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Will Torain step up and seperate him from the other wannabes we have seen at RB spot?


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It seems fair t say that Ryan Torain will be elevated to the #1 RB spot on the rotation due to Portis's injury. We have seen in the past this happen before, and it seemed like at times whoever was his backup seemed to outperform Portis, or at least look as good, which would always start up a controversy. And then when they were finally given the green light, the go-ahead, and the spot, suddenly it became obvious why they were a backup in the first place.

Well, now it is Ryan Torain's turn. He is going to have a chance, at least for probably the next couple of weeks(maybe more) to come into the game as the #1 RB. What saw a small snippet of his potential against the Eagles. The "truck stick" bulldozer move on the Eagle's safety was a highlight reel play and something we haven't seen from a 'Skins RB since Portis was healthy right when he first got to D.C. However, half of a game's worth of carries is hardly enough to make a declaration about a player's career, especially one that team officials felt it safe enough to cut the week before.

Do you guys think Torain will step up while Portis is out and solidify himself a little bit? At least enough to warrant a conversation as to who should start, even when Portis is healthy in a month? Or, do you think Torain will fall by the wayside like so many other #2 RBs on this roster from the past?

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I think he's way better and has more potential than Quinton Ganther if that's what you're asking haha.

I don't know if he'll completely dethrone Portis, but as long as he can stay healthy I think he'll perform more than well enough while Portis is out to solidify himself as a full 50% of a one-two punch at RB. It's too bad we'll probably need our top two picks to shore up the new D and get a WR, cause we need to get some solid young RB depth asap.

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You now realize that if we are stupid enough to get rid of Portis, that we are losing the best pass-blocker on the team...

Portis pass blocks with the best of them but to say he is the best pass blocker on the team is either unwarranted hyperbole or you seriously don't watch many games.

Portis is owed 25.254 million dollars in the next 3 years including 8.254 million next year alone. With his declining skills and recent fragility he isn't worth that.

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Portis is probably the best blitz pick up RB blocker in the NFL, and has been for 4 to 5 years, who do you see on our own team that is better? I'd like to know who you think is better in the NFL as well, actually. CP isn't perfect, but his pass blocking is damn near it.

Does anyone have a clip of Torain trucking that safety? I need it to make my life complete. He's injury prone, but he's the truth.

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Guest Spearfeather

I definately think Torain should and will see more playing time, regardless of Portis' situation. I agree with SkinsTribe that he has more potential than any other RB, besides Portis, that we've had recently. The touchdown run was a thing of beauty. If he stays healthy, he could end up being our starter next year and splitting time with whoever we draft.

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I think he compares very much to Hillis in Cle. Will he be the next best thing? Haven't seen enough of him to know. He should be able to get it done, I really think Williams or Simpson will be a nice change of pace to him if they get the reps. It seems as though our O line is starting to get this blocking scheme more each week which is nice, especially with Williams out.

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Portis pass blocks with the best of them but to say he is the best pass blocker on the team is either unwarranted hyperbole or you seriously don't watch many games.

Portis is owed 25.254 million dollars in the next 3 years including 8.254 million next year alone. With his declining skills and recent fragility he isn't worth that.

After this season Portis is under contract for the next few years, but none of that is guaranteed past this season. He could be cut at the end of the season without owing any $'s.

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My fortune teller, Magda, says he will. Pluse he's on my fantasy team now, so that's another confirmation that he's going to step up. Regardless, we still need to draft a stud young RB one of these days.......soon. God love Portis, but he's just banged up and at his end :(

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Clinton Portis can still get the job done, but at this point in his career, everyone can see that he's starting to slow down. It's not because of his age. 29 years old is still young. It's because of nagging injuries. Portis is a great RB, but we have to look past him now. Ryan Torain deserves his chance. We already know what he can do. He does run the ball effectively. Even still, I say Bruce and Mike have to draft a young RB in the 2011 NFL draft.

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Torain wasn't impressive at all. Not sure why you even ask if he's the answer. I mean outside of 2 or 3 runs, he did nothing and still averaged below 4 yards a carry. (Mocking the bitter and pathetic CP bashers)

Seriously though the one reason folks should have hope for Torain vs the bum train of last year (Betts, Cartright, Ganther) is that Mike Shanahan likes him. Shanahan has a track record with runners that speaks for itself.

Whether or not Torain is a long term solution, that remains to be seen. His injury history is pretty scary. But I do think that we should have every reason to expect him to be solid as CPs replacement in the short term.

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Portis pass blocks with the best of them but to say he is the best pass blocker on the team is either unwarranted hyperbole or you seriously don't watch many games.

Portis is owed 25.254 million dollars in the next 3 years including 8.254 million next year alone. With his declining skills and recent fragility he isn't worth that.

Ya, he will have to restructure or he will be cut. I think this is his last season as a Skin. This is taking the contract, age, and chronic injuries into account. I love me some CP, but I can't see him in a Skins uniform past this year unless he signs a new contract...which he won't.

He's going to end up going to another team and playing for 1 year contracts with incentives.

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Torain wasn't impressive at all. Not sure why you even ask if he's the answer. I mean outside of 2 or 3 runs, he did nothing and still averaged below 4 yards a carry. (Mocking the bitter and pathetic CP bashers)

Seriously though the one reason folks should have hope for Torain vs the bum train of last year (Betts, Cartright, Ganther) is that Mike Shanahan likes him. Shanahan has a track record with runners that speaks for itself.

Whether or not Torain is a long term solution, that remains to be seen. His injury history is pretty scary. But I do think that we should have every reason to expect him to be solid as CPs replacement in the short term.

Actually I was impressed with how he made some improvements to lower his shoulder and drop a safety to score a TD in the RedZone. I think he is making some adjustments and hitting the gaps effectively.

Everyone would have to agree with you about the unknown, but if you look at his injury history it had been a little bit of bad luck. He is definitely not made of glass! He had an elbow dislocation and got stacked up and bent backwards when he popped his ACL. He rehabbed and came back and it's been the right amount of time for him to finally be fully healed. (ACL was Nov. 2008)

I also agree with not being scared to have him as replacement while CP is out. CP's the man (this year).

What I don't know is how Chad Simpson will fair. Apparently he is very fast and has that lightning speed that his common amongst the elite RB's of today.

It will make for an interesting addition to the Packers game to watch the Skins 'thunder and lightning' RB's.

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My fortune teller, Magda, says he will. Pluse he's on my fantasy team now, so that's another confirmation that he's going to step up. Regardless, we still need to draft a stud young RB one of these days.......soon. God love Portis, but he's just banged up and at his end :(



I think ATV is gonna have a good game this week. I think he'll touch the ball about 30 times if he gets the start over CP, and it looks like the pack is giving up almost 120 yds per game on D, so that would give him the ever elusive 4 yds/carry :D

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He was drafted by Shanny because he fits his Zone Blocking scheme. And we've seen how effective he can be in it and we're still in the very early stages of Shanahan's offense developing here. I think Torain will be a legitimate starter from everything I've seen. The main question with him is, can he stay healthy? He's already had a significant injury history for someone as young as him.

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