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Why dont people use turn signals???


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I think it's a DC area thing. My wife gave me **** about that ever since we started dating (she's from Pittsburgh) and everyone here uses them. She noticed it a lot driving around dc that no one uses them, when we lived in the DC area.

I think the way you drive is influenced by where you grew up/learned to drive. I think that's why traffic in dc is so horrendous. You have transplants from all over the country, bringing their driving style with them and it doesn't mesh. An extreme example is driving in Rome, it looks chaotic to an outsider but there's an understanding between drivers there on how the roads operate.

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I use mine all the time and get annoyed when other people don't. Although often times I can tell when a car is going to turn or change lanes before they signal.

I think, especially in this area, many people don't signal lane changes because as soon as they do, the person behind them in the lane they want to get into speeds up to cut them off and not allow them to merge.

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I do that if I am turning right because when I got my right signal on my brake lights don't work. And I guess another reason why I don't signal lane changes is because you don't legally have to.

What planet do you live on? I get that it's a state regulation, but I can't imagine any state not having a requirement to signal a turn. In NJ, I know that it's stated specifically in Title 39.

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One of my biggest pet peeves. It takes no effort to use a turn signal. Makes everyone a better and more aware driver as well. And no, it doesn't count if you throw it on as you are turning. Sometimes I want to get a job as a cop and only bust people for this and driving slow (not passing) in the left lane. I'd give out 100 tickets a day.

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I hate when people also don't use their hazards properly too

Today I was driving, I look check my rareview, next thing I know I quickly came up on this car that had to be going 15 in a 45. It shocked me I came up on it so closely and had to quickly get around it. If the person would of had their hazards on, as I am inferring something was wrong with the car, I almost wouldnt of rare-ended them as I would of saw it before i checked my mirrors.

Plus it was illegal how slow they were going, and by law were suppose to have their hazards on.

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I checked all of the time but that's not entirely true. I'm a delivery driver while I'm in school so I'm out driving exponentially more than most people. Every now and then (literally like once or twice a month at most) for some reason I don't use my turn signal. I don't know why. Just to do something different? To be a rebel? Because I'm lazy? Whatever it is, I honestly can say that I physically feel weird inside when I don't. I imagine it's some sort of OCD or it's at least the same kind of feeling people with OCD get.

But yeah, people not using turn signals can be extremelly annoying at times but it's waaaaaay down on my list of annoying crap that other drivers do. I'll tell you what's really been pissing me off lately. When people are making a turn, from a turn lane, and step on their brakes 40 feet away from the turn lane. Seriously, take your foot off the gas and cruise into the turn lane and then step on your brake. It's not that complicated and it doesn't turn everything behind you into a cluster****.

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Is it wrong for me to think it's nobody's ****ing business where I'm going?:evilg:

I look at it as I have been going this way for decades,****ers aught to know I turn there...ya'll want a signal for the sun rising too?:silly:

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