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WPC: When it comes to the uniforms, you can keep the change


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When it comes to the uniforms, you can keep the change

By John Pappas

Warpath Confidential Editor

I kid my wife that if given the choice between a cereal box, and a cereal box with a cartoon on the package; she will buy the cartoon-adorned box every time. I tell her this is because she is a sucker for the packaging; as if some grotesquely distorted image of a tiger, or bunny, or vampire that feeds on chocolate will make the food inside taste better.


And while she is not really so shallow, I use the metaphor to rail against the superficiality of our society, and the things that drive a lot of people. People who believe the glitz and glamour on the outside will raise the quality of the product inside.

People like fans of the Dallas Cowboys.

That’s not how we roll in Washington. We never fell for the loud-colored clothing and jerry curls of other cities. While other metropolitan centers feature towering skyscrapers and endless blocks intended to impress; none of our buildings are taller than the capitol dome. And in terms of scale we are like the biggest small town you’ve ever seen.

Outside of the crazy people on Capitol Hill, Washington tends to be a town of substance over style. It always has been. The same is true of our sports teams. We don’t do T.O. here. There is no Ocho at the inn. Rather, we embrace the hardworking guys. Guys like Bobby Mitchell, Sonny Jurgensen, John Riggins, Santana Moss, and London Fletcher.

Click the link above to read the entire article...

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Oh no. I just threw up in my mouth.

The horror. The hor-ror.

Not a single one of those uniforms looks remotely acceptable.

To paraphrase Billy Madison's debate host, "That is the most insanely idiotic attempt at an NFL uniform I have ever seen. At no point in that rambling, incoherent set of bizarre and disgusting uniforms did they approach anything close to the original.

Everyone in this room is now dumber and less human for having looked at that crap.

I award them no points, and may god have mercy on your soul."

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Im not seeing the new unis on there






Hell ****ing NO!!!

Why **** with a classic?

I understand the desire to announce a new era and a change but this isn't the way to do it. Our fans aren't dumb, we know what's going on and we don't need retarded pieces of **** like these to let everyone know we're trying to turn over a new leaf.

If anything, make em throwbacks. This reminds me of when major league baseball tried those ridiculous turn ahead the clock jerseys.


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That’s not how we roll in Washington. We never fell for the loud-colored clothing and jerry curls of other cities.

I agree our uniforms need to stay the same, but I don't think the above comments are accurate at all.

To other people in other regions of the country, DC has a very distinct style, flavor, and language. I was born and raised in DC (my home for 20 years) but I've also lived in South Carolina and I currently reside in Manhattan. Everywhere I go, people recognize that Washington is on it's own island when it comes what we listen to, how we dress, what we think is cool, and how even how we talk.

This article mentions jerry curls and loud-colored outfits... but let's not forget that the single most distinctive image of our beloved Redskins (to other fans around the league) are the large men wearing wigs, drinking beer, dressed as hybrid Pig-Men-Women. What is tame about that?

Recently in the urban community, kids in DC started throwing away their baggy sweatshirts and pants for tighter-fitting t-shirts with flamboyant colors/designs and jeans that fit. I work in the music industry up here, and many hip-hop artists tell me that the popular style trickled-up from my very own backyard.

I'm all for keeping the tradition when it comes to the Redskins' jerseys, but I just very strongly disagree that our city is not somewhat flashy or without it's own "pizazz." We invented Go-Go music. George Clinton (possibly one of the most brilliantly flamboyant musicians of all-time) named an album "Chocolate City" after DC. 80's punk was born here. Before that, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, and John Coltrane would run wild in our city.

DC is one of the most artistic and culturally rich areas on the entire planet... so if ANY TEAM is going to switch up their style, I think a change for us would not only be appropriate- it should be expected.

Hell, we should have a different jersey every week. ;)

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OMG, we would have one of the ugliest uniforms in the NFL. What designer came up with that mess, did synder pay a blind man to make that. HORRIBLE...I know 5 guys who could have done a better job.



I went Blind

Please everyone fill this thread with posts of protest So we NEVER see this again

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I have an extremely hard time believing that a guy like Dan Snyder who grew up a huge fan of this team and who knows everything about this team's traditions would have a company slap these designs down on his desk and he would consider them as an option for more than .0000000000001 second. Honestly. I know the guy has done a lot of stupid things with this franchise and he pulls a lot of stunts to make money but seriously...he IS a big fan of the team, he DOES have a good sense of what the uniforms should look like, and he WOULD lose a lot of money producing horrendous eyesores such as those.

If we have any change at all I expect it to be a change to another classic style, or perhaps a very very slightly tweaked classic style. Not freaking black helmets and an ugly ass W logo with a spear. What idiotic company came up with this stuff? I mean it's possible that someone said okay company X make us 50 designs for classic jerseys or slight alterations of classic jerseys and company Y make us 50 designs of balls out crazy looking **** that is 100% different from anything we have ever had here.

Either way those jerseys are terrible and I expect I'll never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever see a redskins team play in them.

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From Gameplan Creative, the people who made this crap:

"In collaboration with the Washington Redskins, Gameplan Creative researched and proposed an extensive rebranding initiative for the NFL franchise. Based on input from the team and Redskins fans and outfitters, we developed an enhanced identity which included a new home and road uniform, an alternate 3rd uniform, updated and new secondary marks and a comprehensive brand adherence program. The goal was to stay true to the iconic brand while evolving the marks to a more modern and merchandise-friendly look and to create a standardized style guide for a consistant Redskins brand experience."
"Gameplan Creative recommended an evolution of the Redskins profile logo and updated the official wordmarks to improve legibility. To drive new merchandise sales Gameplan extended the identity by adding three secondary logos: a sleek spearhead mark (originally depicted on the 1965 team helmets); a “W” with spear lock-up as a secondary mark; and the official “R” coach's mark."
"Gameplan developed over 30 different uniform studies with the top 12 represented. The Redskins team helmet designs reflect the different uniform designs. In addition, Gameplan proposed an alternate Monday Night Special black uniform.

Click here to download a PDF of the uniform study."

"During our research, we identified multiple improper uses of the team’s current identity throughout the DC, Northern Virginia and Maryland marketplace. To prevent inconsistancy, we developed a comprehensive Washington Redskins online style guide to provide team licensees, broadcasting partners and sponsors a brand guidelines system. This style guide ensures that the Washington Redskins brand is always represented consistantly and that logos and colors are correct for all applications."

They must have been doing their research in crack houses or something.

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There was a thread on ES that had members design a new uniform and ALL of them were better than this.

What were they thinking, if this is a joke I'm going to be really pissed off. Jeez those things are ugly. I've already text a couple of Pictures to others and they hate it. One said, " A monkey on Crack using his **** could design a better layout".

I'd understand if they wanted to go in a different direction but to come up with this??? Why not put the wizards crappy logo on the helmets too.

I'm beyond hate with this, and I was going to get a new Orakpo jersey next season too, I wouldn't be caught dead in that.

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The W with the spear through it looks like something they'll go with if it ever came to being forced to change the Redskins name. Wasn't Washington Warriors banded about?

That is one of the reasons I don't like it.

It gives the impression that the Redskins are surrendering to PC thugs who whine about their name and logo.

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You all are so extreme man that is it becoming ridiculous.

These are concepts that may never see the light of day. As for this article, reactionary in every sense of the word.

Hence the name, Extremeskins. :D

No one is saying these are the team's new unis.

We are just commenting on what was designed.

You know, discussing it. That thing you do on a DISCUSSION board. :)

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You all are so extreme man that is it becoming ridiculous.

These are concepts that may never see the light of day. As for this article, reactionary in every sense of the word.

Well, they are ugly concepts Who

do you think this is a ploy for us to buy more uniforms, like the coca-cola company did with "new coke"? :silly:

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