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Oh no he didnt! Portis on Vick. "I always root for Michael Vick....even when we play him."

Mad Mike

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Clinton said nothing wrong. Everybody unleashed on Vick simply because he was a sucessful NFL ICON. But those who criticize Vick or put him down act like they've never did anything wrong in their lives. In my opinion, if there's something wrong with dogfighting then there's something wrong with boxing since many fighters/boxers have died in the ring. To me, Vick did nothig wrong anway.

Boxers have a choice to fight.

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Some people choose to know only a part of the story about MV. The dog fighting alone wasn't what landed him in jail. Clowns like CP, DH, and other players who continue to support him and ignore the facts are living in their own fantasy world. I agree that MV paid his dues in prison, however I don't put him up on a pedestal. He ranks right there along with Ray, Dante, and all the other accused/convicted felons. Individuals can be rehabilitated to a degree. Don't forget that it was MV 's party just a few months agothat featured his bros shooting another former friend. You can take the player out of da' hood but not da' hood out of the player. The day won't come soon enough that we can say goodbye to the U.

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Handle what? You're 21. I'm 38. You have tons of growing up to do. I'm far more intelligent than you'll ever be. But since you want to get into name calling, I'll just ignore you and not call you a name back. It's wild how everyone has to feel they need to prove their "facts" and be heard. The thing is Vick paid his debt to society for what he did. But what about all of those other people in the world with these pitbulls who are fighting them for monetary gain and who are not facing any jail time? In every day society, people can do it and they never answer to the so-called law because the law doesn't care. If anything does happen, they'll take the pitbull away and maybe get a slap on the wrist for dog fighting. So why did the law care when it came to Vick? Why was Michael Vick so condemned for it and why was he held in such a low regard and crucified by the media for it? If it was Peyton Manning, Phillip Rivers, Kurt Warner, or Drew Brees would any of them be crucified for it the way Vick was? Hell no!

But anyway, Clinton Portis has the right to say what he wants. If he's a supporter of Michael Vick then he just is.

You? Intelligent? Tell you what. Let's have a battle of wits. ....I'll wait while you go get some.

Here. Let me help. There's this thing called google on the interwebs. It makes finding information and educating yourself easy. I know this may be a little difficult for you so I went ahead and did what they call a google search for you. Just click on that little link (those words with the underline) below.


And if you think Manning wouldn't have been slammed just as hard, if not harder than Vick, you really are a moron.

I agree with others here, go find another board to spew your idiocy onto.

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Would you be happier if Vick goes BACK to prison and throw Portis in for good measure, I'm saying Vick paid his due to society let the man breath and god forbid Portis not want to see him get hurt, how many more stones you got to throw?

Vick paid his dues and deserves a second chance. That doesn't mean I'm obligated to love him or ignore what he did. There's a level of cruelty to hat he did that goes WAY beyond just dog fighting. He and his partners experimented with different ways to kill those dogs in the cruelest way possible. Ways that included electrocution and drowning. They didn't just kill the dogs. they tortured them to death and I just cant forget that. Do I believe he wont do it again? Yes. Do I believe he really feels bad about killing those dogs in such horrible ways? Or that he wouldn't do it again if he thought he could get away with it?... Not so much.


In April 2007, Vick tested several dogs to determine if they had the predisposition to fight and if they were capable of winning. Vick ordered six or eight dogs destroyed because they did not meet his standards. The witness said Vick personally helped drown three or four dogs, a process that took two people to hold the animal’s legs while the dog’s head was held under water. Vick also hung dogs. The witness told investigators Vick, Peace and Phillips “seemed to get an ‘adrenaline high’ when killing the dogs.”

As for Portis, It's not about wishing for Vick to be hurt or not. If Portis likes watching him play, fine. If he wants to root for him while he's playing another team, fine. But to say you root for someone when you play against them? WTF? And if you don't get that, I don't know what to tell you.

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Instead of lowering myself and get into it with morons who have no problem with that POS Vick did and justify it by comparing it to boxing and claiming that pitbulls are bred to fight as if that is what their only value is, I choose to bring something positive to this thread.

Here are some pics of some of the dogs that were rescued from Vick's hell on earth and the truely great human beings who helped save them and rehabilitate them from the torture and cruelty of Vick and his savage ilk.


Remember when looking at these pictures, if it were up to Michael Vick and his ilk, these very same living beings would be strung up and hung, electrocuted or drowned. Or if they were lucky, they would have the "honor" of fighting to the death, all for the pleasure of the "civilized" Michael Vick.

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Instead of lowering myself and get into it with morons who have no problem with that POS Vick did and justify it by comparing it to boxing and claiming that pitbulls are bred to fight as if that is what their only value is, I choose to bring something positive to this thread.

Here are some pics of some of the dogs that were rescued from Vick's hell on earth and the truely great human beings who helped save them and rehabilitate them from the torture and cruelty of Vick and his savage ilk.


Remember when looking at these pictures, if it were up to Michael Vick and his ilk, these very same living beings would be strung up and hung, electrocuted or drowned. Or if they were lucky, they would have the "honor" of fighting to the death, all for the pleasure of the "civilized" Michael Vick.

I really feel disgusted, the sad thing is I have more distaste for the supporters/followers/apologists of Vick than Vick himself.

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Handle what? You're 21. I'm 38. You have tons of growing up to do. I'm far more intelligent than you'll ever be. But since you want to get into name calling, I'll just ignore you and not call you a name back. It's wild how everyone has to feel they need to prove their "facts" and be heard. The thing is Vick paid his debt to society for what he did. But what about all of those other people in the world with these pitbulls who are fighting them for monetary gain and who are not facing any jail time? In every day society, people can do it and they never answer to the so-called law because the law doesn't care. If anything does happen, they'll take the pitbull away and maybe get a slap on the wrist for dog fighting. So why did the law care when it came to Vick? Why was Michael Vick so condemned for it and why was he held in such a low regard and crucified by the media for it? If it was Peyton Manning, Phillip Rivers, Kurt Warner, or Drew Brees would any of them be crucified for it the way Vick was? Hell no!

But anyway, Clinton Portis has the right to say what he wants. If he's a supporter of Michael Vick then he just is.

Are you REALLY pulling the race card, here? Wow.

Yes, you are obviously far more intelligent than I'll ever be. I'm sure most outside readers of our exchange would think that as well :ols:

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Special offer to all of you Portis apologists: 1 Portis replica jersey. Very good condition. Large (L/G/G) worn maybe a dozen, or a couple dozen times. $50 including shipping.

I've kept it mostly for the memories because I wore it to Tampa for our last playoff win. But I cant, in good conscience, wear it any more. PM me if you are interested.

Hurry before Portis says or does something REALLY stupid again, because next time I'm liable to burn it and post a video of it on this board.

Unless you are Redskins4ever... Then just go away.

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After reading some of Redskins4ever posts, just....wow......it's scary that we have people like that on this message board.

Wouldn't suprise me if he's done some horrible **** in his life with his "violence is violence" views.....jesus...

You are either (A) biggest troll on ES or (B) Jackass.

Redskins4ever, go away and do not post here anymore.

I'm glad I'm not the only one.

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Clinton said nothing wrong. Everybody unleashed on Vick simply because he was a sucessful NFL ICON. But those who criticize Vick or put him down act like they've never did anything wrong in their lives. In my opinion, if there's something wrong with dogfighting then there's something wrong with boxing since many fighters/boxers have died in the ring. To me, Vick did nothig wrong anway.

I often think to myself that surely the world couldn't possess a person with the mental capability of a mentally challenged midget on LSD while freebasing a Prozac and cocaine mixture? That is, until I come across quotes like the one above and reminded of how very real they can be.

On a side note, they say that serial killers actually get their start from killing animals then move onto humans. It's the thrill they get playing god, that eventually becomes addicting. I remember a interview with Jeffrey Dahmer one time where they asked him about the urges to kill, and he simply said it was better for him to stay in jail the rest of his life because he couldn't promise he would be able to resist those same urges to kill again.

People like Vick just don't walk away from jail cured from the stuff he's done. Stuff like that lingers in their heart and that urge to kill is constantly there. Like he said, it' was the thrill of it to him, and just like any drug, that urge will remain unless help is sought after. The fact he's not had any psychological help is the most disturbing part of this.

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Clinton said nothing wrong. Everybody unleashed on Vick simply because he was a sucessful NFL ICON. But those who criticize Vick or put him down act like they've never did anything wrong in their lives. In my opinion, if there's something wrong with dogfighting then there's something wrong with boxing since many fighters/boxers have died in the ring. To me, Vick did nothig wrong anway.

This is absolutely one of the dumbest things I've ever read. You and your post are a JOKE, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

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This is absolutely one of the dumbest things I've ever read. You and your post are a JOKE, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Why should he? He has an opinion just like you. I wouldnt put dogfighting and boxing on the same level. The only wrong to me was killing them when they didn't perform. I love dogs and have owned many Pits(My favorite breed).

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Why should he? He has an opinion just like you. I wouldnt put dogfighting and boxing on the same level. The only wrong to me was killing them when they didn't perform. I love dogs and have owned many Pits(My favorite breed).


Is it okay to pull wings off flies, too?

Dear lordie, I'd just ask that everyone read about the whole Vick operation BEFORE you post here.

There is a lot of behavior that just isn't capable of being defended.


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Why should he? He has an opinion just like you. I wouldnt put dogfighting and boxing on the same level. The only wrong to me was killing them when they didn't perform. I love dogs and have owned many Pits(My favorite breed).

You're a joke too then. Seriously, if you and your thug cronies don't get it, you sadly probably never will. If you're really a dog owner, you should be disgusted. If not, something is wrong with you. And...how can you not see the dumbness in his post? Are you that thick too? Jesus H. Christ, y'all are just pathetic. Either that, or you're just a lousy troll trying to piss everyone off.

OK, so let me spell this out for you since you clearly do not have the intelligence...Redskins4ever said that if there is something wrong with dogfighting, then there is something wrong with boxing. First off, that is moronic. Boxers have a choice to fight, dogs do not. Secondly, Vik MURDERED the dogs you dip****!!!!! He brutally tortured them, and killed them! If you cannot see the wrong in this then you're just another ghetto thug POS like the rest of them (Vik and crew).

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This is absolutely one of the dumbest things I've ever read. You and your post are a JOKE, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

A joke would be funny, this debate has me on the edge of not wanting to be a fan of the same team and some of these people need to be taken out and shot.

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You're a joke too then. Seriously, if you and your thug cronies don't get it, you sadly probably never will. If you're really a dog owner, you should be disgusted. If not, something is wrong with you. And...how can you not see the dumbness in his post? Are you that thick too? Jesus H. Christ, y'all are just pathetic. Either that, or you're just a lousy troll trying to piss everyone off.

OK, so let me spell this out for you since you clearly do not have the intelligence...Redskins4ever said that if there is something wrong with dogfighting, then there is something wrong with boxing. First off, that is moronic. Boxers have a choice to fight, dogs do not. Secondly, Vik MURDERED the dogs you dip****!!!!! He brutally tortured them, and killed them! If you cannot see the wrong in this then you're just another ghetto thug POS like the rest of them (Vik and crew).

No ****!! I said in the post I didnt think that was right you lame.

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