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Riggo Yesterday


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I was very disappointed watching the John Riggins Show yesterday on comcast. Riggo was tearing apart Shanahan and the offensive line. Riggo of all people should know that the disaster that has been the Redskins will not be fixed in one season. We have a competent GM and HC (finally). The offensive line has sucked for years. This being the result of years of drafting the flashy positions instead of the guys responsible for setting up your stars to be stars. The front office has taken steps to improve the O line. And it is much imroved this year compared to last. We spent our first round pick appropriately addressing the situation. And brought in Hicks to help stabilize things. It took Indy years to develop the front line that has protected Manning. And they did that before they drafted their star quarterback. It is true our front line does not rush block effectively. And Kyle Shanahan has done very well calling plays that minimize that weakness. But this is a work in progress. I found it hard to accept that Riggo thought we would be any better or worse than exactly were we are. A mediocre team that no longer lacks discipline. I for one am happy to have organization and a game plan for the future not just 2010.

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The quality of that show is just miserable. Poor production, poor personalities, poor set, poor everything. I can watch for all of 30 seconds before I want to run to my H.S and recruit the AV club to save this sorry excuse for a "TV show." They need somebody big to sit with Riggo. The two no names they have with him now stink and Riggo can't be the driving personality of a television show. He's too scatter brained and disconnected. They literally took his radio show and put cameras in the room. That only worked with Howard Stern because he constantly had naked women on it.

Bless Riggo for the run and for being Diesel, but the guy shouldnt be on TV. Not with that crew and that production. Say what you will about Larry Michael, but Redskins Nation is easily the most engaging of the after work local sports shows. Washington Post live is pretty bad too, though I'd like to see what Ivan Carter could do co-hosting with Riggo.

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Crab its not that I think we have a good offensive line. I think Shanahan has improved it and is working with what he has. In 2 or 3 years we will have an O line that looks a lot like his old Denver O line, but that takes time. It is too expensive to dump everyones contracts and start again. It is smart to call HB screens WR screens and hitches to the flat if you know your run blocking stinks.

I enjoy Larry Michael when there is actually something to cover otherwise you end up watching today's films about nothing nonstop. I also enjoy watching Wilbon try to paint DC teams in a good light without looking like a Homer!

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Riggo is still on my S list for his no show in Canton last month. The way he dissed Russ is going to take a long time for me to get over.

That being said, it's Riggo's job to criticize the team to keep his show interesting (which I doubt it is).

There's no need for people to lay into this new coaching staff given the personnel they've inherited. It's gonna take a few years of solid drafting to get this thing right.

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Riggins has become a pretty pathetic and sad individual. He spent so many years trying to be an actor and leave the Redskins, football and the DC area behind and now here he is, back to town after failing as an actor and failing to land a network color gig and taking any cable access gig he can get.

He's someone I pity, but don't respect.

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I love me some Riggo, but he has become a surly, grumpy old man. Some of the stuff he talks about may have some truth, but he see the glass half empty all the time. I think this year we have made some HUGE positive strides within the organization and he refuses to acknowledge this positive turn. Even when he is partially right, his refusal to admit the positive stuff makes his opinions less valid and he looks more like a curmudgeon.

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Riggo TV show looks like a local access cable production. Riggo drinks lots of haterade which might not be so bad if he at least acknowledged some of the postivie things the team and organization does instead of making everything an Oliver Stone conspiracy involving Danny Synder, etc.

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By the way, I don't know if anybody saw the postgame show with Dex? I didn't see the entire thing, just a few moments of it, and Riggo appeared to have a bit of a different tone with regards to the Skins, on that particular segment. Much more optimistic with regards to their play, than what I can ever recall him being on his own program with just him and his sidekicks.

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At this point, he just comes across as a bitter old man. I just tune him out now. He's obviously entering the " Get off my property" stage of his life.

OMG! Ima use that line if you don't mind. You nailed it on the head too tho. I know he's trying to get ratings but he really is coming off as just plain crabby.

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