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I think we should see what Big Panda does the rest of the year. Let him earn it. We can match offers so offer him what he is worth based on his play and injury situation. If someone offers him more, make that decision when we have to. If his numbers end up like last years I'm not convinced any team will make him a max offer. If he averages over 20ppg he probably will get maxed out.

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Straw poll: who thinks we should let Beal walk so that we can get stuck with our dicks in our hands playing Garrett Temple for the rest of the Wall era?

Do you really want anyone to take you serious with a ridiculous question like this?

Edited by Gamebreaker
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In a passive aggressive mood today aren't you?If you think this team has any better options than Beal, you're delusional.

Destino has it right. If Beal balls out down the stretch, stays healthy and looks the part...we take our chances with the max. But to sit here in January, with him missing games left and right with non-contact injuries, and flatly state that the team has no options and anyone who considers options is a passive-aggressive fool, is ludicrous.

Real question, since I'm gonna let the "Garrett Temple with our dick in our hands" foolishness slide....

If Beal misses over 40% of our remaining games and gets about 25 mpg and 14 ppg in the games he does play...we're talking 32YO Nene numbers, a real possibility...Are you really all in on the max deal? Or would you offer a 4yr/55mill and let him walk if a bad team is ready to overpay?

Cause the great irony of your position...that Beal must be given the max based on his potential...is likely gonna leave us right where you don't wanna be....watching Garrett Temple with our dick in our hands for 30/40 games a year. I mean, what were you doing last night in front of the TV? Or any night in the last 3 weeks?

Edited by TryTheBeal!
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Destino has it right. If Beal balls out down the stretch, stays healthy and looks the part...we take our chances with the max. But to sit here in January, with him missing games left and right with non-contact injuries, and flatly state that the team has no options and anyone who considers options is a passive-aggressive fool, is ludicrous.

Real question, since I'm gonna let the "Garrett Temple with our dick in our hands" foolishness slide....

If Beal misses over 40% of our remaining games and gets about 25 mpg and 14 ppg in the games he does play...we're talking 32YO Nene numbers, a real possibility...Are you really all in on the max deal? Or would you offer a 4yr/55mill and let him walk if a bad team is ready to overpay?

Cause the great irony of your position...that Beal must be given the max based on his potential...is likely gonna leave us right where you don't wanna be....watching Garrett Temple with our dick in our hands for 30/40 games a year. I mean, what were you doing last night in front of the TV? Or any night in the last 3 weeks?

My comment about you being passive aggressive was because of the cattiness of your post, not because you disagreed with me. Whatever. I apologize for offending you.

But you've distorted my position. I wouldn't give him the max if I don't have to. I'd match the biggest offer he got. My position is what I stated before: pay Beal what the market requires. If he puts up Nene numbers then he's not getting a max offer from anyone. Of course his max offer would be contingent on him playing well, same as it would be for everyone else.

BTW, he's never missed 30-40 games in a season before. Your pessimism about him is unrealistic. Not to mention no one knows what injuries he'll suffer in the future, and this is true for any player that signs a contract. When Beal was speculating about whether he might need his minutes watched moving forward, he wasn't saying, "Well I'm only good for 1500 minutes a year from now on."

And also BTW, the Garrett Temple remark was representational. Swap Temple's name with any other replacement level wing if you'd like. Gary Neal. OJ Mayo. Kevin Martin. Gerald Green. Brandon Rush. Evan Turner. Why? Because that's who is out there. Or you can hope we sign DeMar DeRozan to a max deal as you prefer, which seems both unrealistic and somehow less desirable than signing Beal to a max. Or you can try maxing out someone else's RFA shooting guard whose team is feeling sketchy about keeping at that kind of number. Wouldn't be better than just keeping Beal. The last option is to hope we snag a better SG in the draft, in which case, yes, this is delusional AND the prospect wouldn't develop in time to carry the load with Wall.

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