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8 in a row or we don't go


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.....and now the denial begins.

This is so damn sad.....The season is OVER people!!

...and alot of things will change after this 2-14 season

Hahahaha freakin morons. This will NEVER happen and if it does please send all ridicule my way.

The people who have no sense of humor never cease to amaze me.....:doh:

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I love the breakdown of how it will happen..."Oakland is eerily similar to the powerhouses Detroit..." -- too funny!!


I think we'll see a press release soon outlining the team's win v. the tough guys (and lose to the losers) strategy.

The best news about this is that unless we go up against the weakest team in paloffs, we should win the SB!!!


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I know I know, I have a better chance of being struck by lightning....6 times....in the same place....when I am inside....

I know our schedule is so much tougher the second half then it was the first.

I know our offense sucks to the point where it is almost unbearable to watch.

But I can't give up on this team, as much as I know the season is over, I still sit here thinking..."well I mean we won 5 in a row in 2005, and 4 in a row in 2007...5+4=9...hmmmm" :hysterical::hysterical:

I know its ridiculous, but im sticking with the team until we have eight losses, and I hope they do the same thing...

Eight in a row or we don't go!

(Don't bash me by how much this is not going to happen either because trust me I know that it won't, I am just simply stating that I am going to stick with them and dream the wildest dream of my life that this will happen.)

I can't give up until its REALLY statistically over...

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