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Call to all parents - Potty training hlep


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So my little girl is 3 years old and I've tried everything and she just has no interest in potty training. When she was 2, she showed some interest for about 2 months. I'm at a loss.

I've tried giving candy as a treat if she used it. I've tried keeping in her wet diaper for hours, she just doesn't care.

I know she can tell when she has to go, because when she is running around naked, she will use it.

Any and all suggestions would be much appreciated.

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be patient. You don't see any adults going around ****ting their pants twice a day. At least outside of bp corporate boardrooms.

just keep encouraging her and trying. Don't push her, she'll come around

Good advice. Just keep doing what you are doing. Don't get angry if she does go in her pullups. Three year old is not uncommon to not be trained. Don't worry about it.

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does she have a friend her age? you could always try the 'your friend suzie q uses this toilet too, dont you want to be like your friend? blah blah'

my grandmother was the master at that...she could get me to like anything if she had a good story to go along with it. i remember her getting me to like some rollerblades when I was a kid that I thought were ugly and didnt want to wear...she told me she spoke to the Capitals equipment guy and he told her they were the best skates available...so I believed it and thought I had on the best skates in the world :ols:

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Don't worry about it. If she does it later than you want, its not the biggest deal.

My son is almost 5. When he was 3 we had the hardest time and it gave us so much stress to do the whole potty training thing. He just wouldn't do it, and would try to get into his pull-ups. Then when he was almost 4 he started to get it, and he started to go #1 in the potty, but it took awhile before he got to #2.

I can't remember if there was any method, I seem to remember for a month or so we just put him in underwear and explained that he has to use the potty... there was some hardship in that and he had some accidents (just remember you can always clean up the carpet or sofa or whatever). It took awhile before he could go out of the home, but I'm proud to say my son is potty trained within the year.

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be patient. You don't see any adults going around ****ting their pants twice a day. At least outside of bp corporate boardrooms.

just keep encouraging her and trying. Don't push her, she'll come around

This is absolutely 200% the correct answer.

I would give it a break for a couple of months, then have at it again.

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My tried and true method: Get her excited about buying "big girl" underwear. The ones with cartoons on them....@ 3 years old, she should be into Dora or something.

Then keep drilling it into her head that she shouldn't mess up her new underwear. Make sure whoever is watching her during the day forces her to sit on the toilet every 1-1/2 to 2 hours LIKE CLOCKWORK. If you wait until she's dancing around, it's already too late.

Keep this up for a week, and it'll be done. Now, nighttime accidents will still happen so that's when it's time for pull-ups.

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My tried and true method: Get her excited about buying "big girl" underwear. The ones with cartoons on them....@ 3 years old, she should be into Dora or something.

That is a good idea. We did the same thing with our Daughter. She was MUCH harder than our son. He took to the potty around 2. She was almost 3.

We used the same methods. Treat for when she goes, along with a lot of praise. And we also put the Dora and Princess panties on her and did the Big girl thing with her. When she had accidents we put the pullups back on.

Heck, she is almost 4 and will still have an accident here and there. Mainly waiting too long to go.

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You don't see any adults going around ****ting their pants twice a day.

Man that's funny.

Thanks for all the advice guys. 1st kid so I have no idea when they "should" be learning.

I'll just keep at it knowing it will come around sooner or later.

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My tried and true method: Get her excited about buying "big girl" underwear. The ones with cartoons on them....@ 3 years old, she should be into Dora or something.

Then keep drilling it into her head that she shouldn't mess up her new underwear. Make sure whoever is watching her during the day forces her to sit on the toilet every 1-1/2 to 2 hours LIKE CLOCKWORK. If you wait until she's dancing around, it's already too late.

Keep this up for a week, and it'll be done. Now, nighttime accidents will still happen so that's when it's time for pull-ups.


And you have to do the mandatory potty breaks.

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I don't have a girl but what worked really well for me is any time that I had to go I would just take my son with me and tell him what I was doing, and tell him that's what Big boys do and try to keep his attention. When they wake up first thing in the morining sit them on the pot. dont make them go just sit them there for a few mins. it takes time dont give up dont get frustrated they all come around. But if the mommie is around have her take the little one with her into the restroom every time she has to go and explain what she is doing.

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My tried and true method: Get her excited about buying "big girl" underwear. The ones with cartoons on them....@ 3 years old, she should be into Dora or something.

Dora . . . you hit that one right on the head.

I'll try to "big girl" underwear. Maybe I should get some superman ones for myself.

Also so somebody mentioned if she has friends her age. We put her in daycare for the 1st time about 3 weeks ago. So I figured being around other kids is going to help. She'll use it sometimes at daycare.

I'll keep my head high. I'm not frustrated with it. I'd like to see a litte ray of hope though.

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My fiance is a pre-school teacher at a fancy private school. She teaches 5 year olds, but used to teach 3 year old. You have no idea how many of my conversations were poop related then - hahah.

Is your daughter in school? It seems peer pressure is a great motivator from what I can remember. When you see your peers doing it, and being praised for it, you tend to want to do it as well.

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Hey, I'm almost 26 and my huggies fit just fine, she doesn't have to be potty trained, look at me I'm the model of success:silly:

We are lucky, my mother-in-law is retired so she babysits. Gracie is only 6 months old and grandma already has her using those baby potties. As soon as you see the face, and trust me the face is unmistakeable, we just sit her on the potty.

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3 and 4 year olds for me. Niether is completely potty trained. I feel your pain. Take heart it will get better, and it could be worse.

Daughter (4) went more than 2 weeks without number 1 in diaper or panties, but she would run off and hide rather than poo in the potty. We tried candy which is how pee got trained. We tried bigger rewards for number 2...still nothing. Then one day she got it...and for almost a week we thought we were out of the woods. Then she started with the "I couldnt get ther e in time pees on the ground...at least once a day. And that is where we are now...so so close (in more than one way). She know what she is doing, and does it on purpose. We just refuse to get mad, but it is frustrating as all ge out.

Son is 3, and at school is fine. At home, he sees his sister, and the peer preasure is completely the other way. He also uses it to extend wake times. Put him on the potty before bed, and he pees. Ask if he has poo, and the answer is no. Put him to bed in a nightime diaper, and 5 min later go change the poo. Hell, at least it's been weeks since he took the poo out of his diaper and crammed it under the door:(:mad:. That was disgusting, but I have to admit a little chuckle at the inventive ways he can destroy. I mean we opened the door, spent 40 min cleaning the carpet, only to close the door and see the nice new arc de crap. Arrghh. We had to take lysol wipese and do a sanding action on the bottom of the door only to redo the cleaning of the floor. Wow that was a mess.

At least we don't have his classmate who woke up and smeared poo around her room every night for 3 weeks. Our son did how ever take off his dirty diaper and put it in with his underwear. Gotta love walking in a room with that smell and playing find the diaper because it's sure not on him.:ols: I have to laugh because tears aren't really appropriate at work, and laughter is more fun anyway.

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Here's the deal. If she dumps in her pull-up let her dump it it the toilet and tell her that's where it goes. Once she make an association with poop and bathroom that is when you start sitting her on the toilet. Tell her that if she poops in the potty it would make mommy and daddy very proud. I'd even use her favorite outside family member too. With my daughter it was my mom her ma-ma. She finally did and we made a huge deal about it, clapping, celebrating, and immediately called her ma-ma. She was so happy. For the next few months after she "dropped a deucer", gotta love kids, she would call me in to see it.

That's just my way of doing it and it worked for me. Good Luck!

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be patient. You don't see any adults going around ****ting their pants twice a day. At least outside of bp corporate boardrooms.

just keep encouraging her and trying. Don't push her, she'll come around

+1... She'll look at her friends one day and realize she shouldn't be peeing in her pants anymore, and it will just start. Don't put a bunch of pressure around it and don't let it worry you.

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As the father of 3 with the youngest just turning 3, the advice given here is the best.

She'll get it in time. I know its a pain to change them etc, but it's really not a big deal. I promise you she wont still be in diapers at age 4 or 5.

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As others have said. Don't push...at all.

Sit back, ask her if she needs to go, let her know its ok to go, but she will get it on her own.

My son showed big intrest at age 3, then stopped. He was a LATE potty trainer - but by late i mean just shy of his 4th Bday.

Then in a matter of 2 days he decided he would just the potty and that was it.

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