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ModernWarfare2, Dragon Age, or other?


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I know I am the only person in the world, but I just wasn't impressed with Left 4 dead.

You gotta be ****ting me. Really? Wow.

I guess if you aren't a fan of slaying millions of zombies through deep maps with your friends for hours, than yea you wouldn't be impressed. ;)

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You gotta be ****ting me. Really? Wow.

I guess if you aren't a fan of slaying millions of zombies through deep maps with your friends for hours, than yea you wouldn't be impressed. ;)

I know I've been told that time and time again but it just wasn't my cup of tea.

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I'm debating myself on this so far too. Borderlands or MW2 are up there on my list. As is Assassins Creed 2. I've changed my mind about MW2 and Dragon Age. I didn't want MW2 and I thought DA would be good, but so far after reading reviews my views on them have flip flopped.

I might trade in some games and get two. With the games I have I can probably get one of the two games for like $20. :)

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I'm getting both. Love everything Bioware does including Baldur's gate series and Neverwinter Nights so Dragon Age will be right up my alley. Man A month and half brought us Demons Souls, Uncharted 2, Dragon Age, MW2. Thats lots of gaming to do and can't freaking play them all at the same time.

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I really want Ratchet and Clank Future: a Crack in Time

I just bought the previous one Tools of Destruction and damn it is awesome. If you really wanna play a GREAT platformer, def get Ratchet and Clank. The weapons and upgradeables are epic and the story is deeeeeep. I've already played for about 12 hrs and it doesn't even seem close to ending.

My next games will be....


Ratchet and Clank: Crack in Time


Xbox 360

Left 4 Dead II

MW 2

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only get DA if you are into world of warcraft or other rpg games or you will be disappointed. It is the next level of super nerdom, with a book out already with the backstory. the uber geek who sits next to me at work already has the book and is working on gameplay strategy.

killing people over & over again online in MW2 might sound boring, but your attitude will change after playing, mine did. online play for MW is more addictive than a crack & heroin sandwich.

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I bought Modern Warfare 2 last night, from GameStop. For 12 bucks! And I walked out of the store with the game! So awesome.

I played it for a while. It's awesome. If I weren't watching the ****ing Redskins, I'd probably be playing. I definitely suggest you pick it up. Graphics are awesome, the levels are just insanely well done. I love it.

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