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I did come in, as I'm home feeling like ****e with a stinking head cold, to talk about the game but just WTF has erupted in here today?


btf ..... You continue to rewrite history and tell any more lies about me in this pathetic obsession you have ('Stalking' you into another thread please. How old are you? 12? Forgive me for trying to joke over your continued B/S) and I surely will get banned as I tell a few home truths. You've rapidly elevated yourself to the status as the worst poster we've ever had in here. Which is impressive as we've had some real nasty pieces pass through. But you top all that. You hide behind this facade of being a happy go lucky guy who has no beef with anyone, whilst continually personally attacking anyone you don't agree with. All after you've spent most of your time continually baiting and **** stirring. To then sit back and come the 'Holier than Thou' ****e and poor hard picked on you when it all blows up. Taking some ****ed up enjoyment from just **** stirring would be one thing. Whatever floats your boat. But when you start getting personal with your underhand snidey ****e and openly lying to try discredit someone ..... you're just a gutless sack of **** from behind a screen. Nothing more. Nothing less. (There you go. I insulted you. Go **** to a mod and play the good little boy card. Sure Fred will have your back with his completely one eyed view on everything.). 


In fact never mind ..... If I don't walk away now I'mma say something that will really cost me. 



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Because they are scum that support a club that hasn't won a goddamn thing ever. At that point, they probably should start cheering their players for just finding their way on the pitch. Low bar


They have obviously changed their style up starting this year.  Curious to see if their fans will appreciate that.

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DC9, I have both watched and played soccer for a long time.  I even played in some lower German leagues, but I don't have the time to watch nearly as much as you and others do in this thread.


I have not and will not claim I know as much about the clubs and players as many in this thread.  My posts are general by design as I follow the skins far more than I follow Bayern.


I am also going to stop trying to explain that I post what I post and others post what they post.  I do not gang up with anyone else as you seem to think.  That others post at times similar thoughts is not by design.


I also don't count how many fans of one team or another there are.  That you don't see the simply outlandish comments in some of your, more GHH than you, posts is not my fault.


Edit:  To add, there is clear passion from both you and GHH for your love of LP.  The issue is not the passion or the love of your team.

Edited by Fred Jones
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That's fair Fred.  No beef with you.  Like I said, you never come in unless **** hits the fan and it appears to me you defend him.  Maybe you just defend the league.


I've got no problem singling out the Bavarian Troll.


I even googled it... this is an actual picture



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.....  That you don't see the simply outlandish comments in some of your, more GHH than you, posts is not my fault.




By the same token the fact that you can only see this perceived bias toward all things German and not see the continued B/S the other way (that your fellow Munich fan started BTW if you'd care to go right back into this tread and took far beyond mere banter), is. 


I'd give you far more credence in any rebuke man toward myself or anyone else if you weren't so one eyed in that. But for some reason, you are which is why your 'propaganda/ one team thread' B/S gets the ridicule it deserves. 


Sort those creating your own mess out before you attempt to sort anyone else. 



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So I normally just read this forum and never post. However, I've been sort of following this thread for a while and I want to start following a BPL team. Any suggestions on who I should follow? i was thinking Everton because of Tim Howard, but I'm not sure that's a good enough reason to follow them.

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So I normally just read this forum and never post. However, I've been sort of following this thread for a while and I want to start following a BPL team. Any suggestions on who I should follow? i was thinking Everton because of Tim Howard, but I'm not sure that's a good enough reason to follow them.



Anyone bar Liverpool. 


Enough of them in here already I keep reading. 



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Anyone bar Liverpool. 


Enough of them in here already I keep reading. 




Timing was just too perfect for that.


No way that isn't one of the knuckleheads in here already.


Maybe we should just create separate threads for the different leagues then?

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Anyone bar Liverpool. 


Enough of them in here already I keep reading. 




Lol, the little bit that I read toward Everton's history is that their biggest rivalry is Liverpool. I literally know nothing of either team, save for the fact that Howard is the keep on Everton and that tiny bit of history. Besides yourself, who else is a Liverpool fan on here?


Timing was just too perfect for that.


No way that isn't one of the knuckleheads in here already.


Maybe we should just create separate threads for the different leagues then?


Umm, sorry that you're assuming I'm one of the other people you have an issue with, but I'm not. I've been registered here since 2005, but like I said, I like to read, not post. If someone has a troll account thats been registered here since 2005, they would be pathetic in my mind. I use to actually post over on WNFF, but I don't really visit there besides during the baseball season. 


I'm truly interested in following a team and I would like some history lessons on teams and maybe who to avoid due to potential relegation and what not. I just don't want a big team like Man U, Man City, etc.

Edited by eckseid
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So I normally just read this forum and never post. However, I've been sort of following this thread for a while and I want to start following a BPL team. Any suggestions on who I should follow? i was thinking Everton because of Tim Howard, but I'm not sure that's a good enough reason to follow them.


Tim Howard is done at Everton...assuming they ever figure that out.


Some ideas:


Liverpool - because Klopp is not only a great coach in the middle of a multiyear rebuild, he's fun to watch on the sidelines


Arsenal - a big team but hasn't won the title in over a decade, has a huge American fanbase, Ozil


Tottenham Hotspur - has a boatload of young talented players and a smart manager in Pochettino




I'm truly interested in following a team and I would like some history lessons on teams and maybe who to avoid due to potential relegation and what not. I just don't want a big team like Man U, Man City, etc.


Eh, Man City would be a good team to follow if/when Pep Guardiola becomes the manager. Horrible fanbase though.

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If someone has a troll account thats been registered here since 2005, they would be pathetic in my mind.


Yes, mine as well.

Do you have any European lineage or ancestry?


That's the best place to start in my opinion.

If not, then it's whatever your priority is.


If your into style of play and goal scoring, you may want to keep driving west across the channel.  They play better football in Germany.

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Danny Ward can't play Wednesday as he wasn't registered for the first game. 


Another f-ed up FA rule. 



Oh, still got little to say on the game today that hasn't been said a zillion times the last two decades against them. 


As so many times against Utd, we completely dominate the game, can't score, and they snatch one and ride off home with another case of daylight robbery. Or in L'pools case, conceding a corner. 

Should be used to it the amount of times it's happened against Utd but the frustration is just so damn depressing to have to deal with again.


We have created more chances than any other team in the league under Klopp. But it ultimately matters little when you can't score for ****. 



Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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Yes, mine as well.

Do you have any European lineage or ancestry?


That's the best place to start in my opinion.

If not, then it's whatever your priority is.


If your into style of play and goal scoring, you may want to keep driving west across the channel.  They play better football in Germany.


Never really studied specifics of my European lineage/ancestry, so not sure that will help. Also, I don't really have any style that I'm into. I mainly watch the Olympics, World Cup, and any La Liga, BPL, Serie A games that are on TV.


@FanboyOf91 - I've thought of Tottenham. Having young talent is sort of what I'm looking for in a team. One that is up and coming. I liked that with the Nats and enjoyed watching them build from the beginning.


I was also considering a Welsh team as well just to make it even more different for an English league. 

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If you pick Tottenham, I'm gonna give you **** every time you post lol. Fair warning.

Arsenal is a good pick IF you enjoy getting close to greatness and having sadness smack you in the face lol.

Seriously tho, the team is on a bit of an upswing. 3 world class players in Ozil, Alexis, and Cech. Legendary manager...almost Gibbs like. They have money but not crazy money like City, Chelsea, etc.

Fanbase is huge in the states. Every major city has a Gooner support organization. They are currently top of the league, won the FA Cup two years in a row, and always in the CL even though they never win lol. Had arguably the greatest team in EPL history with the Invincibles.

If you want more info, let me know

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Also, we are fairly set in young talent. Hector Bellerin is like 20 and is probably a top 2-3 RB in the league. The core of the team is in the 23-26 yo range which includes players like Theo Walcott, Alex Oxlade Chambelain, Callum Chambers, Gabriel, Danny Welbeck, Jack Wilshere (if he's ever healthy).

In the youth academy, you have kids like THE JEFF (google him), Alex Iwobi (played well today), Dan Crowley, Maitland-Niles, Bielek, etc.

Basically just don't pick Tottenham or Chelsea lol

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I chose Arsenal after studying the team's history on the website, YouTube, other message boards, blogs etc.

You may want to even just pop in FIFA and pick the team you play the best with it.

O M G this dude is hilarious. He's right like, but LMAO. Just WHAT must he be like when Newcastle lose?


Geordie is hilarious. Love his vids

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Never really studied specifics of my European lineage/ancestry, so not sure that will help. Also, I don't really have any style that I'm into. I mainly watch the Olympics, World Cup, and any La Liga, BPL, Serie A games that are on TV.

@FanboyOf91 - I've thought of Tottenham. Having young talent is sort of what I'm looking for in a team. One that is up and coming. I liked that with the Nats and enjoyed watching them build from the beginning.

I was also considering a Welsh team as well just to make it even more different for an English league.

I'm a Tottenham fan. I know nearly not anything close to the league as these guys, but I do follow Spurs as best as I can. I'm off this year. Haven't had nearly the time to follow as much as I want, but after the NFL season, I'll pick it up.

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Well, damn, GHH knows something about blowing title challenges.

Thankfully we don't Gerrard out there

I'll be sure to keep an eye out tho. Thanks

*patiently waits for history lesson on the 1776 EPL title race where Liverpool won with half their team fighting those damn Yankee Rebels*



The wrong date not withstanding, the last official act of the war happened in this City. And the connections from here to monumental events in your history, including both sides of the civil war, you wouldn't believe. A Scouser was a signatory to the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution for example. How cool is that? Then there's my lil' bro' who's the coolest dude of all. Just don't tell him I said that or I'll have to send the Kirkby boys round and you'll end up in a basement as they have a little chat with you. You DON'T want to be in a basement with the Kirkby boys. 


But regardless, joking aside. Wednesday just showed to me again why you're both currently top the league. And why you doubtless won't be come the last game. 



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Arsenal is a good pick IF you enjoy getting close to greatness and having sadness smack you in the face lol

Fanbase is huge in the states. Every major city has a Gooner support organization. They are currently top of the league, won the FA Cup two years in a row, and always in the CL even though they never win lol. Had arguably the greatest team in EPL history with the Invincibles.

If you want more info, let me know

On the verge of greatness and then sadness smacking you in the face? Sure, being a caps and nats fan has prepared me well for that lol. Also, that is definitely one thing I've heard is that they do have a huge fan base here. It seems like Richmond actually has a Gooner organization as well, at least a spot to watch the games.

Just curious, why not pick Tottenham?

As for the FIFA thing, I suck at the game, but I'm getting better. I keep changing around teams and that might be my problem.

But yea, I'll take some more info on Arsenal if you don't mind.

Only thing I don't want to happen is to be labeled a band wagoner if they do end up winning it all lol.

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