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Is everyone ready to bow down and recognize the greatness which is the Philadelphia Eagles


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Neither of those plays occurred on passing downs. The Giants and everyone watching the game expected the Eagles to run in both of those situations. The Giants just lost containment. But I really don't see what relevance those plays have to the Giants' scheme against your passing offense.

Because the blitzed the safety on both of those plays...

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Because the blitzed the safety on both of those plays...

And what does that have to do with their scheme against the Eagle's passing offense? There's something called a "run blitz" where you blitz specifically to stop the run, and you perform said run blitzes when you know the offense is going to run it and you need a stop.

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As opposed to you, who has celebrated how many championships?


In the 17 years since you cheered the Skins on to victory at the tender age of 8 (I'd be surprised if you made to halftime), you have enjoyed 5 winning seasons and a whopping 3 playoff appearances.


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In the 17 years since you cheered the Skins on to victory at the tender age of 8 (I'd be surprised if you made to halftime), you have enjoyed 5 winning seasons and a whopping 3 playoff appearances.


Yes, please answer my question.

Whoop-dee-do. I was young when the Skins won the Super Bowl. You know what the key words in that sentence are? Here's a hint:

"won the Super Bowl"

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I love it. This thread has galvanized my belief that the Eagles are great.

In the beginning, Skins fans were arguing whether or not the Eagles were a good team at all.

Now, after a few weeks of ass kickings all over the NFL, 25 year old kids are talking about the "glory days" of the Skins when they were wearing pajamas with the feet sewn in them. Awesome! I seriously look forward to the moment each and every year when Skins fans STOP trying to convince us that their current team is better than the Eagles current team and is forced to talk about strike shortened Superbowls from 1982 and 1987 when they were still sucking their thumbs.

The moment has arrived. It is like Christmas Eve. Thank you. All of you.

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I love it. This thread has galvanized my belief that the Eagles are great.

In the beginning, Skins fans were arguing whether or not the Eagles were a good team at all.

Now, after a few weeks of ass kickings all over the NFL, 25 year old kids are talking about the "glory days" of the Skins when they were wearing pajamas with the feet sewn in them. Awesome! I seriously look forward to the moment each and every year when Skins fans STOP trying to convince us that their current team is better than the Eagles current team and is forced to talk about strike shortened Superbowls from 1982 and 1987 when they were still sucking their thumbs.

The moment has arrived. It is like Christmas Eve. Thank you. All of you.

Never said the current team is better. I said the franchise on a whole is better.

And hey, a footie pajama insult, good one. :thumbsup: Pure genius in that, completely original. Since that's really the best you've got, calling me young, go right ahead. When they start crowning teams for good regular seasons and most NFC Championship Game losses, come talking. Until then, all you've got is "you were young when your team won the Super Bowl"

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I love coming here. I already know what most of you are going to say before you say it. dock is going to pick an imaginary weakness out of his ass and say I don't know football although he will never explain why it is a weakness. The Eagles held the number 2 offense in the NFL to 17 points (7 on a short turnover field), 4.45 yards per attempt and had 3 INTs and dock says the secondary played horrible. I must not watch football if I don't realize that! Duh!

tr1 is waiting a few weeks but he will undoubtedly make a thread saying the Eagles haven't beat anyone this year and will fail in the playoffs. When people point out the Falcons, Jaguars, Giants and Colts, he will simply say they all stink regardless of where they were when the Eagles played them and their current playoff positioning.

The rest of you will meekly fall in formation and talk about past Superbowls from decades ago while secretly wishing your team was playing important football games the last week of November and were in 1st place in the NFC East.


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Westy. Over at Igglephans some were arguing about whether the Eagles would in fact be the worst team in the NFL before the season started. Philly fans were consumed with the Philles because they had zero hope for the Eagles. To act as though Philly fans knew all along that they'd be dominant this year, and others are just late to the party, is just revisionist bull ****. If Kolb doesn't get hurt you guys are probably a .500 team like us.

Congrats on your run. Vick is a monster both on and off the field, and he's made ALL the difference for you guys. You're on your way to a division title it appears, barring another Vick injury. So congrats in advance. But at some point you'll be stopped on your path to the promised land, and all will be right in the world again.

I've said it before. You can criticize us here at ES all you want and call us whatever names you want. Since we obviously suck, maybe you'd have more fun with the brilliant football minds here: www.igglephans.com. Feel free to stay there as long as you like.

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This just kills me on so many levels. Let me be completely transparent that the first and most annoying level is that I happen to agree with you for the most part. I think the Eagles with Vick are the most complete team in the league. I wouldn't have said that before when the defense couldn't stop the run but amazingly they fixed it. Most teams can't do that. Just fix their glaring weakness. Same for the O-line. granted they don't need to be as good with Vick but they are improved regardless. Kudos to reid and company.

Now, on to the other annoyances: Westy, I'm sorry but your "I'm working" schedule is just ridiculous. Just admit you are a coward who can only give it and can't take it. The same way you "concede" by saying "but you suck anyway and I was right". You're just like the team you root for - arrogant and a bully who likes to play with the lead. Can't handle it when someone stands up to you or you're losing but you can sure pile it on when you're on top.

Lastly, this quote:

"might not be the best team in the NFL but they are among a handful of teams that can reasonably walk away with the Lombardi this year"

How can you say that? Seriously man. How can you even discuss the Lombardi trophy? You're franchise has NEVER walked away with that trophy. NEVER. Not when they were closing down the Vet 14 point favorites over the bucs who couldn't win in weather below 45 degrees. Not when the hapless Carolina Panthers came to town again big underdogs. Not on the field in St. Louis. Not against the Saints before they were the Saints in the big easy. Not even against the freakin cardinals. Not even at the big dance against the Pats. Never. Every single year in the history of that pathetic organization they have found a way to choke it away. Every single time. Without fail. They have brough choke to an art-form. And I do say "choke" because the MAJORITY of those situations they SHOULD have won the whole damn thing. But they didn't. Because they couldn't. You talk repeatedly about "restoring normalcy" and then have the audacity to talk about that ridiculous excuse of a city being one that can "reasonably walk away with a lombardi?"

Unless you're talking about a guy in South Philly who makes Italian chicken and spinach sandwiches, you're NEVER walking away with a Lombardi. Because God won't let that miserable team get one. If you want to see one, come on down to Ashburn and take a look at one of our three cuz that's as close as you're ever getting and it really doesn't even matter how good your team is. Its not about that. Its never been about that. Otherwise, we'd be talking about your five lombardi's already instead of my beautiful memories of TO doing sit-ups, Ronde Barber dancing ito the end-zone, Warren Sapp exclaiming "blow it up" at the close of the Vet, Stinkston and Trash knocking balls into the waiting arms of Carolina's finest, and Freddie Mitchell calling out Rodney Harrison before being knocked out of the league by him.

How you can even talk about a Lombardi is hysterical to me. I admit, with the terrible shape my skins have been in for the past decade, the only true joy I get out of the NFL season each and every year without fail is watching you idiots from Philthy get your damn hearts broken and return to worshiping a fictitious boxer or your baseball team for comfort. I don't know how it'll happen this year. I just know its going to be epic when it does. I'm only talking to you about it now Westy because on the day it actually happens, I am positive . . . . you'll have to work.

I know I shouldn't quote big blocks of text, and maybe I'm a little late to this party....but lol, this needs to be quoted, holy crap. Westy, you get called out by EVERYBODY, lol. This is just epic, I think this should be on everyone's clipboard everytime westy posts on here after a win, or doesn't post after a loss, hahahahahahaha.

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Iggles fan, the "champion" of your city is a character in a boxing movie. You're a baseball town. But football. Not so much. Its a good thing the cardinals didn't win the superbowl after beating your asses in the NFC champsionship game two years ago or they would have had to kick your sorry asses out of our division and bring them back.

Dang man...that's just harsh, lol, but I really think the cards will win one before the birds.

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It's just so much fun to hate Eagles fans because of douches like Westbrook. He makes work excuses when they lose and posts when they win. How could it be more clear?

It doesn't matter. The Cowboys season is over. The Eagles? Well they're so up and down, who can tell what team they are. So what does that mean? They will inevitably disappoint, and I will be fine with one more year of that for them. Of course Bania doesn't see this team as up and down. He sees them as dominant. But that's the fun, isn't it?

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I have no interest in getting involved in this pissing match since it inevitably occurs at some point every season, but you are both wrong. The Eagles are neither up and down nor are they dominant (no one in the NFL this year really is).

To say the Eagles can't be beaten is shortsighted and silly. The defense, despite playing well last week, has too many flaws for that to be true, and the special teams is still terrible.

But they aren't up and down. They have been one of the most consistent teams in the league since the 49ers game. They won in Frisco, took apart ATL, then lost to TENN after thoroughly dominating the entire game because they collapsed in the 4th qtr, and then went out and beat the Colts, Redskins, and Giants in succession. That is not up and down, save for one epically bad quarter against Kenny Britt and the Titans.

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I have no interest in getting involved in this pissing match since it inevitably occurs at some point every season, but you are both wrong. The Eagles are neither up and down nor are they dominant (no one in the NFL this year really is).

To say the Eagles can't be beaten is shortsighted and silly. The defense, despite playing well last week, has too many flaws for that to be true, and the special teams is still terrible.

But they aren't up and down. They have been one of the most consistent teams in the league since the 49ers game. They won in Frisco, took apart ATL, then lost to TENN after thoroughly dominating the entire game because they collapsed in the 4th qtr, and then went out and beat the Colts, Redskins, and Giants in succession. That is not up and down, save for one epically bad quarter against Kenny Britt and the Titans.

Actually you are right, they aren't up and down right now. They look pretty good. But it's fun to watch you guys get your hopes up only to have them dashed. That's normalcy.

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I have no interest in getting involved in this pissing match since it inevitably occurs at some point every season, but you are both wrong. The Eagles are neither up and down nor are they dominant (no one in the NFL this year really is).

To say the Eagles can't be beaten is shortsighted and silly. The defense, despite playing well last week, has too many flaws for that to be true, and the special teams is still terrible.

But they aren't up and down. They have been one of the most consistent teams in the league since the 49ers game. They won in Frisco, took apart ATL, then lost to TENN after thoroughly dominating the entire game because they collapsed in the 4th qtr, and then went out and beat the Colts, Redskins, and Giants in succession. That is not up and down, save for one epically bad quarter against Kenny Britt and the Titans.


lol, "i have no interest in blah blah blah" then you proceed to take part, pointy ain't no different. you two are just peas in a pod of philthy fans, for the life of me I have never met anyone from philthy that isn't exactly how they are described, it almost reminds me of the people who get angry of the jersey shore stereotype....its a stereotype because its true guys, you both are just adding to the pissing contest that neither of you claims to want involvement on

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I seriously look forward to the moment each and every year when Skins fans STOP trying to convince us that their current team is better than the Eagles current team and is forced to talk about strike shortened Superbowls from 1982 and 1987 when they were still sucking their thumbs.

I completely forgot to comment on this part of your post in my post above. First off, after the ’87 season we beat Elway and the Broncos 42-10 in the Super Bowl. Yeah, big fluke that was. Even our replacement players that season beat Danny White and the real Cowboys, who had crossed the picket line.

But even if you arbitrarily deleted our two strike-season Super Bowl wins from the record books…we’d STILL have more Super Bowl wins than the Eagles.

It’s easy to criticize others for embracing their team’s Super Bowl past when you don’t know, understand, or appreciate what it’s like to have it in the first place. Some day you will. Or not.

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I look forward to the moments when Bania tells us that every score was off of a blown coverage and other nonsense.

He enjoys the loud mouth Philly persona, at least on a messageboard. I mean I'm sure he's a douche in real life as well, but it's great when he does things like quit on the team a few years ago. I'm talking TO doing pushups in his driveway or riding the bike in a discovery channel jersey great.

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I look forward to the moments when Bania tells us that every score was off of a blown coverage and other nonsense.

He enjoys the loud mouth Philly persona, at least on a messageboard. I mean I'm sure he's a douche in real life as well, but it's great when he does things like quit on the team a few years ago. I'm talking TO doing pushups in his driveway or riding the bike in a discovery channel jersey great.

I think he's just upset because no one enjoys his Ovaltine jokes.

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lol, "i have no interest in blah blah blah" then you proceed to take part, pointy ain't no different. you two are just peas in a pod of philthy fans, for the life of me I have never met anyone from philthy that isn't exactly how they are described, it almost reminds me of the people who get angry of the jersey shore stereotype....its a stereotype because its true guys, you both are just adding to the pissing contest that neither of you claims to want involvement on

Sorry man, but Eagles_Legendz has been here several years longer than you (if your respective join dates are accurate) and his posts have always been respectful and well-thought out. Call out blowhard Westy, but lay off EL.

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I'ma gladly bow down to the Eagles, kiss a whole bunch of ass, and proclaim them the greatest team in the history of greatest team thingies .....

..... but only when they actually win one of those silvery thingies with the football on top and stop playing the "my conference championship's bigger than your conference championship" game with the Cardinals so as not to be the laughing stock of the East. :D.


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