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Was I right or just a jerk during the MNF Eagles game

Ned Flanders

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Why does somebody need to sit in your seat? They bought a ticket, go sit in the one you paid for. Pisses me off. I hate it when somebody comes up and says "anybody sitting here?" What do you think this is, general admission? Hopefully the person who paid for the seat. Many times I have had extra tickets and no one to go, so what is wrong with having a little extra space? I paid for it.

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I attend about twenty Oriole games a year, and I'll admitt that I poach seats quite regularly. (When the O's come down and play the Nats each spring we attend all three games of the series, and this past year we paid for $10 seats and sat behind the visitor's dugout for each game.) I've never seen a problem with it, but if someone comes with a ticket for that seat you need to be gracious about it and move. That's why I generally don't start looking to upgrade until the third inning or so. I get the whole argument about someone paying to sit in that area and someone paying less and still getting to sit there, but are we really that petty of a society nowadays where this is such an issue? Again, if someone comes to sit there you need to leave without a comment. Ultimately, it seems to me that the team would rather have the seats closer to the field filled up regardless of how much someone paid.

There isn't too much of this going on at FedEx for the most part because the stadium's sold out. I did have on incident last season though; my seats are under cover in the 200 level. As some of you might remember, the last preseason game (against the Jags) was played in a driving rain storm. When we got up to our seats, there were two guys sitting in them. We very politely informed them that they were in our seats, and showed them our ticket stub. The one guy looked at me in a ticked off manner and tried to give me his ticket stub, all while saying that he was a dream seat holder and I was welcome to some better seats for that game. I told him no chance since it was raining. The guy actually had the nerve to tell me that it was ridiculous that he paid so much for primo seats and he was going to have to sit in the rain, while people that paid less would be under cover! I politely told him to "get the f___ out of my seats," or I'd call security. It amazed me that the guy thought that he should be entitled to sit where he wanted due to the weather. When you charge prices like Daniel Snyder, I guess you should expect to get elitist type of people in the stadium.

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I think that while they are your seats and you have the 'right' to ask them to move, you were being an ******* for doing that. If the guy w/the Iggles shirt wasn't being a jerk, I wouldn't care. Stuff like that is what I expect from Philly and NY fans, not Skins fans. We had a group of Eagles fans tailgate next to us on Monday night. We joked and had some good-natured ribbing, but nothing bad and we acutally liked hanging with them. We gave them some brats and shrimp and they gave us steaks and a great crab-dip.

The other part is the high-lighted part above. You certainly didn't have a problem with your buddies going to sit in someone else's seats. Don't be a hippocrite and have problems with someone doing it with yours.

I got the impression that he didn't necessarily have a problem with the guy sitting in his seats, but he took the opprotunity to harrass a visiting fan, along with a Skins fan that had the nerve to bring a visiting fan. Part of the problem is that we give these visiting fans the impression that they can have the run of the place, and they feel a sense of entitlement. This guy took a step towards telling them that they have no sense of entitlement, and we should be thanking him as opposed to telling him that he should stand above that. I hate that our fanbase thinks that we shouldn't harrass people rooting for the other team. Sure we shouldn't threaten them or anything, but if they're going to come to OUR STADIUM, they should have to hear how bad their team and their city sucks (regardless of what our record is or anything like that). If someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night and you have a means to defend yourself, do you sit there wondering what the act of you striking a burglar "says about our society" or anything like that? Hopefully not.

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The one guy looked at me in a ticked off manner and tried to give me his ticket stub, all while saying that he was a dream seat holder and I was welcome to some better seats for that game.

What a jack arse. He was right about you having the better seats though. I'd rather sit anywhere in the 200 level (unobstructed) than in the dream seats.

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Am I an ******* for doing this? I have 6 seats on section 402, and I was only occupying 4 because 2 other people I was with snuck down closer to the field. So that left two empty seats. Well sitting next to those two were a skins fan with a philly fan - they had someone join them, and they moved into my empty seats. I didn't realize it for about 5 minutes, but once I did, I looked at the philly fan and said "Since you are a philly fan you can't sit in my seat!" He looked at me like I was crazy, so I pulled out the ticket stub with the seat number he was sitting in. He moved, and then his skins buddy stayed. I then looked at the skins fan, and told him, "Since you brought an eagles fan with you to the game, you can't sit in my seats either" and made him move. My wife thought it was funny, but someone sitting behind me said it wasn't cool, which I disagreed with. Your thoughts?


that's great... (but you shoulda let the Skins guy sit there)

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What a jack arse. He was right about you having the better seats though. I'd rather sit anywhere in the 200 level (unobstructed) than in the dream seats.

My seats are obstructed view, but they're not bad at all. The pylon holding up the club level takes out the very back of the endzone, and I can see the rest of the field perfectly. For $30 they're great seats.

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Did you pay for them? Then no.

So you hate the family of four who plops down in the empty outfield bleachers for a few innings b/c their seats behind the dugout are cramped and difficult to get to?

How would you even know to hate someone for sitting in an empty row of seats in the corner of the 400 level at FedEx? Are you gonna go check their tickets to make sure tey're not supposed to be in the owners club level?

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I think that while they are your seats and you have the 'right' to ask them to move, you were being an ******* for doing that. If the guy w/the Iggles shirt wasn't being a jerk, I wouldn't care. Stuff like that is what I expect from Philly and NY fans, not Skins fans. We had a group of Eagles fans tailgate next to us on Monday night. We joked and had some good-natured ribbing, but nothing bad and we acutally liked hanging with them. We gave them some brats and shrimp and they gave us steaks and a great crab-dip.

The other part is the high-lighted part above. You certainly didn't have a problem with your buddies going to sit in someone else's seats. Don't be a hippocrite and have problems with someone doing it with yours.

I don't control what my friends do. I didn't pay for the seats they poached, and if they got caught in them, ultimately they pay the price. To call ME a hypocrite is atrocious. I followed the rules and get called a hypocrite - get real buddy.I did what I felt was necessary, and that was to **** on an opposing teams fans parade politely, and within the boundaries and rules.

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So you hate the family of four who plops down in the empty outfield bleachers for a few innings b/c their seats behind the dugout are cramped and difficult to get to?

How would you even know to hate someone for sitting in an empty row of seats in the corner of the 400 level at FedEx? Are you gonna go check their tickets to make sure tey're not supposed to be in the owners club level?

Most of the baseball games I attend are Sunday afternoons, so the sun can be very relevant in the stands. If you have young kids (or senior citizens for that matter) and your seats are in the sun, I see no problem moving to a shady area that's empty.

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Most of the baseball games I attend are Sunday afternoons, so the sun can be very relevant in the stands. If you have young kids (or senior citizens for that matter) and your seats are in the sun, I see no problem moving to a shady area that's empty.

That's easy to do at Nats Park. Not so easy at Wrigley or Fenway. I usually buy $5 seats at Nats park and have little trouble sitting in the vacant high rows of the lower level behind the dugouts. IMO those are the best seats in the house, especially on the third base side where you're always in the shade.

I was re-ing to sempre_victrix's broad statement that he HATES all seat squaters.

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I think you were well within your rights to do so. So not a jerk. :)

Some philthy fan was on the concourse telling someone how when he arrived at the tailgate section he was surprised how some Redskin fans & philthy fans were partying together. Was saying how in philthy you never see the two mingling together

i'm glad you protected your seats, make his gameday experience as miserable as possible.

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So you hate the family of four who plops down in the empty outfield bleachers for a few innings b/c their seats behind the dugout are cramped and difficult to get to?

How would you even know to hate someone for sitting in an empty row of seats in the corner of the 400 level at FedEx? Are you gonna go check their tickets to make sure tey're not supposed to be in the owners club level?

Do you think I sit in the stadium, studying the stands, trying to figure out who is not in the seat that they paid for so that I can spend the entire game hating on them?


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That's easy to do at Nats Park. Not so easy at Wrigley or Fenway. I usually buy $5 seats at Nats park and have little trouble sitting in the vacant high rows of the lower level behind the dugouts. IMO those are the best seats in the house, especially on the third base side where you're always in the shade.

I was re-ing to sempre_victrix's broad statement that he HATES all seat squaters.

That's exactly what I do. The third base side at Nationals Park is the best because it's shady, and it's easier to get to the Half St. exit. At Oriole Park I try to sit on the first base side, because again the exit is there, and there are a bunch of seats in the shade that are pretty close to the action.

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Do you think I sit in the stadium, studying the stands, trying to figure out who is not in the seat that they paid for so that I can spend the entire game hating on them? Really?

No I don't think that. ;)

But do you truly hate ALL seat squaters?

I doubt you do.

I'm just sayin that when nobody notices a squater, that squater probably doesn't matter.

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No I don't think that. ;)

But do you truly hate ALL seat squaters?

I doubt you do.

I'm just sayin that when nobody notices a squater, that squater probably doesn't matter.

I pretty much do. They come sit in seats that someone else paid for and then when the rightful owner shows up, it disrupts everything until it is sorted out and the squatters leave, usually crawling over me to go back to their seats. Sometimes, the drunk ones want to bicker with the usher or anyone else trying to see the game that they are blocking.

I cannot tell you how many times I've missed plays at Fed-Ex because the usher is either arguing with squatters or escorting them out, or the rightful owner is standing in the aisle telling the squatter to leave and the squatter offers some paltry defense about how they thought they were in the right seats, all the while knowing full well that their seats are no where near where they are sitting.

Just as bad are the people who come down the aisle and stand and watch the game, blocking everyone else's view. Once they understand that the people behind them yelling derisive things are talking to them, they squat down, in the aisle, to watch. They don't care about the people who's view is getting blocked. Then the usher has to run them off, further obstructing someone's view.

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There your seats, what you chose to do with them is right. Myself, I would have let both stay there, Philly fan or not, unless he was the obnoxious type of fan. If I had the chance to give someone a better view then they had, why not.

I'm row 25 in section 402 - I don't think they were getting a better view!

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