never a complete QB until Reid got his hands on him.

Kolb was even looking like a starter, as long as the OL can keep the pressure at bay, which they didn't need as much when McNabb was there because he can create plays, Vick's the same. But I'd be completely ignorant and lying to myself if I said anything besides what I said in that last post. Redskins fans would give anything for a guy that could coach our team the way Reid does in Philly.

The worst part is, he'll end up getting a SB if not a few, it's very rare for a coach to have the kind of winning record he has and not get a SB, but it takes patience and time. My hope was always that the Eagles would be lacking in the patience category enough to fire him before that happened, but it looks like that time has passed and they are entering a new era, because I don't think Vick is going anywhere. Reid's offense was written for a mobile QB and Vick is more mobile than any in NFL history.

Thanks for the post.

I definitely wouldn't be posting it, unless I thought it was absolutely true. It's pretty hard to deny when you compare Reid's record with other coaches, especially having been in the NFC East.

Literally the only thing keeping him out of the HoF right now is a SB ring, and if Vick even continues to play as well as he did pre-injury, I don't think you guys are very far from getting one.

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As much as I hate his vocal tics, Gruden sometimes makes good points. And he is right in that Reid is probably the best coach in the league at managing and coaching his QBs. I'm fairly certain that if McNabb had been drafted by a QB killer like Cowher or Ditka, he probably would have crapped out in five years. Now, he's managed to turn Vick into a legit NFL passer in two years. It makes all those little streaks by the likes of AJ Feely and Jeff Garcia look less like luck and more like really good coaching.

The way the NFL is designed now, if you have a Top Ten QB, you are a contender. And Andy may be the type of coach who always has a Top Ten QB.

He sucks at game management, but I think 75 percent of the coaches in the league suck at that. As far as I can tell, two people associated with the NFL really understand clock management - Peyton Manning and Al Michaels.

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