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Kidney stones- Holy Hell that hurt!


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I woke up about midnight thinking I had to go to the bathroom. But I didn't...then I couldn't go back to sleep and my back started hurting really bad. Then my gut started hurting and I thought for a fe minutes I might have ruptured my appendix.

I was in so much pain that I was doubled over crying, thinking what the hell is going on. I woke the gf so she could take me to the ER. After describing where the pain was, she says that I probably had a kidney stone. I made my way to the computer, looked up the symptons and sure enough- I fit the bill.

Over the next hour or so I drank as much water as I could and the damn thing finally came out. How the hell does something so small create so much pain? I've never had kids, but someone said its about the same pain level.

I'm one of the lucky ones who had a small stone (pebble size) and passed it quickly. Weird part is, I do drink a lot of water. Then I realized that with all that went on with my dad last week, I hadn't drank any water- and really wasn't eating very well. I was drinking lots of diet soda and coffee.

Anyway, I have an appointment for next week at a urolgist who will test the stone and also check to see if I'm developing more. I hear this is way more common in men than women, and I feel for any of you that might go through this. My knee surgery didn't hurt that bad.

So drink lots of water guys, trust me- you really don't ever want to experience this.

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Glad you got through it, ljs. Definitely puts pain in a new frame of reference.

I was in the field in the Army when I had mine. Took them about 6 hours to figure out what it was and give me some Demirol. I saved the Percoset they gave me for years in case I had another one. No way I wait until an ER doc takes his sweet ass time to diagnose it before I take some heavy pain meds.

It's made me a water drinking fool though, that's for sure.

Here's hoping neither of us have another :cheers:

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Wait a sec -- you guys are talking like a woman's urethra is somehow bigger than a man's. I don't believe that's the case.

EDIT: It is quite a bit shorter, though -- so I suppose that might make a difference. 4 inches vs. 10 inches would make a world of difference when passing the stone, I suppose. :silly:

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Imagine trying to push a golf ball though a flexible straw with tons of nerves attached.

yeah, I feel pretty lucky after researching it a bit more- could have been a lot worse. Not to mention if I was a guy- can't imagine.

I'm nervous though that there may be another one waiting to "drop", lol.

One of my employees went through this last year, but she couldn't get hers to pass. It took a week or so.

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good lord that sounds painful. wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. I'll keep drinking my 2-4 nalgen bottles of water a day.

Also watch your diet. I am a pretty good water drinker and still produce stones. Unfortunately, there is also a component you cannot control. My body doesn't produce enough citrate, which helps prevent stones.

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Also watch your diet. I am a pretty good water drinker and still produce stones. Unfortunately, there is also a component you cannot control. My body doesn't produce enough citrate, which helps prevent stones.

That's something that I have not paid enough attention to recently in regards to kidney stones.

If I recall correctly calcium and uric acid are main culprits.

The thing I remember the urologist telling me most vividly was the devastating effect any form of dehydration can have on someone that is prone to kidney stones. At the time, I was in the Army, and was probably often times suffering from a mild form of dehydration. I just didn't drink enough water.

Since then, I have remedied the situation. Now, I constantly have water on hand.

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Wait a sec -- you guys are talking like a woman's urethra is somehow bigger than a man's. I don't believe that's the case.

EDIT: It is quite a bit shorter, though -- so I suppose that might make a difference. 4 inches vs. 10 inches would make a world of difference when passing the stone, I suppose. :silly:

10 inches? ..... you are not giving me enough credit.... :adoration

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That's something that I have not paid enough attention to recently in regards to kidney stones.

If I recall correctly calcium and uric acid are main culprits.

The thing I remember the urologist telling me most vividly was the devastating effect any form of dehydration can have on someone that is prone to kidney stones. At the time, I was in the Army, and was probably often times suffering from a mild form of dehydration. I just didn't drink enough water.

Since then, I have remedied the situation. Now, I constantly have water on hand.

Yep...dehydration is a major component. You're correct that stones can be made of calcium or uric acid, however that's a little misleading. The key thing to be cautious of in your diet is sodium.

I was told that my diet alone was OK, if not for the fact that my body didn't produce enough citrate. So now I'm on supplements for that and have to watch my sodium intake (as well as stay hydrated). Fun times getting old!

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Over the next hour or so I drank as much water as I could and the damn thing finally came out. How the hell does something so small create so much pain? I've never had kids, but someone said its about the same pain level.

I'm one of the lucky ones who had a small stone (pebble size) and passed it quickly. Weird part is, I do drink a lot of water. Then I realized that with all that went on with my dad last week, I hadn't drank any water- and really wasn't eating very well. I was drinking lots of diet soda and coffee.

I'm not a doctor, but I doubt kidney stones can develop after just a week.

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I'm not a doctor, but I doubt kidney stones can develop after just a week.

other than the past 7-10 days of no water- I drink 3-4 or more glasses of water per day. I also drink orange juice, eat grapefruits about 1-2 times a week and use lemon on a lot of meals. Now I'm wondering what more I could do. Either way, I have an appointment to have it tested and get any more information that will help.

ljs I was in pain just reading your post. I hope you don't have to go through that again!!

Thanks! Me too- I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

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I had one occur, while I was at work.

I had no idea what was happening, but I was in so much pain, my supervisor saw that my face was turning blue, and I had an ambulance take me from work to the hospital, so fortunately I didn't have to wait in the ER.

Never physically saw the thing pass, even tho I following my doctor's instructions to piss through a screen. But like someone said earlier, it doesn't take much size to cause pain through a man's plumbing. (expecting that to be taken out of context)

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I had them, I cannot describe the pain well enough to show how much it hurt. The ER Dr. said that a guy passing a stone is similar to the pain a women has when giving birth. Of course he did not say that most women are given drugs to dull the pain.

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I had them, I cannot describe the pain well enough to show how much it hurt. The ER Dr. said that a guy passing a stone is similar to the pain a women has when giving birth. Of course he did not say that most women are given drugs to dull the pain.

And women have more advance notice that they're giving birth, than a man does, when he's going to pass a kidney stone. So, men have no time to grab anything for the pain.

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