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NY Times 5/18/10: Doctor Charged in N.F.L. Doping Case (Redskins Player Connected)


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WTF buddy? Just passing on info, no need to call it garbage...

I got it from the comments section on the Washington Post article.

Pasting something from the comments section is not info, it's garbage, and massively misleading.

Nevermind, just saw BeantownGreg1 posted it. In that case, it's gospel.

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An NFL spokesman said the league did not know the identities of any of the players treated by Galea.

The NFL currently lists HGH among its banned performance-enhancing substances but does not test for it.

I find this interesting.

I find it interesting that the NFL ban a substance but dont test for it! The testing regime in the NFL is a joke - if the NFL and NFLPA are serious about getting drugs out of football they need to get in line with the Olympic drugs testing standards.

If they are accepting that drugs are a part of the sport stop testing completley.

What we have now is just a PR fig leaf IMO.

Players are putting their health at risk by taking steriods. Not just NFL players either - thousands of high school kids and guys in College chasing a dream and the big money and willing to take some short cuts to get there. It needs to be stopped.

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If its fabricated I appologize. Its why I didnt open a new thread. I just thought it was worth posting here. At least it can be fleshed out.

No problem thanks for posting!! Just next time link it in the post where you got it from and people wont jump on you. Its just that its potentially very big news..and were on edge.

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I do not know if its true. I copied and pasted info I saw from the comments section on the washington post story...

Would have been good to mention that in your post just so people would know it wasn't official. Who knows, maybe it's true, but it's just as likely some BS someone made up and posted in the comments section.

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Just because the guy treated the player since 2007 doesn't mean the player has been a Redskin since 2007. He may have been on the team since then, but there's nothing in the article to suggest that he was.

I read this in the Redskins Insider article on WaPo.com

">> The player was treated "on a weekly basis during the season" between Oct. 2007-09. If the player was injured, the visits sometimes occured more often. It wasn't clear whether these earlier visits took place in Washington and whether he was injured prior to the September 2009 appointment in Washington."

So I guess you are right, they don't know if every visit was in Washington, but it doesn't disprove that it was an active Redskin from 2007-2009.

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I saw that posted as a comment on the bottom of Jason Reid's article - comment section:


Santana Moss to be named by Steroid Dr.

Michael David Smith

May 18th, 2010, 4:10

Washington Redskins wide out Santana Moss was the player that Canadian Doctor, Anthony Galea was scheduled to visit, and will soon be hearing from Roger Goodell regarding their relationship. Consider this to be an on-going investigation, however the hand-writing appears to be on the wall with this one. Having a relationship with a Dr. who supplies you with HGH will be frowned upon by Sheriff Goodell.

Posted by: BeantownGreg1 | May 18, 2010 4:10 PM | Report abuse

That does not seem to add up. HGH helps create muscle mass and burn fat which is why it is the drug of choice for a lot of body builder types. I'm struggling to think what benefit it could have for Santana Moss as a wide receiver whoes game is based on speed and quickness.

Moss has had injury issues with his hamstrings and I dont think (but could be wrong) that HGH would have any benefit in that area.

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I do not know if its true. I copied and pasted info I saw from the comments section on the washington post story...

Accompany any info with a link. Anyone can say they copy and pasted something. However, providing a link will end the assault on your character around here. :silly:

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That does not seem to add up. HGH helps create muscle mass and burn fat which is why it is the drug of choice for a lot of body builder types. I'm struggling to think what benefit it could have for Santana Moss as a wide receiver whoes game is based on speed and quickness.

Moss has had injury issues with his hamstrings and I dont think (but could be wrong) that HGH would have any benefit in that area.

Dude is pretty ripped up. He may have wanted more size so he could be more physical.

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Dude is pretty ripped up. He may have wanted more size so he could be more physical.

Thats just not his game - he is not a physical type possesion receiver and never will be whatever he may (or may not) take. I just dont see what benefit HGH would bring him.

That said its a cold certainty that there will be some Redskin players who are taking HGH or similar drug. This is a league wide issue.

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I read this in the Redskins Insider article on WaPo.com

">> The player was treated "on a weekly basis during the season" between Oct. 2007-09. If the player was injured, the visits sometimes occured more often. It wasn't clear whether these earlier visits took place in Washington and whether he was injured prior to the September 2009 appointment in Washington."

So I guess you are right, they don't know if every visit was in Washington, but it doesn't disprove that it was an active Redskin from 2007-2009.

I never said anything disproved that he was a Redskin since 2007-- I merely said we don't have enough information to say definitively that he was. All we really know is that he was treated by this doctor since 2007. But he could have played for three different teams over the last three years for all we know.

He very well could have been a Redskin since then, but I'm just saying we don't have enough info yet to suggest that.

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You test the levels. Usually over time, or by somehow finding some type of baseline...

Wouldn't that high level subside pretty quickly though? I mean its not like its a drug hanging around in your system. I would think you'd have to test the same player regularly to look for sudden elevated levels. I would think this is why the league doesn't bother.

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Wouldn't that high level subside pretty quickly though? I mean its not like its a drug hanging around in your system. I would think you'd have to test the same player regularly to look for sudden elevated levels. I would think this is why the league doesn't bother.

No idea... Very good point...

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how do you test someone for something that is naturally occurring in your body?
I'm not sure if you can. I know the MLB hasn't figure it out yet even after the scandal.

Which is why I was wondering what will come of this if Santana or another player is linked?

I'd like to think 'yes' because it is a banned substance by the NFL - they just don't check for it. It would turn in to a he said-he said...but if there is documentable proof that these players KNOWINGLY took HGH, then maybe, possibly.

It's roger clemens' case but for active athletes.

I'm thinking the same thing, but the player and the players association would definitely appeal that ruling.

This could turn into a circus. Hopefully it all turns out to be just speculation.

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Santana Moss to be named by Steroid Dr.

Michael David Smith

May 18th, 2010, 4:10

Washington Redskins wide out Santana Moss was the player that Canadian Doctor, Anthony Galea was scheduled to visit, and will soon be hearing from Roger Goodell regarding their relationship. Consider this to be an on-going investigation, however the hand-writing appears to be on the wall with this one. Having a relationship with a Dr. who supplies you with HGH will be frowned upon by Sheriff Goodell.

Moss has come back from offseason BIG.

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It was Colt Brennan!! lol :D

I knew nobody could have THAT much moxie in them and it be all-natural!

:ols: :ols:

Would be hilarious if it were Haynesworth :silly:

Oh man, that would just be ridiculous. But I guess then the out-of-shape crowd can shut up: The man was even doing illegal things to get in shape! That's a team player! :silly:

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