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This season is far from over, but we need to be aggresive in a trade or FA


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Im not saying were done just yet. I still believe we can win this division, but changes have to be made. First of all, we need a young RB. Portis is just too old and too beat up to keep this going. If Shanahan is smart he will go try to get Marshawn Lynch from the Bills before the Packers get him. Lynch could be amazing for us. Steve Slaton would also be a great pick up. We need to trade Haynesworth for one of those 2 in my opinion. Both had great rookie years, but injuries slowed them down. However, both still have great potential. And yes, we should have went after Vincent Jackson too. But I dont care what they say, I think we still have a great chance to take the division. We have a good team, we know we do, we should have beaten the Texans and we still shoulda beat the Rams, we played so poorly. The NFC East is weak this year, and next week in Philly is going to be the make or break game of the season for us. Its a must win, we have to show the world we can beat a good team.

But I strongly strongly feel we should go after Lynch, or even Slaton.

Your opinions?


I figured since this is my first post, I might as well introduce myself, Im 26 years old, born and raised in Altoona Pennsylvania, been a redskins fan since I knew what football was when I turned 5 years old. Im extremely die-hard, I even have a tattoo of the Redskins logo on my forearm. Yet Ive never been down to see a game yet :( but I hope to change that this year.

Anyways, nice to meet you all!

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Pleasure to meet you and welcome to the board. I love the skins too but your delusional if you think we have a good team or that we have any chance to win the division. Likewise, you are really setting yourself up for some dissappointment if you think we have any chance to beat a team as good as the eagles this week. Brace yourself for 5-11. Nothing has changed here. . . yet.

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Haynesworth straight up for someone just isn't gonna happen, so forget about that.

Vincent Jackson almost happened it seems, but now it's obvious he'll be too expensive.

Going "aggressive" for someone at this point would just be a distraction IMO. Although if there's anything we need NOW, I think it's depth at Oline. Those guys up front can make guys like Armstrong and Galloway look like starters. (see:Austin Collie, Pierre Garcon, etc) Along with a great QB of course, and we got that. There's a reason good Oline guys are thin in FA and trade, but if theres anyone to go aggressive for, that's them.

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Honestly, I don't know if we are going to get involved with Lynch because, at least right now, they want too much. Or that is what I have heard, or he would already be a Packer. And he is actually starting to get carries again, although that could be just an effort to showcase him before the trading deadline. Who knows how that situation will end up.

I think Slaton would be a a good call for trying to pick up. He could not cost too much, as the Texans actually were pondering releasing him before the start of the season. He obviously has had success in the Shanahan system before, but he needs to hold on to the ball.

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Just because it's never worked before is no reason to think it can't work now.

Of course it can work. Good teams like the Steelers, Pats, and Colts are always making panic trades in September. Good teams know that trading picks for running backs is the key to titles in this league. Running backs are a rare and precious comodity these days.

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Of course it can work. Good teams like the Steelers, Pats, and Colts are always making panic trades in September. Good teams know that trading picks for running backs is the key to titles in this league. Running backs are a rare and precious comodity these days.

Especially coming off a 4-12 season and a 1-2 start. Clearly, that's time to sacrifice the future for a run at the playoffs.

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I get you Rufus. Lol! To hear anybody complain about this roster makes me chuckle. This organization is light years ahead of last year, even if we're 4-12 again this year.

Im not complaining about the roster really at all. Im just saying I think we could do a lot of good getting Lynch or Slaton. Trading Haynesworth probably isnt a big posibility but it is a thought. The other reason I mentioned getting a RB before the offseason is because then we can address more OL help and WR help in the draft. I didnt really see too many good RBs coming out this year, other than like Murray or Noel Devine.

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Welcome to the board.

Like the passion, but we have to make smart trades if we trade. This team still needs a lot of work. We need guards, a center, a nose tackle, better linebackers, safties, wide receivers and even corners.

I think we can make some noise too, but there is a tremendous talent deficit on this team and we should take care of today, but also mind the future.

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Running backs come a dime a dozen. Nobody knows that better than Shanny. Y would u trade future pics for a back who is alreasdy used? This team is handcuffed by a lack of draft pics, and will be feeling the pinch for at least another two years. We don't need to win now considering there may not be football next year.

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Running backs come a dime a dozen. Nobody knows that better than Shanny. Y would u trade future pics for a back who is alreasdy used? This team is handcuffed by a lack of draft pics, and will be feeling the pinch for at least another two years. We don't need to win now considering there may not be football next year.

Please don't even talk about the possibility of there not being football next year.

As for the OP, a team that lost by two touchdowns to a team that lost 19 straight games or something like that is not a team one trade away from the playoffs. I'm not saying we don't have a shot at the playoffs this year, I think we still might. The thing is, even if we are a playoff team, we have a lot of holes to fill and we need draft picks.

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Pleasure to meet you and welcome to the board. I love the skins too but your delusional if you think we have a good team or that we have any chance to win the division. Likewise, you are really setting yourself up for some dissappointment if you think we have any chance to beat a team as good as the eagles this week. Brace yourself for 5-11. Nothing has changed here. . . yet.

The division is weak. The skins have a chance too win the division.

And the Eagles lost to the Packers and beat 2 bad teams. How are they good? Skins will beat the Eagles.

5-11? I'll bet they won't.

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Im not complaining about the roster really at all. Im just saying I think we could do a lot of good getting Lynch or Slaton. Trading Haynesworth probably isnt a big posibility but it is a thought. The other reason I mentioned getting a RB before the offseason is because then we can address more OL help and WR help in the draft. I didnt really see too many good RBs coming out this year, other than like Murray or Noel Devine.

But why trade for a running back? It's been stated before how Shanny has been able to plug in any running back and get results. ( of course Shanny always had a line and that should take precedence over a running back)

And why pray tell, would you want to trade in season when it's apparent this team is probably not going to make a bunch of noise in the playoffs. One would assume you would have to include draft choices and that's your future.

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Ah yes, a reversion to the familar 'must win now' mentality. We're almost there. Can't you just feel it?

umm thats what the coaching staff is trying to do.. We arnt in rebuilding mode bud, look at Galloway, he sucks and hes starting.

We should have moved up and traded for bradford..

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Pleasure to meet you and welcome to the board. I love the skins too but your delusional if you think we have a good team or that we have any chance to win the division. Likewise, you are really setting yourself up for some dissappointment if you think we have any chance to beat a team as good as the eagles this week. Brace yourself for 5-11. Nothing has changed here. . . yet.

Dude, please explain to me how the Eagles are good? Because they barely beat the Lions and beat the Jaguars? Or is it because of the name Vick? My mind is boggled how some people think the Eagles are good. There defense is probably just as bad if not worse than ours is non-stat wise.

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Op ,I love your optimism but this thing is a work in progress and we have a long way to go, this team is getting up there in age in a lot of areas to start with. The O line has more holes than swiss cheese the CB's can't cover anyone one on one, not even the opponents 2nd and 3rd string receivers. We are in dire need of wide outs than blow by people, Vinny and Snyder have run this team into the ground the last ten years, you can't expect Shanny to perform miracles over night. We're on the right road and need to build a strong foundation that this team can build upon and it starts off the field in the front office and with the Coaches which we now have. The rest will come in time.

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