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This season is far from over, but we need to be aggresive in a trade or FA


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It blows me away that some of you, and you can find them in nearly every thread, think this team can win the division, where in the world is this optimism coming from?

I like Shanahan and Allen running the team now but this isn't a one year fix, it's going to take time, and this year isn't going to be pretty, they just lost to the Rams by 16 points, if you've forgotten, please go back and see how many games the Rams have won in the past 2 or 3 years.

It took a long time for me to accept the fact that the Redskins are the same class with teams like the Browns, Rams, Lions, Raiders, and any other team you can think of that has conistantly lost 10+ games in the past decade.

The Redskins have no depth at OL (Trent Williams goes down and Heyer comes in, thats no bueno), a roster of defensive players that don't fit in the 3-4 scheme, one of the worst if not the worst WR groups in the league, no RB to speak of, and to top it off a very difficult schedule.

This team will not win the division or even come close, but they will be picking very high in the draft, which is probably the only positive that will come out of this year.

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I'm trying to figure out when your organization will learn that acquiring the big name FA isn't working. need to build through the draft. That means stop trading away picks for players.

Dude, go slurp slurp your Steelers elsewhere.

Anybody who pays attention around here can see that this team is FINALLY drifting in the right direction. Double digit losses aside, we are where we need to be considering the past decade.

I'm not gonna get angry about this team in 2010.

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Is it possible the Redskins can take the NFC EAST? Yes, it is. The Redskins weren't supposed to defeat Dallas, but they did. Philadelphia is playing great football right now, but they can be beaten too. And the Giants look like a 7-9 team. I agree that the Redskins should get a young RB. Portis is still effective and he can still play. But anyone can tell that Portis isn't as crisp and fast as he was when he played for Mike Shanahan in Denver. I don't think the Redskins need Marshawn Lynch. They have Torain and Williams. Both are good and can be effective if given a fair chance.

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yeah, no need to trade. It's Shanahan's first year; while his moves indicate he wants to win now, he's not ridiculously stupid. Skins need draft picks, Skins need to establish a long-term franchise. That's not going to come after three games and a desparation trade. Let this season go how it does and rearm for the next one, with extant personal and picks and Snyder free agent $$$$.

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I disagree with the OP. Free agency is great...if you have a hole or two. The Ravens are a good example of that. They only go out in free-agency if they have a hole here or there. It's not meant to build your team.

The Redskins need to actually build a team with bricks, not band-aids. We don't just have a few holes on this team, we have several.

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It blows me away that some of you, and you can find them in nearly every thread, think this team can win the division, where in the world is this optimism coming from?

I like Shanahan and Allen running the team now but this isn't a one year fix, it's going to take time, and this year isn't going to be pretty, they just lost to the Rams by 16 points, if you've forgotten, please go back and see how many games the Rams have won in the past 2 or 3 years.

Neither have the cheifs and They beat the chargers so by that logic The chargers are picking high too or the vikings or any other 1-2 team out there. This team is only a game back on the feebles record wise and a win there (which can happen) puts washington in first and Philly dallas and Ny 2 games back in the division

It took a long time for me to accept the fact that the Redskins are the same class with teams like the Browns, Rams, Lions, Raiders, and any other team you can think of that has conistantly lost 10+ games in the past decade.

Another thing that boggles my mind is this team has been bad last year so there automatically bad this year for alll anyone knows the rams could win the west. And that wouldnt look so bad would it i said it once ill say it again its the 2010 season not 2009 08 or so on.

The Redskins have no depth at OL (Trent Williams goes down and Heyer comes in, thats no bueno), a roster of defensive players that don't fit in the 3-4 scheme, one of the worst if not the worst WR groups in the league, no RB to speak of, and to top it off a very difficult schedule.

Torian didnt look so bad and we havent seen a lot of keiland except for catching a couple balls. though hes not much of a blocker. also torian is averging 6.6 yards per carry he seems better so far then portis in the O

O line depth is a good point though we need that and it would behoove shanny to perhaps try to get a couple extra lineman one from new england comes to mind. Also last night the Pack and bears didnt look like world beaters either....

Overall i understand your upset but theres a 16 game season for all anyone knows including myself washington could do more than you think.

Enjoy the ride

This team will not win the division or even come close, but they will be picking very high in the draft, which is probably the only positive that will come out of this year.

Or maybe we will unless you got the hot tub time machine parked out back if you do i wanna come over and redo some things i can bring beer

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The truth is I don't blame anyone for having hopes this season and expected more. If you think about it...who predicted our defense would be ranked dead last?? If our defense isn't this bad....we're 3-0...period. Our offense could be much better but it's done just enough to win with a defense that would be ranked 16th. But we're ranked 32nd...

So when people call others delusional for believing we had a season...again...hardly anyone would think our defense would struggle at this point...and that is what's holding us back

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I believe in common sense building. If you have a good deal with a trade or need to get rid of a disgruntled/ineffective player...make it happen. If a solid free agent is available...make it happen. That...in addition to building with a draft is what imo makes great teams. A good mix of everything...it doesn't just have to be all young all draft all the time...just a nice balance

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Heres how I see it.

Hopefully we trade Haynesworth to a team that desperately NEEDS a DT before the trade deadline.

If we can get a 4th round pick or better I say DO IT... Considering we have no 3rd or 4th next year. I would love having VJ. But its not happening.

We have to hit on our 1st and 2nd round pick next year and have to add quality FA's next year.

I think we need upgrades at NT, DE, LB, CB, G, C, WR and RB.

Running Back needs to be addressed in FA.

I would love to develop a young QB with the 1st but we just cant do it at this time.

I would love to get more picks though.

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Im not saying were done just yet. I still believe we can win this division, but changes have to be made. First of all, we need a young RB. Portis is just too old and too beat up to keep this going. If Shanahan is smart he will go try to get Marshawn Lynch from the Bills before the Packers get him. Lynch could be amazing for us. Steve Slaton would also be a great pick up. We need to trade Haynesworth for one of those 2 in my opinion. Both had great rookie years, but injuries slowed them down. However, both still have great potential. And yes, we should have went after Vincent Jackson too. But I dont care what they say, I think we still have a great chance to take the division. We have a good team, we know we do, we should have beaten the Texans and we still shoulda beat the Rams, we played so poorly. The NFC East is weak this year, and next week in Philly is going to be the make or break game of the season for us. Its a must win, we have to show the world we can beat a good team.

But I strongly strongly feel we should go after Lynch, or even Slaton.

Your opinions?


I figured since this is my first post, I might as well introduce myself, Im 26 years old, born and raised in Altoona Pennsylvania, been a redskins fan since I knew what football was when I turned 5 years old. Im extremely die-hard, I even have a tattoo of the Redskins logo on my forearm. Yet Ive never been down to see a game yet :( but I hope to change that this year.

Anyways, nice to meet you all!

Welcome aboard!

We've ALWAYS been aggressive in free agency and we've also traded away numerous draft picks for players. Look what it's brought us. It's time to recognize that this is an aging team with very little talent and LOTS of holes across the board. We need to be MUCH smarter in the draft and groom our own talent instead of depening on free agents who may not fit (see: Archuleta, Adam), trading away draft picks to acquire talent, then play them out of position (see: Taylor, Jason) and just bringing in players off the scrap heap to sell shirts (see: Haynesworth, Albert).

Danny and Vinny left this team in a shambles, and it's going to take two-to-three years to, first, plug the holes, then get them used to playing with each other. There's no quick fix here.

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Trades for players when the season is already underway usually don't bring returns that season so I don't really think that would help us that much. As for trading for a running back I liked what I saw from All Torrain last week and don't think we need to make a knee jerk trade for a rb right now

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