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Poll: Obama vs Bush - who is better at motivating our troops?


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Don't you think you should poll the troops on this? IE if you're not a member of the military you shouldn't respond?

As in any thing Obama will be better is some things and Bush would be better in others.

In this case.

Bush motivated the troops better (so far at least).

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I got to say about the same given what little data we have on Obama currently.

I think Bush scored some major points with the troops but Obama is a very good speaker and over the course of his 4 years could hopefully do some great things to inspire the troops.

Hopefully Obama will pay as much tribute to the troops as W did.

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I would think Bush would be better. Time will tell. I know a number of servicemen who were publicly very supportive of President Bush and privately in a lot of pain over what they perceived as incompetence and mismanagement. I talked to quite a few who said what they saw going on in Iraq was a giant CF (this was mainly back in 2003-5).

I think if things go well, they will become more and more receptive and enthusiastic, but if they fall apart they will find more reasons to dislike and tune out Obama. Kind of like the rest of us.

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based on my experience, Id have to say that the troops are pretty well self motivated or find motivation from their field commanders, not the Commander in Chief, regardless of how people would like to try to find a way to politicize and/or qunatify such things.

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The overwhelming majority of military men and women, particularly career military officers, lean to the right side of the political spectrum. So, at least on a superficial level, I would guess that Dubya would be more effective than Obama at motivating our troops.

That doesn't mean he is a better commander-in-chief. Dubya managed to screw things up royally in Iraq by employing the wrong strategies and trying to fight the war on the cheap. Abandoning the Weinberger/Powell doctrine in favor of the Rumsfeld doctrine worked out splendidly. That mismanagement cost us time, money, and lives.

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That doesn't mean he is a better commander-in-chief. Dubya managed to screw things up royally in Iraq by employing the wrong strategies and trying to fight the war on the cheap. Abandoning the Weinberger/Powell doctrine in favor of the Rumsfeld doctrine worked out splendidly. That mismanagement cost us time, money, and lives.

Superficial level:hysterical:

Well it's O's game now, you gonna blast him now for not employing the Weinberger/Powell doctrine?:silly:

Hopefully O will grow in the role he assumed in the years ahead,I don't hold much hope for many of his supporters doing so.

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That doesn't mean he is a better commander-in-chief. Dubya managed to screw things up royally in Iraq by employing the wrong strategies and trying to fight the war on the cheap. Abandoning the Weinberger/Powell doctrine in favor of the Rumsfeld doctrine worked out splendidly. That mismanagement cost us time, money, and lives.

Nice MMQBing... We took Baghdad in less than 3 days, captured Sadaam, and set up an Iraqi Government using that strategy. I wouldn't call it a complete waste. We lost less than 5k lives in doing all of that in over 4 years. Putting that in perspective (military history perspective), it's the most impressive feat ever.

There were mistakes, but it isn't the picture you paint.

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The overwhelming majority of military men and women, particularly career military officers, lean to the right side of the political spectrum. So, at least on a superficial level, I would guess that Dubya would be more effective than Obama at motivating our troops.

Yes, no different than fox news, wash times vs. Cnn / Wash Post.

Also, "W" spent more time talking in the positive vs. the sins of the past.

That doesn't mean he is a better commander-in-chief. Dubya managed to screw things up royally in Iraq by employing the wrong strategies and trying to fight the war on the cheap.

Wrong! it was the one of the most devastating war in the last 50 years when it came to efficiency and outright speed. It was the peace that cost us so much doing police duties. The Middle East was actually embarrassed for Iraq.

Abandoning the Weinberger/Powell doctrine in favor of the Rumsfeld doctrine worked out splendidly. That mismanagement cost us time, money, and lives.

I agree with this during the ramp up of the new Iraqi admin... And this is why i said we should either do 70k in Afghan or pull them out. Obama then repeated the mistakes from the past. Rumsfeld redux?

IF President Obama came out and said: Were sending in 100,000 troops, we will clean up the mess and we will turn it back over to Nato within 90 days of the Operations beginning.. We will then work with Nato to transition it correctly this time. That would have gotten a better cheer.

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The enemy provides plenty of motivation.

Politics is not the soldier's concern. The overwhelming majority of men i served with and have met and known outside of service fight for The United States, regardless of the leader. I have known soldiers who have been critical of presidents etc, but every one of them also would say in the same breath that they would go unflinchingly where they were ordered and fight as needed. In fact most of them were constantly eager to do so.


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