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Sean Penn Ironic qoute


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Saw this today and got a laugh. Highlighted the ironic part.

"Chavez thanks Sean Penn for slamming his critics

(AP) – 1 day ago

CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is grateful that actor Sean Penn has defended him against his critics within the U.S. media. In an appearance on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" last week, Penn slammed Chavez critics who refer to the socialist leader as a dictator.

The Oscar-winning celebrity noted that Chavez has won repeated elections and suggested that media critics who call him a dictator should be jailed.

He says that "there should be a bar for which one goes to prison for these kinds of biases."

Penn has visited Chavez several times and frequently defends the president's leftist political policies.

Chavez welcomed Penn's comments Wednesday and thanked the actor for standing up to his detractors."


What next is he going to say OJ Simpson should kill people who accuse him of being a murderer?

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Eh. I tend to agree with him to a certain extent. His point was that the media is being allowed to run wild and say anything they want. They are really skewing the public to push their own agendas and get ratings. Media should be held more accountable.

I know I wouldn't shed a tear if a few guys on "News" Networks had to serve some time for the lies they shove down our throats.

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Sean Penn. Is there a bigger douche in Hollywood?

The best was when he went to New Orleans 7 days after Katrina hit, after the Superdome had been cleared out, and after the National Guard had already started setting up treatment areas and begun large scale rescue efforts, but he still claimed he was there in the middle of all of it only 4 days after Katrina. Even though there are records of him staying at a Four Seasons hotel in Houston during the time he said he was in New Orleans.

Penn with his personal photographer in his "rescue boat" that actually ended up sinking:


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