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NY Post: Jets QB Pennington done for season.......


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Well the Jets 2003 season just went up in flames it would seem:




August 24, 2003 -- The Jets' 2003 season of promise took a horrific turn last night when Chad Pennington suffered a fractured dislocation of his left wrist in the second quarter of last night's 15-14 win over the Giants at Giants Stadium. It is believed he will be lost for the season.

Pennington was rushed to Lennox Hill Hospital in Manhattan, where he was operated on last night by Jets' orthopedist Dr. Ken Montgomery.

The Post has learned that the injury could possibly keep the Jets' franchise quarterback sidelined for the entire season.

According to a source who requested anonymity, Herman Edwards told a high-ranking member of the Giants' organization on the way off the field at halftime that he fears Pennington's out for the year.

That fear would make quite a bit of sense based on the intensely close-to-the-vest way in which the Pennington affair was handled by the entire organization after the injury occurred with 1:47 remaining in the half.

Edwards was as visibly upset as he's been since he became the Jets head coach, refusing to elaborate in any manner about the possible prognosis and placing a strict gag order on everyone in the organization on the subject of Pennington.

"We're optimistic and we'll see what happens after that. That's all I can comment on," Edwards said. "I'm a man of faith. It's in God's hands."

The Jets' season is now in Vinny Testaverde's hands. Asked if he expects Testaverde to be his starting quarterback in the season opener, Edwards said, "Absolutely."

Making matters even more complicated for the Jets, who play their preseason finale in just five days, is the sprained left knee of rookie QB Brooks Bollinger, who was expected to be the third-string quarterback.

Pennington's injury occurred when Giants' linebacker Brandon Short, who came up the middle on a blitz, first forced him to throw the ball away and then he fell on him afterward with Pennington's left arm landing awkwardly behind his body on the ground.

Pennington, who performed remarkably last season, leading the Jets to the playoffs after taking over for Testaverde, throwing 22 TDs and only six interceptions, struggled to get to his feet before being surrounded by the team's medical staff.

Edwards, asked what Pennington's wrist looked like, said, "I'm not going to comment on that. That's one of those Freddy Krueger things. I couldn't even look him in the eyes. It was too hard for me. I'll visit him [today]."

Edwards said he would update everyone on Pennington today.

"All of our hearts stopped," Curtis Martin said when the injury occurred. "Chad is an integral part of this team and for him to go down scared everyone."

Short said he came in on a "read" blitz and after running in untouched, "I grabbed his legs right as he threw the ball and he fell down on his arm and was just lying there."

"I asked him if he was all right and he just kept lying there until the trainers came out. It's unfortunate to see someone go down like that."

The Pennington injury is clearly the most significant blow to the Jets since Testaverde ruptured his left Achilles' tendon in the opening half of the first game of the 1999 season, with Jets predicted by many to make the Super Bowl that year.

Testaverde missed the entire season and the Jets struggled to an 8-8 record in Bill Parcells' final season as Jets' head coach

Testaverde (5-of-11, 48 yards) was scheduled to take over for Pennington in the third quarter anyway last night, replaced him after the injury and played through the third quarter.

So, in essence, Pennington, who finished the night 4-of-12 for 58 yards, was a minute and 47 seconds away from escaping the game unscathed and injury-free. He was likely only going to play a single series in Thursday night's preseason finale in Philadelphia.

"Chad is our leader, but we have a great player in Vinny and we have the utmost confidence in him," Jets' strong safety Sam Garnes said. "We know he'll get the job done and we hope the best for Chad."

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So, here we have two of the game's premier QBs gone in a week. i wonder if the Falcons owner and the Jets owner are so happy with preseason games now.

Man, i HATE IT.

Who do we play in week 3? The Giants? Kerry Collins better sit out next week...


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This is a really tough break for Pennington and the Jets.

Testaverde's physical skills have deteriorated but we'll have to be careful not to underestimate the veteran leadership and ability to read defenses.

His lack of mobility combined with their suspect O-line will make for a long night!

If we don't get overconfident and treat the game like a gimme, we should handle our farm team and start the season 1-0! :cool:

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I liked to add my wish for a speedy recovery. Never good to see a guy get hurt like that. I would imagine a wrist injury would be amongst the worst things that could happen to a qb. Does anyone know medically about the wrist? How do breaks in that area of the body heal?

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from scskinsfan

Testaverde's physical skills have deteriorated but we'll have to be careful not to underestimate the veteran leadership and ability to read defenses.

If we don't get overconfident and treat the game like a gimme, we should handle our farm team and start the season 1-0!

You are correct sir. This might finish them. But it will also cause some teams to write them off, count it as a win, and then get their a$$ beat. The only way we lose this game is if we make this mistake.

Besides, nobody circles the wagons like the......oops! my bad. That's the only true NY team that does that.

Get well soon Chad.

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We had great matchup advantages against the Jets before they lost Pennington. But, I agree with SC and Ax here. Testaverde allows the Jets to go much deeper in the passing game than Pennington would have. The Redskins are a team that plays poorly when it is overly comfortable. Facing the Jets without Pennington could get this team awfully comfortable and get our arses handed to us because of it.

Still, the Jets didn't have the personnel to match up with us when they had their star QB. It'll be an uphill climb for them without him.

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I had the same injury in 1999 and from the sound of it, it looks like the same one Patrick Ewing had three or four years ago. It's a serious injury and one that doctors say doesn't happen too often.

My wrist never fully healed and because of it I had to have two additional surgeries. In fact, I'm scheduled to undergo my final surgery Wednesday which will be a total wrist fusion. This will most definetely end my current career........I just hope Chad has better luck then I did!

Get well Chad, you're a good story for the NFL.

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after all the injuries to the starting qbs around the NFL, Spurrier should have Ramsey hand off the ball to Canidate 3 times and get off the field against JAX :)

no need to risk Coles either in my mind.

let's let the younger guys play. we have seen little of Hamdan. we haven't seen enough of McCants and Russell.

We also have to see more of Betts and Watson.

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I talked to my step-father. A huge Jet's fan and well respected Radiologist. He said not only will Pennington be done for the year, he might be done for his career. This is the details:

Normally when one breaks the wrist, they break one or both of the two bones that run down the forearm. Not a good injury to have, but fairly easy to fix.

Pennington has a fracture dislocation. (Whether it was an open or compound fracture/dislocation hasn't been clear, but that would mean the bone broke throught the skin) Not only do they have to worry about popping the wrist back into place, they also have to set and stablize the bone, and repair the ligaments (which were also torn up during the fall)

Bottom line, even though it is his non-throwing hand, he is still going to lose a lot of the regular functions of the wrist. It will make it difficult to do even everyday tasks. It doesn't look good for Chad.

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Originally posted by bulldog

let's let the younger guys play. we have seen little of Hamdan. we haven't seen enough of McCants and Russell.

We also have to see more of Betts and Watson.

That's a good point. Personally I'd like to see the same. After LC, RG, and TJ, I'd like to see the rest of the "track team" go against first team defenses. Was dissapointed in Cliff Russell's play yesterday although he was open for that overthrown ball (he never saw). Should be interesting to see how they rotate the RB's as well.

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