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Was I right or just a jerk during the MNF Eagles game

Ned Flanders

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Am I an ******* for doing this? I have 6 seats on section 402, and I was only occupying 4 because 2 other people I was with snuck down closer to the field. So that left two empty seats. Well sitting next to those two were a skins fan with a philly fan - they had someone join them, and they moved into my empty seats. I didn't realize it for about 5 minutes, but once I did, I looked at the philly fan and said "Since you are a philly fan you can't sit in my seat!" He looked at me like I was crazy, so I pulled out the ticket stub with the seat number he was sitting in. He moved, and then his skins buddy stayed. I then looked at the skins fan, and told him, "Since you brought an eagles fan with you to the game, you can't sit in my seats either" and made him move. My wife thought it was funny, but someone sitting behind me said it wasn't cool, which I disagreed with. Your thoughts?

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I kind of don't blame you, but not for the reasons you gave them.

It's so irritating the way people try to grab seats that aren't theirs. Monday night was the first game I attended this year, and every time my brother or I would get up to get a beer or hit the men's room, some *** **** would immediately grab his or my seat, as if we're in a cafeteria or something. I get sick of coming back to my seat and having to tell someone to get lost.

Sit in your own damn seats, people.

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I wouldn't have said anything, but I'm the calm type. It doesn't matter - the guy is going to find a seat anyway.

OTOH, you paid for the seat, so I'd say you have the right to make them move.


you're not a jerk, cause you didn't hit him, or curse him, or throw beer on him. you just told him he can't sit in the seat you paid for.

that beign said, at this point, not sure it was called for... i could see if the we were going for the division, and the stadium was packed... guess it doesn't really matter

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+1 to you, as stated before, we should make opposing team fans feal as uncomfortable as possible when they are in our house

my only problem with that is that he came with a redskins fan.

i've brought cowboys and steelers fans to the games, if their team is playing. just to let them see their team - since they never get to see their team.

either way, they're your seats, and people should sit in the seats they paid for (IMO)

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You had the right to do it, but were a jerk to do it imo. The only justification is that it's justified to be a jerk to Eagles fans. Which may be valid, but I wouldn't have done that. I'd rather sit next to an opposing fan and rub his face in victory (or suffer ignominy of defeat), then ban him from my area.

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I'll just put it this way. . . if you were in his stadium in filthy, just walking into the building with your own ticket that you paid for wearing anything that identified you with the skins would have either gotten you hit, or minimally beer poured on you. If it was a Bengals fan, or a Chiefs fan I think you might be making a bit of a bigger deal of it than I would have, but for a dispicable eagles fan, quite frankly, there's almost nothing you could have done that would have been as bad as what they'd have done to you in their stadium so good for you.

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You're not a jerk at all. Especially because if you were that guy and you were in Phili, MUCH worse would have happened to you. I'm the calm type too, but the guy behind you is a EDITED.

Much worse would only happen if you were being an instigator, just like at any other teams stadium.

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That is classic. I would have done the EXACT same thing. A few years ago I went to a Philly game at the Vet. I've never experienced anything like that in my life. Complete *********s. They are your tickets, so you can definitely have them move.

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